博碩士論文 105282603 詳細資訊

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姓名 胡桐(Ho Thi Thong)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 藉由控制硫化亞錫晶體取向以及介面能帶位置改善硫化亞錫太陽能電池的光伏特性
(Improved Photovoltaic Properties of Tin(II) Sulfide Solar Cells by Modulating the SnS Crystallographic Orientation and the Interfacial Band Alignment)
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摘要(中) 太陽能由於其具有的巨大能量、廣泛性以及永久性,因此被視為未來綠色能源中重要的來源之一。近年來,太陽能電池產業迅速的蓬勃發展,其中以矽太陽能電池、銅銦鎵硒太陽能電池以及硫化鎘太陽能電池佔據了主要市場,但是這些太陽能電池也有其短處。例如,使用高成本的原料或是具有毒性的元素。為了克服以上問題,開發地球富含元素的太陽能電池是勢在必行的目標。而最近硫化亞錫太陽能電池引起了大家的關注,因為其具備了以上所需的條件。但是硫化亞錫太陽能電池仍面臨著極大的挑戰,主要原因是它不足以商業化的效率。因此在本研究中,主要分成兩個部分來提升硫化亞錫太陽能電池的光電轉換效率。第一部分會專注於設計一個新穎的硫化亞錫薄膜成長方式,克服傳統方式的成長缺點。第二部分則是專注於發展一個全新的緩衝層,以調節硫化亞錫以及緩衝層介面的能帶位置。
薄膜太陽能電池是由多層結構堆積而成的電子元件。例如,緩衝層、前電極、背電極或是吸收層,每一層都具備其重要性以及各自的功能,而太陽能電池的光電轉換效率就取決於各層之間的交互作用。其中,緩衝層大大的影響太陽能電池效率,因為緩衝層決定PN接面的能帶位置,不合適的能帶位置會造成嚴重的介面複合。因此本研究的第二部份發展了無毒且寬能隙的氧化鋅錫(ZTO)作為緩衝層,藉由調控鋅與錫的比例,可以更進一步微調能帶位置。從實驗結果發現當使用硫化鎘作為緩衝層時,導電帶位移會呈現懸崖式能帶(cliff-type)位置,不過當緩衝層替換為氧化鋅錫時,導電帶位移會呈現凸起式能帶(Spike-type)位置。當導電帶位移為Spike-type時,可以明顯的觀察到介面複合顯著地減少,而太陽能電池的光電轉換效率也從1.67%提升到3%,開路電壓也從0.72 eV提升到0.85 eV。
摘要(英) Solar energy is one of the essential green energy resources owing to its naturally massive abundance, universal accessibility, and long-term sustainability. The evolution of the solar photovoltaic industry has been remarkable in recent years. The main limitations of current well-developed photovoltaic devices (Silicon technology, CIGS, and CdTe) are the high cost and/or the toxic element. The earth-abundant thin-film solar cells (TFSCs) for approaching both environmentally friendly and cost-effective, therefore, are the ideal solution for harvesting solar energy. Among current earth-abundant materials, tin(II) monosulfide (SnS) is considered a promising cost-effective semiconductor. However, the device performance of SnS-based solar cells remains quite low owing to the lack of understanding of SnS properties. This dissertation is attempting to address the main strategies which might play a key role in boosting the device performance of SnS TFSCs. The works mainly focus on presenting a novel experimental design methodology to overcome the SnS growth strategies and developing an alternative eco-friendly buffer layer to obtain favorable band alignment at SnS/buffer layer interface.
With low-dimensional crystal structural materials (particularly SnS), the crystallographic orientation plays a key role in manipulating the charge transport, carrier recombination, and eventually device characteristics. Many deposition methods have been developed to grow SnS thin-film and recently vapor transport deposition (VTD) has shown a great increase in both SnS quality and device performance. However, up to now, not much report provides direct evidence about the effect of crystallographic orientation on the charged transport and device performance, or how to control the crystallographic orientation in SnS thin-film. Herein, we proposed an effective experimental setup/geometry and a multi-step annealing process during the VTD process to intentionally tailor the crystal orientation. These two approaches have directly modified the growth behavior and tailored the crystallographic orientation. All observed results supported that (040) plane is harmful to charge transport, and caused revere recombination in SnS devices (bulk and/or interface). Therefore, the suppression of the (040) plane in SnS thin films led to a dramatic improvement in PCE from 0.11% to almost 2%.
