博碩士論文 107222020 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳彥綸(Yen-Lun Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 碳化矽塊材之螢光光譜
(Photoluminescence Spectra of Bulk SiC)
★ 矽基板上鍺薄膜的拉曼光譜研究★ 不同應力下之石墨烯電特性研究
★ AlGaN/GaN高電子遷移率電晶體異質結構的光學性質與其缺陷討論★ 氧化鎘鋅與氧化鎂鋅之光學性質分析
★ 氧化鋅薄膜與奈米柱的螢光光譜★ 多孔矽沿蝕刻方向的光學性質探討
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摘要(中) 本論文使用拉曼光譜(Raman spectra)與光激發螢光光譜(Photoluminescence spectra)來研究碳化矽樣品的多型體結構(polytype structure)種類與螢光特性。
利用光激發螢光光譜,可以得知碳化矽樣品中存在許多的固有缺陷,並在低溫時測得由固有缺陷產生的多條尖銳零聲子線(zero-phonon lines)訊號。由變溫光激發螢光光譜可知,螢光訊號來自多個不同的缺陷發光,且在不同溫度時有其他的缺陷亦參與發光,使擬合的峰值位置有些微的不同。將擬合後的波峰積分強度對溫度變化作圖,並利用Arrhenius的關係式對圖形做擬合可得到碳化矽樣品的活化能大小。
摘要(英) In this work, we use Raman spectra and Photoluminescence spectra to study the polytype structure sorts and luminescence properties of silicon carbide samples, respectively.
Silicon carbide samples will show different phonon mode signals at different wave number positions of Raman spectra due to the various polytype structures, therefore, the polytype structure sorts of silicon carbide samples can be distinguished by Raman spectra. From the experimental results, we can identify that the samples we used are 4H-SiC and 6H-SiC.
By measuring PL spectra, we can know that there are many intrinsic defects in these silicon carbide samples, and we also measured several sharp signals of zero-phonon lines at low temperature, which are caused by the intrinsic defects. From temperature dependent PL spectra, the fluorescent signals come from multiple different defects. Besides, there are other defects also participate in the light emission at different temperature, so that the peak positions of fitting are slightly different. Plot the peak integrated intensity after fitting against the temperature, and fit the graph with Arrhenius equation, then we can get the activation energy of the silicon carbide samples.
At last, we measure the temperature dependent PL spectra and fit the graph to get the activation energy again after doing microwave heating on silicon carbide samples for eight times. Then we compare the difference of temperature dependent PL spectra before and after microwave heating and discuss the influence of microwave heating on samples.
關鍵字(中) ★ 碳化矽
★ 光激螢光
★ 螢光光譜
★ 拉曼光譜
關鍵字(英) ★ SiC
★ PL spectrum
★ Raman spectrum
論文目次 摘要..............................................i
第一章 簡介......................................1
第二章 基本原理..................................4
2-1 碳化矽的基本性質............................4
2-1.1 碳化矽多型體結構概述......................6
2-1.2 碳化矽的缺陷類型.........................11
2-1.3 零聲子線.................................14
2-2 光激發螢光原理.............................16
2-3 活化能.....................................18
2-4 拉曼光譜原理...............................19
第三章 實驗樣品與實驗裝置.......................23
3-1 實驗樣品...................................23
3-2 光激發螢光光譜實驗.........................25
3-3 拉曼光譜實驗...............................30
第四章 實驗結果與討論...........................32
4-1 碳化矽室溫拉曼光譜.........................32
4-2 碳化矽光激螢光光譜.........................36
4-3 碳化矽變溫光激螢光光譜.....................46
4-4 碳化矽經微波加熱後變溫光激螢光光譜.........56
第五章 結論.....................................69
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指導教授 鄭劭家(Chao-Chia Cheng) 審核日期 2022-1-17
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