摘要(英) |
Nowadays, Using IP Cameras has almost become a trend and is combined with cloud computing, so users do not have to consider the problem of image storage and system construction, users can use personal computers, tablets, smartphones or other devices can achieve remote monitoring.
However, the general user does not often stay at the security office to watch the monitor, so there will be unable to know the device failures in real-time, so this research focuses on designing and producing a method and system of how to improve the availability rate of video surveillance devices.
This research design and produce several ways to improve the device availability rate, such as the use of system automation to detect device failures, the design of daily check and audit systems, the repair process system, and the notification of manufacturer, hoping to improve the overall accuracy of video surveillance devices. Finally, the statistical results of the experimental case research show that there is outstanding improvement in the availability rate of video surveillance devices, and also effectively saves labor costs due to automatic fault detection and improved inspection methods. |
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