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姓名 林沅蓁(Yuan-Chen Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
論文名稱 鄰近行銷於關係發展之應用: 基於藍芽鄰近信標動態引導至顧客關係策略的接受度
(The application of contemporary proximity marketing in relationship development: A dynamic mechanism that leads to the receptiveness of proximity BBT-based relationship programs)
★ The Relationship between Team Identification, Perceived Congruence, and Sponsor Credibility on Sports Team Sponsor’s Brand Equity in a Cross-Country Context★ 行銷通路策略全球在地化的實例探討
★ 跨國間買家與賣家交換關係之「合夥行為」前置因素的研究★ The Use of Influence Strategies in Marketing Channel Relationships: A Meta-Analytic Review and Assessment of the Antecedents and Outcomes
★ An Empirical Investigation of the Antecedents and the Consequence of Consumers’ Perceived Social Media Advertising Value in Southeast Asian Transitional Economies★ 消費者包裝中的負面情緒:宗教,個人規範和 唯物主義的作用
★ 虛擬社群與虛擬經驗、網路練達性、產品知識與產品資訊搜尋成本對消費者認知風險影響之研究—以電腦遊戲軟體為例★ 上游供應商網站經營模式對通路權力來源及通路氣候影響之研究
★ 影響不同產業間企業導入電子商務後經營績效之因素探討★ 外銷通路衝突管理之探討~以快速開發國家台灣為例~
★ 資訊品質、關係行銷、與安全性對電子商務績效之影響-以企業與顧客雙觀點比較之實證研究★ 通路流透過網際網路執行的探討--從消費者的角度觀之
★ 國家形象對品牌權益影響之研究★ 組織學習、核心能力與EC導入動機對於企業導入EC後之經營績效的影響
★ 品牌權益、品牌聲譽一致性、品牌互補性、以及品牌來源國對品牌聯盟成效之影響★ 體驗行銷:模型發展與實務驗証
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摘要(中) 作為2013年的一項創新技術,鄰近信標以藍牙技術為技術背景將信息及時化、精準式的傳輸到附近的移動設備,為消費者提供了全新的零售體驗,並為零售商和營銷商增加推廣的機會與管道。然而由於對消費者認知、評價和接受行為的理解不足,這一技術應用並沒有如預期的那樣起飛。本研究運用公平理論與理性行為理論,研究了使用鄰近藍牙信標技術平台時伴隨的種種情況下如何影響客戶隱私顧慮的機制,並進行實地研究以檢查提出的假設。數據於台灣台北收集,實證結果顯示了創新安全,感知風險,以及節儉對個人資訊隱私擔憂的影響,從而導致消費者對關係計劃的接受度。除此之外,這些發現還證實了社會臨場感的調節影響。因此,這項研究不僅通過合併現有的理論基礎提出了一個有效的研究框架,還為新的鄰近藍牙信標技術的採用制定了一套行銷指引策略。
摘要(英) In recent years, Bluetooth Beacon Technology (BBT) which enables customer location identification has emerged and been applied for proximity marketing purposes to deliver relationship programs and improve personalized shopping experience. Unfortunately, due to insufficient understanding of consumer cognition, evaluation and receptiveness behavior, this process does not take off as expected. By drawing mainly on the equity theory and the theory of reasoned action, this research proposes a three-level framework to investigate the driving forces and underlying process behind the receptiveness of relationship programs though the proximity BBT-based platform. Quota sampling is used and data are collected in Taipei, Taiwan, specifically in a department store and Taipei Metro stations. The findings concluded support the hindering and driving roles of privacy concerns and social presence, respectively, in explaining variations in consumer receptiveness toward relationship programs. Additionally, innovation security, which contains perceived risk and technology anxiety, as well as frugality are confirmed as contributing factors to the growth in privacy concerns. Moreover, social presence is proved to moderate the effect of innovation security on privacy concerns.
關鍵字(中) ★ 鄰近行銷
★ 關係行銷
★ 藍牙信標技術
★ 隱私問題
★ 社會臨場感
★ 節儉
關鍵字(英) ★ Proximity marketing
★ Relationship marketing
★ Beacon
★ Privacy concerns
★ Social presence
★ Frugality
論文目次 Table of Contents
摘 要-i
List of Figures-vi
List of Tables-vi
1. Introduction-1
2. Literature review-12
2.1.1. Proximity marketing-12
2.1.2. Proximity BBT system-13
2.1.3. Relationship marketing and Relationship program receptiveness (RPR)-15
2.2. Theoretical background-17
2.3. Hypothesis development and conceptual framework-23
2.3.1 The precursors of relationship programs receptiveness-23
2.3.2. Precursors of privacy concerns-28
2.4. Mediating effects-35
2.5. Moderating effects-37
3. Methodology-41
3.1 Measurement scales-41
3.2 Research setting-42
3.3 Data collection-43
4. Data analysis-46
4.1 Accuracy analysis-47
4.2. Common method bias-52
4.3 Model fit testing and hypothesis testing-55
5. Conclusion and discussions-59
5.1. Theoretical implications-61
5.2. Managerial implications-64
5.3. Future research-67
Appendix A-96
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指導教授 鄭明松(Julian Ming-Sung Cheng) 審核日期 2022-1-22
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