博碩士論文 108322008 詳細資訊

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姓名 林宜泓(Yi-Hong Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 含變頻滑動支承不等高橋墩橋梁之最佳化設計
★ 隔震橋梁含防落裝置與阻尼器之非線性動力反應分析研究★ 橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 應用位移設計法於雙層隔震橋之研究★ 具坡度橋面橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 橋梁極限破壞分析與耐震性能研究★ 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承之隔震橋梁研究
★ 橋梁含多重防落裝置之極限狀態動力分析★ 強震中橋梁極限破壞三維分析
★ 隔震橋梁之最佳化結構控制★ 跨越斷層橋梁之極限動力分析
★ 塑鉸極限破壞數值模型開發★ 橋梁直接基礎搖擺之極限分析
★ 考量斷層錯動與塑鉸破壞之橋梁極限分析★ Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse
★ 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究★ Numerical Simulation of Bridges with Inclined
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摘要(中) 多項式摩擦單擺支承(Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator,PFPI) 為具變頻特性之新型摩擦單擺支承,相對於傳統滑動隔震支承,可預防近斷層震波產生的低頻共振現象。PFPI的曲面函數為六次方多項式,經由多項式參數設計,可使支承具變頻之隔震效果。支承位移不大時,可利用回復勁度遞減之軟化段減緩結構加速度反應,當位移過大時,再藉由回復勁度遞增之硬化段減低位移反應,過去研究已證實PFPI可發揮變頻特性防止低頻共振現象,於近域與遠域震波皆發揮良好隔震效果。
摘要(英) Polynomial Friction Pendulum Isolator is a new type of friction pendulum isolator with variable frequency characteristics. The feature can prevent low-frequency resonance from near-fault seismic waves. The function of PFPI is a hexagonal polynomial. By the design of the design of polynomial parameters, the bearing can have the vibration isolation effect of variable frequency. When the bearing displacement is small, isolator can reduce the acceleration of structure by the softening section which decreases restoring stiffness. When the bearing displacement is large, isolator can reduce the displacement of structure by the hardening section which increases restoring stiffness .The previous research has proved that PFPI can exert variable frequency characteristics to prevent low-frequency resonance, and it will have good effect of isolation.
The target bridges discussed in previous studies are all regular bridges with the same height of piers. However, isolated bridges with unequal height piers, the stiffness has big difference. PFPI needs to design different combination of parameters to reach the best isolation effect. Moreover, previous research only considers the axial and vertical directions dynamic analysis. In this study, we discuss not only axial and vertical directions but also side and vertical directions dynamic responses, which are significantly different from the axial response behavior. In this study, we use the PSO-SA hybrid search algorithm to search for the best support parameters of PFPI for bridges which have unequal height piers in different seismic waves. In addition, by restricting PFPI parameters ,we get reasonable parameters of PFPI, and improve the search efficiency caused by restriction. Finally, through observing the relationship between the weight ratio of each target and the response of the structure in the PSO-SA multi-objective function, the optimal parameters under the appropriate weight are selected as the reference for designing the structure. From the search results, it can be seen that the structural dynamic reponses can meet the objective function set in PSO-SA.
關鍵字(中) ★ 變曲率隔震支承
★ 變頻式隔震支承
★ 摩擦單擺支承
★ 不等高橋墩橋梁
★ PSO-SA混合式搜尋法
關鍵字(英) ★ variable-curvature seismic isolator
★ various frequencies seismic isolator
★ friction pendulum isolator
★ bridge with unequal height piers
★ PSO-SA hybrid search algorithm
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1 近遠域震波特性 2
1.2.2 變曲率摩擦單擺支承 3
1.2.3 新隱式非線性動力有限元素法 4
1.3 研究內容 4
第二章 多項式摩擦單擺支承 6
2.1 支承力學行為 6
2.2 多項式摩擦單擺之曲面函數與特性 7
2.3 瞬時隔震頻率 10
第三章 新隱式非線性結構動力分析方法 14
3.1 隱式非線性運動方程式 15
3.2 隱式直接積分法 17
3.2.1 Newmark直接積分法 17
3.2.2 Bathe複合積分法 18
3.3 Timoshenko梁元素 20
3.4 滑動支承元素 22
3.4.1 黏滯狀態 22
3.4.2 滑動狀態 24
3.4.3 分離狀態 28
第四章 PFPI最佳參數搜尋與分析結果探討 32
4.1 PSO-SA混合式搜尋法 32
4.1.1 粒子群演算法 32
4.1.2 模擬退火法 34
4.2 目標橋梁及分析震波 37
4.3 PFPI最佳參數搜尋之參數設定 38
4.4 支承最佳參數目標函數訂定 39
4.4.1 受橋軸向(東西向)及垂直向地震力 39
4.4.2 受垂直橋軸向(南北向)及垂直向地震力 42
4.5 最佳參數搜尋結果與探討 43
4.5.1 受橋軸向(東西向)地震力 43
4.5.2 受垂直橋軸向(南北向)及垂直向地震力 45
4.6 最佳化PFPI與FPS之性能比較 46
4.6.1 FPS之理論與設計參數 46
4.6.2 受橋軸向地震力之最佳化PFPI與FPS性能比較 47
4.6.3 受垂直橋軸向地震力之最佳化PFPI與FPS性能比較 47
4.6.4 受三向地震力之最佳化PFPI與FPS性能比較 47
第五章 最佳化曲盤之應用 120
5.1 抗拉拔裝置設計 120
5.1.1 可拉伸開孔彈簧元素 (Hook Spring) 120
5.1.2 抗拉拔裝置設計參數 120
5.2 目標橋梁增設抗拉拔裝置分析結果與討論 122
第六章 結論與建議 129
6.1 結論 129
6.2 未來研究方向 130
參考文獻 131
附錄 A 136
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指導教授 李姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lee) 審核日期 2022-1-25
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