博碩士論文 108322046 詳細資訊

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姓名 張書維(Shu-Wei Zhang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 低矮建築物使用微型樁基礎之抗液化效果-離心模型試驗
★ 土壤液化評估模式之不確定性★ 廣域山崩之統計與最佳化分析-以莫拉克風災小林村鄰近地區為例
★ 砂土中模型基樁之單向反覆軸向載重試驗★ 邊坡穩定分析方法之不確定性
★ 不同試驗方法對黏土壓縮與壓密性質之影響★ 台北盆地黏性土壤不排水剪力強度之研究
★ 土壤液化引致地盤永久位移之研究★ 台北盆地地盤放大特性之研究
★ 水力回填煤灰之動態特性★ 全機率土壤液化分析法
★ 黏土壓縮與壓密行為之研究★ 集集地震液化土之穩態強度
★ 現地土壤之液化強度與震陷特性★ 地震規模修正因子之探討
★ 鯉魚潭水庫大壩受震反應分析★ 全機率土壤液化評估法之研究
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摘要(中) 本研究使用動態離心機模型試驗模擬五層樓建築物在基腳板設置微型樁基礎之抗
液化耐震行為。模擬地盤厚20m,淺層5m 為液化土層,以下為較緊密之非液化砂土層
(Dr = 80 or 95%)或混和土層。小口徑樁直徑為33cm,貫入非液化土層深度分別為樁徑之
在觀測到土層的主頻為2.0 ~ 2.4 Hz且微型樁基礎的主頻為1.0 ~1.2 Hz狀況下試驗結
摘要(英) The objective of this research is to use small size pile (micro pile) to reduce settlement and
tilt of building in liquefiable soils. Dynamic centrifuge tests were used to simulate the
liquefaction mitigation and seismic behavior of a five-story building with footing supported by
micro-piles. The model ground is 20m thick, the shallow 5m is liquefied sand layer, and the
beneath is dense non-liquefied sand layer or mix layer. The diameter of the micro-piles is 33cm,
and the penetration depth into the non-liquefied soil layer is 2, 6 and 10 times of the micro-pile
diameter, to explore the influence of the different relative density of non-liquefied sand layer,
mix layer and penetration depth. The weigth and footing dimension of the five-story building
are designed in accordance with the common sigle five-story RC department in Taiwan.
The results show that the domain frequency of the ground is 2.0 ~ 2.4Hz and the domain
frequency of building with micro-pile structure is 1.0 ~ 1.2Hz. The tests results show that the
dissipation of excess pore water pressure in the soil layer is from building to free field and from
deep to surface of the soil layer. The test results show that the micro-piles and increase the
penetration depth has the obvious effect of restraining the settlement and the inclination of the
building after the earthquake. During the vibration, it was observed that the axial-force
instrumented piles had symmetrical reverse axial force waveform, and the lateral instrumented
piles had similar and in phase bending moment wave forms. Because the settlement of the
building less than settlement of the soil layer, the negative friction force were accumulated on
the micro-pile. But after vibration, with the dissipation of the excess pore water pressure, the
negative friction on the micro-pile will recover and re-provide bearing capacity of the building.
When the shallow soil liquefies, axial force and moment increases in the deeper part of the
micro-piles, the shallow soil loses liquefaction and the load is transferred to the deep soil.
Key word: small size pile, dynamic centrifuge test, soil liquefaction, low-rese building
關鍵字(中) ★ 微型樁
★ 離心機動態試驗
★ 土壤液化
★ 低矮建築物
關鍵字(英) ★ small size pile
★ dynamic centrifuge test
★ soil liquefaction
★ low-rise building
論文目次 摘要......................................................................................................................vi
第一章 緒論......................................................................................................... 1
1-1 研究動機與目的..................................................................................... 1
1-2 研究方法................................................................................................. 2
1-3 論文架構................................................................................................. 2
第二章 文獻回顧................................................................................................. 3
2-1 土壤液化................................................................................................. 3
2-2 離心機模型原理..................................................................................... 5
2-2-1 離心模型之基本相似律 .............................................................. 6
2-2-2 動態離心機之基本相似律 .......................................................... 6
2-3 試驗用孔隙流體................................................................................... 10
2-4 液化地盤建築物相關研究................................................................... 12
2-4-1 土層相對密度與滲透性對液化地盤之影響............................ 12x
2-4-2 樁基礎建築物之循環加載與震動台試驗................................ 13
第三章 試驗方法、設備與步驟....................................................................... 19
3-1 試驗方法............................................................................................... 19
3-2 試驗土壤與基本性質........................................................................... 19
3-3 試驗設備與相關儀器........................................................................... 23
3-3-1 中央大學地工離心機 ................................................................ 23
3-3-2 中央大學離心震動台與資料擷取系統 .................................... 25
3-3-3 積層板試驗箱(Laminar box)與橡皮膜..................................... 30
3-3-4 五層樓建築物與微型樁基礎模型 ............................................ 32
3-3-5 各式感測器 ................................................................................ 35
3-3-6 大型移動式霣降儀 .................................................................... 39
3-4 試驗準備步驟與流程........................................................................... 41
3-4-1 橡皮模製作 ................................................................................ 41
3-4-2 積層板試驗箱組裝 .................................................................... 43
3-4-3 微型樁樁身應變計之黏貼與製作 ............................................ 44
3-4-4 小口徑基樁之校正試驗與防水 ................................................ 46
3-4-5 重模試體製作 ............................................................................ 49
3-4-5 土壤試體飽和 ............................................................................ 52
3-4-6 離心模型試驗前準備與震動試驗 ............................................ 54xi
第四章 試驗結果與分析................................................................................... 56
4-1 試驗規劃與內容................................................................................... 56
4-2 試驗結果分析與討論........................................................................... 65
4-3 各試驗升 g 過程之分析與討論 .......................................................... 66
4-3-1 升 g 過程之土層變化 ................................................................ 66
4-3-2 升 g 過程之建築物旋轉角 ........................................................ 68
4-3-3 升 g 過程建築物與土層之沉陷量 ............................................ 69
4-3-4 升 g 過程之總應力變化 ............................................................ 72
4-4 加速度歷時比較................................................................................... 74
4-4-1 土層加速度歷時衰減行為與突波訊號 .................................... 76
4-4-2 建築物高程與土層深度對加速度歷時之影響...................... 120
4-4-3 建築物與土層的頻率特性 ...................................................... 135
4-5 超額孔隙水壓比較............................................................................. 152
4-5-1 輸入不同震動波形與強度之超額孔隙水壓歷時.................. 154
4-5-2 輸入不同震動波形與強度之超額孔隙水壓比與加速度歷時
............................................................................................................. 195
4-6 建築物與自由土層之沉陷量比較 .................................................... 244
4-6-1 建築物與自由土層之沉陷量歷時與殘餘沉陷量.................. 244
4-6-2 建築物受震後之傾倒行為 ...................................................... 258
4-7 建築物下方之總應力歷時................................................................. 267xii
4-8 小口徑基樁基礎樁身之軸力與彎矩行為 ........................................ 275
4-8-1 小口徑基樁樁身彎矩歷時 ...................................................... 275
4-8-2 小口徑基樁樁身軸力歷時 ...................................................... 317
4-9 試驗之全過程歷時............................................................................. 396
4-9-1 全過程之水壓計歷時 .............................................................. 396
4-9-2 全過程之沉陷歷時 .................................................................. 440
4-9-3 全過程之微型樁基礎樁身軸力歷時 ...................................... 470
第五章 結論..................................................................................................... 508
參考文獻........................................................................................................... 510
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