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姓名 劉亮君(Liang-Chun Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木系營建管理碩士班
論文名稱 國內時程網圖健康度評估指標建立之研究
(A Study on Developing Evaluation Indicators for Construction Schedule Network Health)
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摘要(中) 國內工程進度出現延誤之情形層出不窮,規劃正確及合理的時程網圖對於工程能否順利進行有著很大的影響。當工程發生爭議時,已通過審查的時程網圖往往是爭議處理的重要判斷依據。一個專案是否能順利進行,與時程網圖的品質與控管有著密不可分的關係。然而國內對於時程網圖的審查標準四散各處,且各機關相關作業手冊往往僅有原則性的審查建議,審查人員在審查時常常無所適從,只能憑自身經驗進行判斷,導致國內的時程網圖審查常常流於形式、成效不佳。本研究以文獻回顧的方式,綜整國外對於時程網圖健康度之概念與建議,結合國內時程網圖相關文獻建立的網圖審查流程及準則,進而建立合適的時程網圖評估指標。本研究最終彙整出九大網圖健康度評估指標與60個檢核細項,以初步評判網圖之完整性、正確性及合理性。本研究另以實際工程案例之時程網圖進行分析,檢視其指標之可行性,並透過訪談評估是否適用於工程實務中。期望本研究之成果可以彌補國內審查標準不足之現況,並能提升國內時程網圖之水準。
摘要(英) Delays in the construction processes of domestic projects emerge endlessly, and a correct and reasonable construction schedule has a great impact on the smooth progress of the project. When a dispute occurs in a project, the construction schedule that has passed the review is often the important basis for reaching the dispute settlement. Whether a project can proceed smoothly is inseparable from the quality and control of the construction schedule. However, the domestic review standards for construction schedule are unclear, and the relevant execution manuals for schedule review by various government agencies commonly have general and limited review recommendations. The reviewers are often at a loss when reviewing, and can only make judgments based on their own experience. As a result, domestic construction schedule reviews often become mere formalities and review outcomes are poorly effective for improving the performance of construction schedule. This study used a literature review method to extract the concepts and suggestions on the health of construction schedule from other countries, combined them with the schedule network review process and criteria established by domestic research outcomes and government execution manuals, and established appropriate schedule network evaluation indicators. In the end, nine major construction schedule health evaluation indicators consisting of 60 evaluation items were developed to evaluate the completeness, correctness and rationality of construction schedule based on the purpose of preliminary schedule review. This study has confirmed the feasibility of proposed evaluation indicators by actual construction schedule network, and their appropriateness by domain expert interviews. Excluding to make up for the current lack of domestic review standards, it is hoped that the performance level of domestic construction schedule can be improved based on the outcomes of this study.
關鍵字(中) ★ 營建工程
★ 時程網圖
★ 基準時程
★ 網圖審查指標
★ 網圖健康度
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究問題 1
1.3 研究目的 1
1.4 研究範圍與限制 2
1.5 研究流程與方法 2
1.6 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 時程網圖 4
2.1.1 時程管理技術 4
2.1.2 時程網圖之類別 9
2.2 國內時程網圖審查現況及準則 10
2.2.1 國內時程管理現況檢視 11
2.2.2 國內時程網圖審查準則之分析 12
2.3 國外時程網圖健康度相關研究 14
2.3.1 DCMA 14點評估 14
2.3.2 網圖健康度評估 17
2.4 小結 20
第三章 時程網圖健康度 21
3.1 時程網圖健康度指標建立 21
3.1.1 時程網圖健康度指標 23
3.1.2 其他參考項次 32
3.1.3 時程網圖審查之三個階段 33
3.2 時程網圖健康度審查表 33
3.2.1 時程網圖健康度檢核表 34
3.2.2 檢核人員資格 39
3.2.3 評分機制 39
第四章 案例分析 41
4.1 案例一-○○計畫區段徵收工程統包工程 41
4.1.1 案例一分析 41
4.1.2 案例一檢核結果 52
4.2 案例二-○○區○○基地新建社會住宅工程 58
4.2.1 案例二分析 58
4.2.2 案例二檢核結果 69
4.3 案例三之檢核結果 74
4.4 案例分析小結 76
4.5 專家訪談驗證與訪談心得 76
第五章 結論與建議 78
5.1 結論 78
5.2 建議 79
參考文獻 80
參考文獻 〔1〕陳玉書等:〈施工網圖更新及修正之應用(下)〉,現代營建,第264期,第45-50頁,2001。
〔10〕PMI, “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge-Sixth Edition”, 2017.
〔16〕California Department of Transportation, “Project Scheduling with Primavera P6”, 2011.
〔17〕The U.S. Defense Contract Management Agency, “Earned Value Management System (EVMS) Program Analysis Pamphlet (PAP)”, 2012.
〔18〕Marco Alvise Bragadin and Kalle Kähkönen, “Schedule health assessment of construction projects”, Construction Management and Economics, 34, 875-897, 2016.
〔19〕Brandon Bogle, “DCMA 14-Point Assessment for Project Schedule Health”, 2016, https://edwps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/DCMA-14-point.pdf.
〔21〕黃正翰:〈總分類碼(OMNI Class)應用於建築資訊模型之分享〉,土木水利,第44期,第45-53頁,2017。
指導教授 楊智斌 審核日期 2022-1-24
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