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姓名 胡昱婕(Yu-Chieh, Hu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
論文名稱 電傳勞動者的工作與生活平衡—— COVID-19疫情期間之研究
(Work-Life Balance for Teleworkers: A Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic)
★ ESG與可持續性人力資源管理的發展與實踐 -我國上市櫃電子公司個案為研究對象
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摘要(中) 2020年新冠肺炎疫情在全球肆虐,標竿企業們也因應疫情推動電傳勞動,不同於以往的工作模式,「工作與生活平衡(Work-Life Balance)」重新受到社會關注,然在過去的文獻中甚少談及重大災難、電傳勞動及工作與生活平衡之間的關係,因此本研究將探討在疫情期間,關於電傳勞動者的工作與生活平衡措施。
本論文呈現三個面向的研究結果,一、企業組織資源豐富性較高者,電傳勞動之實施之接受性較高; 二、電傳勞動之實施會導致傳統人際關係之解構與重建; 三、彈性工作之安排將相對帶來工作與生活平衡之契機。
摘要(英) In 2020, the COVID-19 epidemic is raging around the world, and benchmarking companies have also promoted telework in response to the epidemic. However, the relationship between major disasters, telework and work-life balance has rarely been discussed in the past literature. The study will explore work-life balance measures for teleworkers during the pandemic.
Through case studies and semi-structured interviews, this research explores the factors, positive characteristics and obstacles that affect the implementation of telework in enterprises from different perspectives and adaptability of generations. Analyze the impact of the positive characteristics of teleworkers on work-life balance, and examine the possible impact of the obstacles of teleworkers on work-life balance.
The results shows on three aspect: First, the relatively resource-rich enterprise organization has a higher acceptance of the implementation of teleworkers; Second, the implementation of teleworkers will lead to the deconstruction and reconstruction of traditional interpersonal relationships; Third, flexible work arrangements will relatively bring opportunities for work-life balance.
Companies with resource-rich enterprise organizations have experience in telework in response to business needs in the past. Therefore, compared with companies that implemented telework for the first time due to the impact of the epidemic, large enterprises are more adaptable to telework.
In addition, the implementation of telework has changed the traditional mode of human interaction, a phenomenon that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual communication makes young generation employees feel lonely, and the trust relationship between supervisors and employees is also challenged. The general relationship of "netizens" makes teleworkers have to communicate more actively and obtain emotional support through different modes such as phone calls and video activities to seek a balance. Finally, telework represents for teleworkers the autonomy of expanding work, a more comfortable working environment, and a work model that can take into account the family, all of which could not be presented in the past work environment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, companies and employees will no longer be unfamiliar with telework. Therefore, telework may bring flexibility to work arrangements and create new opportunities for work-life balance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 工作與生活平衡
★ 新冠肺炎
★ 電傳勞動
★ Z世代
關鍵字(英) ★ Work-life balance
★ COVID-19
★ Telework
★ Generation Z
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 2
第三節、研究問題 2
第四節、名詞釋義 3

第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節、電傳勞動的實施 4
壹、電傳勞動之概念發展 4
貳、電傳勞動之實施要素 6
參、電傳勞動之正向特性與阻礙 9

第二節、電傳勞動的正向特性與工作生活平衡 11
壹、企業組織管理視角 11
貳、電傳勞動者視角 12

第三節、電傳勞動的阻礙與工作生活平衡 14
壹、工作與生活平衡之理論取向 14
貳、工作與生活平衡的實施 16
參、電傳勞動的阻礙對工作生活平衡的影響 18

第四節、歸納與探討 20
壹、企業組織資源豐富性對電傳勞動實施之影響 20
貳、彈性的工作安排帶來工作生活平衡面向的影響 21
參、人際關係維繫與建立困難對工作生活平衡之影響 21

第三章 研究方法 23
第一節、研究方法與對象 23
第二節、研究流程 26
第三節、研究限制 29
第四節、研究倫理 30

第四章 研究結果與討論 31
第一節、個案企業電傳勞動之實施規劃 31
壹、實施契機 31
貳、設備提供與組織支持 32
參、管理機制 34
肆、存續思維 39

第二節、Z世代個案從事電傳勞動之正向特性與平衡需求 43
壹、疫情期間電傳勞動之正向特性需求 43
貳、工作與生活平衡需求 47

第三節、個案企業實施電傳勞動之阻礙 52
壹、企業組織視角之阻礙 52
貳、電傳勞動者視角之阻礙 56

第四節、歸納與探討 68
壹、檢視個案企業電傳勞動之實施規劃 68
貳、Z世代個案從事電傳勞動之正向特性需求與工作生活平衡 69
參、個案企業實施電傳勞動之阻礙與工作生活平衡 70

第五章 結論與建議 73
第一節、結論 73
第二節、建議 74
參考文獻 77
附錄一、受僱者訪談大綱 86
附錄二、企業主管訪談大綱 87
參考文獻 壹、中文部分
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指導教授 潘世偉 林文政 審核日期 2022-6-17
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