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姓名 駱帆莎(Vinsa Kharisma Rofiqo Sari)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 用納米粒子提高 K-CoCo 和 Na-FeFe 普魯士藍二次鋰離子電池的效率
(Enhanced Efficiency of K-CoCo and Na-FeFe Prussian Blue Secondary Lithium-Ion Battery with Nanoparticles)
★ 氫氣的調控對化學氣相沉積法成長石墨烯之影響★ 堆疊多層石墨烯之光電特性
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★ Na-Fe-Fe普魯士藍奈米顆粒之 物性分析與電池應用★ 普魯士藍及銅奈米顆粒的物理性質與應用
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摘要(中) 近年來,普魯士藍被用作充電電池的正極材料。普魯士藍有兩種獨立的氧化還原過渡金屬元素。可儲存鋰離子,進行電池充放電反應,且易於合成,成本低,壽命長,具有高功率特性。 K-CoCo和Na-FeFe普魯士藍納米粒子採用共沉澱法製備,K-CoCo採用50℃共沉澱溶液製備。 Na-FeFe 分別在 85°C 下通過共沉澱溶液製備。使用 X 射線衍射分析樣品的晶體結構和化學成分。 50℃共沉澱溶液製備的K-CoCo樣品粒徑為41 nm; 85℃共沉澱溶液製備的Na-FeFe樣品粒徑為59nm。在極片K-CoCo的生產過程中添加了鎳和銦兩種納米顆粒。同時,在正極片Na-FeFe的製作過程中添加鎳和銀兩種納米顆粒,將納米顆粒和普魯士藍混合均勻,製成電池極片。將41 nm K-CoCo普魯士藍和59 nm Na-FeFe普魯士藍製成電池,並討論了電池的充放電循環效率。分別在 41 nm K-CoCo 和 59 nm Na-FeFe 中添加鎳、銀和銦納米顆粒,以測試添加納米顆粒的電池的充放電循環效率。 59 nm Na-FeFe 添加劑添加不同比例(10%、25%、35%)的鎳和銀納米顆粒電池以不同電流 0.03 mA 和 0.015 mA 充放電,添加 41 nm K-CoCo 13% 的納米粒子在不同電流(0.03 mA、0.015 mA 和 0.007 mA)下循環測試
摘要(英) In recent years, Prussian blue was used as a cathode material for rechargeable batteries. Prussian blue has two independent redox transition metal elements. It can store lithium ions, perform battery charge and discharge reactions, and is easy to synthesize, Low cost, has a long life, and has high power characteristics. K-CoCo & Na-FeFe Prussian blue nanoparticle was prepared by co-precipitation method, and K-CoCo was prepared by co-precipitation solution at 50°C. Na-FeFe was prepared by co-precipitation solution at 85°C, respectively. Use X-ray diffraction to analyze the crystal structure and chemical composition of the sample. The K-CoCo sample prepared by the 50°C co-precipitation solution has a particle size of 41 nm; the Na-FeFe sample prepared by the 85°C co-precipitation solution has a particle size of 59 nm. Two kinds of nanoparticles of nickel & indium are added during the production of the pole piece K-CoCo. Meanwhile, two kinds of nanoparticles of nickel & silver are added during the production of the positive pole piece Na-FeFe the nanoparticles and Prussian blue are uniformly mixed to produce the battery pole piece. The 41 nm K-CoCo Prussian blue and 59 nm Na-FeFe Prussian blue were made into batteries, and the battery charge-discharge cycle efficiency was discussed. The 41 nm K-CoCo and 59 nm Na-FeFe were added with nickel, silver, and indium nanoparticles, respectively, to test the charge-discharge cycle efficiency of the battery with the added nanoparticles. The 59 nm Na-FeFe add with different percentages of nanoparticles (10%, 25%, 35%) of nickel and silver nanoparticle batteries were charged and discharged with different currents 0.03 mA & 0.015 mA, and the 41 nm K-CoCo the added 13% nanoparticles were cyclically tested at different currents (0.03 mA, 0.015 mA & 0.007 mA)
關鍵字(中) ★ 普魯士藍 關鍵字(英) ★ Prussian blue

