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姓名 盧昱維(Yu-Wei Lu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光機電工程研究所
論文名稱 使用快速觀測器的SDRE控制方案應用在電動車的馬達驅動系統
(Fast Observer-Based SDRE Controller for Motor Drive System in Electric Vehicles)
★ 使用快速狀態相關微分Riccati方程方案的衝擊角導引★ 永磁同步馬達的實時硬體控制平台,使用基於觀測器之SDRE控制策略
★ 財經系統與控制: 資本資產定價模型的明確最佳化★ 使用狀態相關Riccati方程式控制器設計實現雙輪機器人
★ 基於快速狀態相關微分形式黎卡迪方程式導控策略對於機動目標的攔截於預先規畫之方向
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摘要(中) 本論文利用一個新穎的控制手法state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE),透過提出了一個有效保證基於SDRE控制手法的初步適用性問題的理論分析框架,並實現在一套permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM)驅動控制系統上再對所關心的議題加以進行探討。從研究結果得知,所提出框架的優勢在於透過一個替代及整合式的理論分析架構對於系統空間維度進行等價縮減的工作,其中成功地移除任何不必要且繁瑣對於使用SDRE方案時的前置作業(適用性或可解性查驗);具體來說,也就是指向那些在求解每一時間系統狀態可解性前的查驗步驟。將利用所提出的理論分析框架經過實驗結果證明能顯著地減輕求解SDRE方案過程所造成的主要計算負擔,進一步詳細的內容會在模擬驗證與分析章節中做說明和呈現。為了使我們所關心的議題能走出一條長久且獨樹一格的道路,本文同時也引進了一個少為人知但極具競爭力關於求解Riccati方程式的一種新穎的求解方法,其擁有高效率的優勢是透過在計算過程的一些複雜性分析步驟所獲取;值得一提的是,此方法於現今廣泛的研究領域中經過諸多文獻的試驗後從中脫穎而出。透過結合此替代求解方法以及所提出的理論分析框架利用原參考文獻中同樣的實驗環境下進行驗證後,再經由統整過後的數據便可以發現明顯地降低整體約91-93%的計算負擔量。由於所討論的此類PMSM馬達本身擁有快速響應的特性,因此透過本文的研究進一步減輕在計算過程方面所造成多餘的負擔,在這些有大幅提升的成果下使得更有能力吸引在相關領域(特別在馬達領域)對此有特別需求的研究者注目到本文所帶來的影響,並也期待對此方案進而產生興趣使得未來能早日有突破性的進展。最後,不僅僅是以上所陳述的內容才帶有在相關領域一定程度的影響力;另外一方面,在對系統發生相關變化(如: 參數異動)所保有的強健性能力以及將所提出的框架延伸並應用在不同系統設計(如: 跨領域或非基於SDRE方案)所帶來的適用性結果也都是含括在本文所討論的範圍之中。
摘要(英) This thesis utilizes a novel control technique, which called state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE). By using the proposed theoretical analyses framework to efficiently guarantee the preliminary applicability of the SDRE-based control technique, and also implements on a permanent-magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) control drive system to further discuss the concerned topic. According to the research results, the advantage of the proposed framework lies in an equivalent dimension reduction in the system space through an integrated theoretical analyses scope, which successfully remove any unnecessary pre-works before using the SDRE scheme. Specifically, it can be referred to the applicability/solvability-checking before the duration of solving system states at each time instant. From the viewpoint of experimental results, the proposed theoretical analyses framework will have a significant effect to alleviate the main computational burden that caused by the solvability-checking of SDRE, and some further detailed discussions will also being explained and presented in the latest chapter of simulation verification and analyses. In order to make the concerned issue to have a much longer and more unique path, while this thesis introduces a much-less-known but quite competitive method for solving the Riccati equation, whose highly efficient merits are owning to its complex structures. Note that, this method stands out after being tested by tremendous literatures in a wide range of research fields nowadays via its improvement of computational efficiency. By combining this up-to-date method and the proposed theoretical analyses in a same experimental setup that stated in the original reference, it can be found that the overall improvement obviously amounts about 91-93% reduction after the statistics through the whole system. Due to the characteristic of fast system response, the research in this thesis further completely reduces the redundant burden caused by the calculation process, otherwise, these great results can also make more attention from the researchers who have such specific demands in the related fields, thus, they will have more focus on the impact of the proposed results. By the established confidence, we are also looking forward to bring such an enthusiasm from the proposed enhancement to have an outstanding vision in the future. Finally, it is not only focus on a certain degree of influence from the above mentioned; on the other hand, the robustness of the system that associated to such as parameter changes and the efficiency of extending/applying the proposed framework to a variety of system designs (e.g. cross discipline and non-SDRE-based applications) are also considered in the thesis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 馬達驅動系統
★ state-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE)
★ 系統適用性與計算工作分析
★ 基於觀測器的控制器設計
論文目次 摘要 iv
Abstract vi
誌謝 viii
目錄 ix
圖目錄 xii
表目錄 xiii
符號說明 xiv
一、 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 6
1.3 文章架構 9
二、 研究方法 11
2.1 State-dependent Riccati equation (SDRE)方案 11
三、建立在PMSM驅動控制系統上的模型設計 15
3.1 基於SDRE控制方案的觀測器設計[1] 18
3.2 基於SDRE控制方案的控制器設計[1] 19
3.3 總結第3章 20
四、 主要理論分析 22
4.1 問題陳述 22
4.2 逐點等價的條件 24
4.3 滿足可行SDC矩陣的條件 25
4.4 等價和降維 25
4.5 實際套用4.4節至控制器和觀測器設計中進行分析 27
4.6 補充說明4.5節 29
4.7 4.5節以及4.6節的重要性 29
五、 模擬驗證分析結果 35
5.1 主要計算提升 37
5.2 次要計算提升 40
5.3 比較不同求解方法的輸出響應(精確性或計算後剩餘的數值) 44
5.4 透過具代表性的指標加以檢視系統的性能表現 47
5.5 總結第5章 54
六、 普遍性與影響力 57
6.1 驗證所提出結果的普遍性 58
6.2 6.1節在相關文獻上的適用性 62
6.3 將所提出的結果推廣至車輛(載具)科技領域中的文獻 64
6.4 總結6.3節 68
6.5 總結第6章 71
七、結論與未來展望 73
7.1 結論 73
7.2 未來展望 77
參考文獻 78
附錄A 演算法1 85
A.1 說明附錄A 86
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指導教授 林立岡 審核日期 2022-1-19
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