摘要(英) |
Phishing is a form of social engineering attack combined with web development techniques. This is one of the important processes on cyber-attacks. Many cyber-attacks start from phishing emails. The early indiscriminate attacks have gradually transformed into "Spear-phishing" in which emails are well-crafted attacks with very specific targets. It’s a highly targeted attack with a small number of mailings. Hackers lock important people and organizations to send emails. The linked text, files, or pictures are included in the email context trick users into clicking phishing websites created by the hackers. To get people to trust the website, the appearance of the website is almost similar to its corresponding legitimate website. It causes users lower the guards and easily give away personal information, such as account numbers, passwords, and bank account information.
"Spear-phishing" is a more targeted form of phishing. There are no mass victims and the sample amount of feedback is not enough. It needs to analyze for quite a while. These type of phishing websites are highly imitative to legitimate websites. Even so, the websites uptime are short, they get blocked to protect users as soon been reported as malicious sites by reporting phishing sites. It is difficult to detect in real time. Therefore, in this paper we propose a method to analyze phishing websites that are almost identical to legitimate websites and have the act of inputting personal information. We use its Page Jumping behavior to achieve "Time-of-Click Analysis". Before sending sensitive information from the webpage, find the final target in advance. Finally, we can determine whether it is a phishing website. |
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