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姓名 唐振強(Chen-Chian Tang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用協調理論建立系統軟體測試中問題改善之協作流程
(Applying Coordination Theory to Establish A Coordinative Process in Managing Issue Improvements That Involve Multiple Parties)
★ 專案管理的溝通關鍵路徑探討─以某企業軟體專案為例★ 運用並探討會議流如何促進敏捷發展過程中團隊溝通與文件化:以T銀行系統開發為例
★ 專案化資訊服務中人力連續派遣決策模式之研究─以高鐵行控資訊設備維護為例★ 以組織正義觀點介入案件指派決策之研究
★ 應用案例式推理於問題管理系統之研究 -以筆記型電腦產品為例★ 運用限制理論於多專案開發模式的人力資源配置之探討
★ 應用會議流方法於軟體專案開發之個案研究:以翰昇科技公司為例★ 多重專案、多期再規劃的軟體開發接案決策模式:以南亞科技資訊部門為例
★ 會議導向敏捷軟體開發及系統設計:以大學畢業專題為例★ 一種基於物件、屬性導向之變更影響分析方法於差異化產品設計
★ 會議流方法對大學畢業專題的團隊合作品質影響之實驗研究★ 實施敏捷式發展法於大學部畢業專題之 行動研究 – 以中央大學資管系為例
★ 建立一個用來評核自然語言需求品質的線上資訊系統★ 結合本體論與模糊分析網路程序法於軟體測試之風險與風險關聯辨識
★ 在軟體反向工程中針對UML結構模型圖之線上品質評核系統★ 以模糊專家系統實作軟體專案調適準則
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摘要(中) 隨著電子科技的日新月異,筆記型電腦也因為技術的演化;繁衍出功能的多樣性以及高度整合性,使得軟硬體與應用程式的開發日趨複雜。BIOS軟體身為電腦開機啟動時,處理器第一個執行的程式,因此,它肩負著重大任務,引導處理器識別所有關聯組件,最後導引至作業系統完成開機作業。然而BIOS系統開發通常需要多方合作,其過程中經常需要釐清作業系統、硬體、軟體以及韌體等多方問題,須經由多方合作協調,過程中難免因為多方協調的溝通不良造成誤解、設計文件標示不明或者需求定義不清,讓溝通不斷的產生甚至發生摩擦造成研發與測試的進度落後。
摘要(英) With the ever-changing technology, the advanced notebook computers generate the diverse and
high integration functions, which makes the software, hardware and application development more
complex . The BIOS system is the first program to be execute d when a computer is turned on. To
finish the computer startup , t he BIOS system is an important role that leads the processor to identify
all of the associated components However, the BIOS system development usually needs to consider
the multilateral cooperation to solve the issue that include the operating system, hardware, software
and firmware; hence there are some problems such as poor communication , unclear design document
and definition in t he discussion. Note that these problems could incur the research and test behind the
To solve the above
problems , this study attempts the coordination theory (i.e., multilateral
negotiation and communication) to propose the solution entitled A case study of laptop bios system
development ”. The purpose of the solution is to overcome the issue management activities not to be
resolve d efficiently and feedback timely on the product in the system software development process .
The specific company is investigated in this work to explore the issue management associated with
the system software test during the design development of the notebook computers . Therefore, this
study not only inspect s the issues occurred in the work process of Taiwan office and collects the issues
during development in specific company, but also establishes a coordinated model for stable
development to solve the issues in the process , actor , issue management and conversion process of
message communication . This solution can help specific company of Taiwan office to improve the
issue management associated with the system software development in the research process.
關鍵字(中) ★ 問題管理
★ 協調理論
★ 系統軟體測試
★ 筆記型電腦系統軟體開發
★ 多方合作
關鍵字(英) ★ Issue Management
★ Coordination Theory
★ System Software Testing
★ Notebook Computer System Development
★ Multiple Coordination
論文目次 目錄
一、 緒論 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.2研究動機 2
1.3研究目的 3
1.4研究範圍 4
1.5研究架構 4
二、 文獻探討 5
2.1系統軟體測試 5
2.2問題管理 6
2.3協調理論 11
三、 研究方法 15
3.1 個案研究 15
3.2 研究設計 17
3.3 資料收集與分析 18
四、 個案分析 20
4.1 個案公司介紹 20
4.2 個案公司對於問題現況描述 22
4.3 協調流程設計 24
五、 研究結果 31
5.1關鍵績效指標分析 31
5.2研究訪談 35
5.3研究限制 42
六、結論與未來展望 43
七、參考文獻 44
參考文獻 【中文部分】
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指導教授 陳仲儼 審核日期 2022-6-24
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