A photovoltaic device is a stack of multiple layers which have their own importance and effect on the final device performance. Therefore, not only the absorber layer, it is essential to take into account some important layers such as the buffer layer, back contact, front contact, etc. Among them, selecting a buffer layer is substantial because the unfavorable band alignment at p-n heterojunction might cause acute recombination at the interface and degrade device efficiency. Therefore, we developed an eco-friendly and wide bandgap buffer layer Zinc-Tin-Oxide (ZTO) with a tunable band offset. The conduction band offset (CBO) switch from the “cliff-type” (CBO = -0.41 eV with CdS buffer layer) to the “spike-type” (CBO = +0.23 eV with ZTO11 buffer layer) by controlling the Zn-to-Sn ratio. The favorable CBO led to the great suppression of the interfacial recombination which was proved by the increase of activation energy from 0.72 eV to 0.85 eV. As expectable result, the dramatical enhancement in the device performance was attained from PCE = 1.67%, Voc = 0.24 V, and Jsc = 13.57 mA/cm2 to PCE = 3.0%, Voc = 0.34 V and Jsc = 18.7 mA/cm2.
關鍵字(中) ★ 硫化亞錫
★ 地球富含元素的太陽能電池
★ 硫化亞錫薄膜太陽能電池
關鍵字(英) ★ Tin monosulfide
★ Earth-abundant solar cells
★ SnS thin-film solar cells
論文目次 論文摘要 v
Abstract vi
Acknowledgment viii
Tables of content ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xvii
List of Abbreviations xviii
1. Overview of thin-film solar cells 1
1.1. Importance of renewable energy 1
1.2. Conventional configuration of thin-film solar cells 6
1.2.1. Substrate and back contact 6
1.2.2. Absorber layer 7
1.2.3. Buffer layer 8
1.2.4. Window layer 10
1.2.5. Front contact 10
1.3. Working principle of photovoltaic devices 11
2. Overview of Tin monosulfide SnS-based solar cells 17
2.1. The state of art in SnS-based solar cells 17
2.1.1. Overview 17
2.1.2. Main strategies in SnS growth 18
2.2. Development of tin monosulphide growth techniques in solar cell application 22
2.3. Alternative buffer layer for SnS-based solar cells 28
2.3.1. Band alignment 28
2.3.2. Cd-based buffer layers (CdS and Zn-doped CdS) 29
2.3.3. Cd-free buffer layer (ZnOS, ZnMgO, ZnSnO) 30
2.3.4. Methods to determine the energy band alignment 34 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurement 34 Cross-sectional scanning tunneling microscopy (X-STM) 36
3. Enhancing the Photovoltaic Properties of SnS-Based Solar Cells by Crystallographic Orientation Engineering 39
3.1. Overview 39
3.2. Experimental methods 41
3.2.1. Film Deposition 41
3.2.2. Device Fabrication 42
3.2.3. Characterizations and Measurements 43
3.3. Results and discussion 44
3.3.1. The effect of the tilting angle 44
3.3.2. The effect of the initial ramp rate 50
3.4. Conclusion 58
4. Modulation and Direct Mapping of the Interfacial Band Alignment of an Eco-friendly Zinc-Tin-Oxide Buffer Layer in SnS Solar Cells 60
4.1. Overview 60
4.2. Experimental methods 62
4.2.1. Film Deposition 62
4.2.2. Device Fabrication 64
4.2.3. Characterizations and Measurements 65
4.3. Results and discussion 66
4.3.1. The properties of ZTO thin films grown by the ALD process 67
4.3.2. Device performance 71
4.3.3. Recombination investigation 76
4.3.4. Band alignment studies 79
4.4. Conclusion 83
5. Summary and Recommendation 84
5.1. Summary 84
5.2. Recommendation for the future direction 85
References 87
Appendix A 100
List of publications 108
List of conferences 109
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指導教授 陳賜原 陳貴賢 林麗瓊(Szu-Yuan Chen Kuei-Hsien Chen Li-Chyong Chen) 審核日期 2022-6-13
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