Chapter 1. Introductions 1
1-1 Introduction to Prussian Blue Analogues. 1
1-2 Introduction of Prussian Blue for Lithium Batteries 3
1-3 X-Ray Diffractionometer 5
1-4 Battery Charge and Discharge Tester 6
Reference Chapter 1 7
Chapter 2 Preparation and Analysis of K-CoCo & Na-FeFe Sample 8
2-1 K-CoCo Prussian Blue Fabrication 8
2-2 K-Coco & Na-Fefe Prussian Blue Structure and Particle Size Analysis 11
2-3 Nanoparticle Sample Production 23
2-4 Analysis of The Structure and Particle Size of Nanoparticle Samples 24
Chapter 3 Preparation of K-CoCo & Na-FeFe Secondary Lithium Battery 31
3-1 CR2032 Secondary Lithium Battery Structure 31
3-2 Production of K-CoCo & Na-FeFe Pole Piece 34
3-3 Adding Nano-Particle pole piece Electrode Production 37
Chapter 4 Analysis of Charge and Discharge of Secondary Lithium Battery 39
4-1 Secondary Lithium Battery Charging and Discharging Test 39
Analysis. 39
4-1-1 K-Coco Secondary Lithium Battery Charging and Discharging Test 39
Analysis 39
4-1-2 Na-Fefe Secondary Lithium Battery Charging and Discharging Test 55
Analysis 55
Reference Chapter 4 : 104
Chapter 5. Conclusion 105
參考文獻 Reference Chapter 1
1. Buser, H. J., Schwarzenbach, la D., Petter, I. W., & Ludi, A. (1977). The Crystal Structure of Prussian Blue: Fe4[Fe(CN)6]3. xH20. In Acta Crystallogr., Sect. A (Vol. 16, Issue 11). Kynoch Press.

2. Hurlbutt, K., Wheeler, S., Capone, I., & Pasta, M. (2018). Prussian Blue Analogs as Battery Materials. In Joule (Vol. 2, Issue 10, pp. 1950–1960). Cell Press. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2018.07.017

3. Robin, M. B. (1962). ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATIONS OF PRUSSIAN BLUE 337 The Color and Electronic Configurations of Prussian Blue1 (Vol. 1, Issue 2). https://doi.org/10.1021/ic50002a028

Reference Chapter 4 :

1. Nie, P., Shen, L., Luo, H., Ding, B., Xu, G., Wang, J., & Zhang, X. (2014). Prussian blue analogues: a new class of anode materials for lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2(16), 5852–5857.

2. Tang, Wan & Ma, Zi-Feng & Peng, Fangwei & Yang, Yang & Feng, Fan & Liao, Xiao-Zhen & He, Yu-Shi & Ma, Zi-Feng & Chen, Zonghai & Ren, Yang. (2018). Electrochemical Performance of NaFeFe(CN)6 Prepared by Solid Reaction for Sodium Ion Batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. 165. A3910-A3917. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1149/2.0701816jes.

3. Lim, Cheryldine & Wang, Tian & Ong, Evon & Tan, Zhi-Kuang. (2020). High‐Capacity Sodium–Prussian Blue Rechargeable Battery through Chelation‐Induced Nano‐Porosity. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 7. 10.1002/admi.202000853.

4. Gantenbein S, Schönleber M, Weiss M, Ivers-Tiffée E. Capacity Fade in Lithium-Ion Batteries and Cyclic Aging over Various State-of-Charge Ranges. Sustainability. 2019; 11(23):6697.

5. Shen, L., Wang, Z. and Chen, L. (2014), Prussian Blues as a Cathode Material for Lithium Ion Batteries. Chem. Eur. J., 20: 12559-12562.
指導教授 李文獻(Wen-Hsien Li) 審核日期 2022-1-12
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