博碩士論文 108326003 詳細資訊

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姓名 楊鎧丞(Yang,Kai-Cheng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 應用共裂解技術轉換工程塑膠為能源之可行性研究
(Feasibility of Engineering-Plastics converted to Energy by Co-Pyrolysis)
★ 大學生對綠建材認知與態度之研究★ 塑膠廢棄物催化裂解產能效率與裂解油物種特性變化之評估研究
★ 應用高壓蒸氣技術製備抗菌輕質材料及其 特性評估研究★ 加速碳酸鹽反應對都市垃圾焚化灰渣捕捉二氧化碳之可行性評估研究
★ 應用無機聚合物技術探討都市垃圾焚化飛灰 無害化之可行性研究★ 動畫與教學介入對桃園市某國小六年級學童環境行動影響之研究
★ 下水污泥與工業區廢水污泥共同蒸氣氣化產能效率與重金屬分佈特性之研究★ 應用自製催化劑評估廢車破碎殘餘物氣化產能效率及污染物排放特性
★ 應用熱裂解技術評估廢車破碎殘餘物轉換能源效率及重金屬排放特性★ 應用揮發性有機物自動採樣技術評估工業區異味污染物來源及指紋之可行性研究
★ 評估傳統濕式洗滌塔對印刷電路板防焊製程之揮發性有機氣體去除效率之研究★ 污水處理廠逸散微粒之物理、化學及生物特性分析
★ 應用熱氣清淨系統提升稻稈氣化過程合成氣品質及污染物去除之可行性研究★ 台北都會區PM1.0微粒物理特徵描述與含碳氣膠來源分析
★ 以無人飛行載具(UAV)平台探討空氣污染物之垂直分佈特徵及搭載之氣膠儀器性能評估★ 應用高溫淨化技術提昇廢水污泥與沼渣共氣化產能效率及 重金屬去除之評估研究
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摘要(中) 本研究利用固定床熱裂解反應系統,探討聚碳酸酯(Polycarbonate, PC)及熱塑性聚氨酯(Thermoplastic polyurethane, TPU)共同熱裂解轉換為能源之可行性及其產物分佈特性。實驗條件除控制溫度介於550~650 ℃外,並以650 ℃溫度條件下,分別控制摻混比1:3、1:1 與3:1。研究同時利用熱重分析技術,進一步分析試驗材料之熱反應動力參數,及評估不同試驗材料之協同效應。
根據熱重分析之結果顯示,PC 及TPU 之反應活化能分別為402.42 kJ/mol 及125.23 kJ/mol,當PC 與TPU 摻混進行共裂解反應時,PC 之反應活化能隨TPU添加而有降低之現象,其中PC 與TPU 以1:1 為混合條件,其反應活化能約為124.92 kJ/mol,亦即PC 與TPU 摻混後,逐漸趨向於TPU 之熱反應特性。此外,根據摻混後PC 與TPU 之質量損失變化率可知,當PC:TPU=1:1 時,熱分解反應過程產生協同效應,因此,反應活化能亦隨著摻混兩種試驗材料後,呈現降低之趨勢。
裂解反應溫度對PC 及TPU 裂解之產物分佈影響並不顯著,其中裂解溫度控制在650 ℃時,主要之共裂解產物為氣相產物,約占68%至80%之間,其中以PC與TPU 摻混比1:1 條件為例,其產物分佈特性分別為68.8%之氣相、24.4%之液相及6.8%之固相產物。進一步分析液相產物之種類與特性,前述24.4%之液相產物中,主要為23.54%之重質油及0.87%之輕質油。另以液相產物之氧/碳莫耳比(O/C 比)進行油品老化發生潛勢之評估,結果顯示PC 與TPU 以1:1 摻混進行共同裂解,輕質油產物之氧/碳莫耳比,可降低至0.07,亦即共同裂解可有效降低輕質油品之老化現象發生潛勢。液相產物之物種分析結果顯示,PC 及TPU 裂解產生之重質油,隨裂解溫度550 ℃增加至650 ℃時,主要物種由芳香族化合物轉換為含氧化合物;而輕質油之物種,則均以含氧化合物為主。當進行PC 與TPU 共同裂解反應時,不論摻混比例之改變,重質油之含氧化合物產率明顯增加,而輕質油中芳香族化合物產率,亦呈現增加之趨勢。
根據能源密度分析結果顯示,PC 及TPU 裂解產物之能源分布特性,主要為氣相產物,且總能量密度隨裂解溫度增加而增加。以裂解溫度650℃為例,PC 及TPU 裂解產物之總能源密度分別為0.30 及1.37,亦即TPU 之熱裂解轉換能源之利用效率較佳。當共同裂解反應條件為1:1 時,其總能源密度約為0.86,亦能有效達到能源轉換應用之目的。整體而言,本研究成果已初步建立PC 及TPU 共同裂解之熱反應動力、產物分佈及物種特性,同時亦評估裂解產物之總能源密度,未來若能進一步放大規模試驗,並分析裂解產物特性及其能源效益,將有助於後續推動PC 與TPU 共同裂解技術之發展與應用。
摘要(英) This research aims to evaluate the energy conversion efficiency and pyrolytic products partitioning characteristics in co-pyrolysis of Polycarbonate (PC) and
Thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) using a fixed-bed reactor with controlling the temperature at 550-650℃ and blending ratio of 1:3, 1:1, and 3:1 at 650℃. The thermogravimetric analysis technology was also used to analyze the tested materials’ thermal reaction kinetic parameters and evaluate the synergistic effect between the tested materials.
According to the thermogravimetric analysis results, the reaction activation energies of PC and TPU were 402.42 kJ/mol and 125.23 kJ/mol, respectively. The reaction activation energy of PC decreased with the TPU blending ratio increasing in co-pyrolysis. In the case of PC:TPU=1:1, the reaction activation energy was approximately 124.92 kJ/mol. It implied that the thermal reaction characteristics of coblending of PC and TPU have tended to TPU thermal reaction characteristics. In addition, according to the results of mass loss rate in co-pyrolysis of PC and TPU, the
