博碩士論文 108222005 詳細資訊

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姓名 王靖仁(Jing-Ren Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 碲與銻在銀(111)/白雲母表面的成長
★ Exploration of new methods for growing Ag films on Au(111) studied by ARPES★ 二階段成長法成長銀薄膜在銅(111)面上利用光電子能譜研究
★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術研究銅薄膜在銀(111)基板上的成長★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術探測Ag/Au(111)系統中銀表面態受到光誘發的衰變情形
★ 利用角解析光電子能譜術探測Ag/Au(111)系統中銀表面態受到光誘發的衰變情形★ Sulfur adsorption on Au(100): XPS, LEED and STM study
★ Adsorption and desorption of atomic hydrogen on the surface of thin Ag films on Au(111) studied with ARPES and XPS★ Thin-film growth of Bi and S on Au(100) studied with LEED and XPS
★ Silicon adsorption on Ag(111): XPS and LEED study★ The growth of Bi on Ag(111) studied with STM, LEED and XPS
★ The investigation of highly ordered Ag films on mica with STM, LEED and XPS★ 原子級平整SrTiO3(100)表面製備過程中之表面重構、表面形貌以及表面元素組成之變化
★ 使用熱處理生長單晶銅箔★ 在環境條件下用膠帶劈裂Bi2Te3晶體的表面改質研究
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摘要(中) 本論文將探討碲和銻在銀(111)表面上,控制蒸鍍時間及退火溫度,其表面重構的變化。我們在超高真空的環境,在室溫下使用電子束物理氣相沉積(Electron-Beam Physical Vapor Deposition, EB-PVD)的方式將碲和銻鍍至生長在新鮮劈裂的白雲母的銀(111)上,並利用低能電子繞射(Low-Energy Electron Diffraction, LEED)和歐傑電子能譜儀(Auger Electron Spectroscopy, AES)來研究其表面的結構變化和元素成分變化。在單獨蒸鍍碲的實驗中,碲在銀(111)表面形成了碲化銀(AgTe)的結構,在碲化銀覆蓋率約1/3 ML時透過低能電子繞射觀測到最清晰的(√3×√3)R30°繞射結構,而在碲化銀覆蓋率略大於1/3 ML時,原有的(√3×√3)R30°繞射點變得模糊且出現一組額外內部三重對稱的繞射點。在碲和銻共鍍的實驗中,透過歐傑電子能譜儀發現表面上幾乎只有來自碲的訊號,僅有非常小的來自銻的訊號,同時在低能電子繞射的量測也只表現出如蒸鍍碲的結構變化。而當對此樣品進行一次的濺射清潔與退火後,則會發現大量的銻訊號出現在表面,推測是共鍍後銻在表面上形成了三維的簇狀結構。
摘要(英) We have investigated the surface reconstruction of Te and Sb on Ag(111) with varied deposition time and annealing temperature. We used electron-beam physical vapor deposition (EBPVD) to deposit Te and Sb on the Ag(111) film grown on freshly cleaved mica. The surface reconstructions and elemental compositions of the surface were characterized with Low-Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES). When Te was deposited on Ag(111), AgTe was formed, and the sharpest (√3×√3)R30° reconstruction was observed at 1/3 ML of coverage. The spots became blurred and an additional set of internal triple symmetrical spots appears. In the experiments with Te and Sb co-deposition, it was found that the Auger signal on the surface was almost exclusively from Te with only a very small signal from Sb, and the measurement of LEED showed the same reconstruction as in the case of the Te deposition. After sputtering and annealing the sample, a large Sb signal was found on the surface, suggesting that a three-dimensional Sb clusters were formed after Te and Sb co-deposition.
關鍵字(中) ★ 碲
★ 銻
★ 銀(111)
★ 電子束物理氣相沉積
論文目次 第一章 簡介 1
第二章 文獻探討 2
2.1 銀在白雲母上的研究 2
2.2 使用銀(111)作為各式二維材料成長基板之可能性 3
2.3 二維過渡金屬硫屬化物研究 4
2.4 單層蜂窩狀碲化銀研究 5
2.5 銻在銀(111)上成長之研究 6
2.6 碲化銻薄膜的分子束磊晶成長之研究 7
第三章 實驗儀器與原理 17
3.1 簡介 17
3.2 超高真空 17
3.3 機械式幫浦 18
3.4 渦輪分子幫浦 18
3.5 離子幫浦 19
3.6 鈦昇華幫浦 19
3.7 離子濺射清潔與退火 19
3.8 電子束蒸鍍 20
3.9 低能電子繞射 21
3.10 歐傑電子能譜儀 22
第四章 結果與討論 29
4.1 樣品製備 29
4.2 碲在銀(111)上的成長 29
4.3 碲化銀薄膜在暴露大氣後的結構變化及還原 30
4.4 銻在銀(111)上的成長 31
4.5 碲與銻在銀(111)上的共鍍 32
4.6 討論 32
第五章 結論 43
參考資料 44
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指導教授 陸大安(Dah-An Luh) 審核日期 2021-12-3
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