synergistic effect occurred during the thermal decomposition reaction process as coblending of 50% PC and 50% TPU. Therefore, the reaction activation energy showed a
decreasing trend with the co-blending of the tested materials.
The pyrolysis temperature does not significantly affect the partitioning of PC and TPU pyrolytic products. When pyrolysis temperature is controlled at 650 °C, the gasphase
pyrolytic product was the majority and ranged between 68% and 80%. In the case of co-blending 50% PC and 50% TPU, the pyrolytic product partitioning percentage was approximately 68.8% of the gas phase, 24.4% of the liquid phase, and 6.8% of the solid phase, respectively. Meanwhile, 24.4% of the liquid-phase product consisted of 23.54% of the heavy fraction oil and 0.87% of the light fraction oil. According to the Oxygen-to-Carbon molar ratio (O/C ratio) in the liquid-phase product, the O/C ratio of the light-fraction oil could decrease to 0.07 during the co-pyrolysis of the PC and TPU process. It implied that the pyrolytic oil aging could be migrated by co-blending PC and TPU. The heavy fraction oil speciation derived from PC and TPU was aromatics compounds by pyrolysis. However, the oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds became dominant as the pyrolysis temperature increased from 550℃ to 650℃. The dominant
speciation of the light fraction oil was oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds pyrolyzed between the temperature of 550℃ and 650℃. In the case of the co-pyrolysis of PC and
TPU with different blending ratios, the yields of oxygenated hydrocarbon compounds in the heavy fraction oil and aromatics compounds in the light fraction oil both increased
Based on the energy density analysis results, the gas-phase pyrolytic product mainly contributed to the energy production in the co-pyrolysis of PC and TPU. The total energy density of all pyrolytic products increases with the pyrolysis temperature increasing. In the case of pyrolysis temperature of 650 ℃, the total energy density of pyrolytic
products in pyrolysis of PC and TPU were 0.30 and 1.37, respectively. It implied that TPU could provide a good energy conversion efficiency. Besides, in the case of 50%
PC and 50% TPU blending conditions, the total energy density of all pyrolytic products was approximately 0.86. It also could effectively achieve the energy conversion application. In summary, the results of this research have preliminarily
established the thermal reaction kinetics, pyrolytic product partitioning, and speciation in co-pyrolysis of PC and TPU. The total energy density of the pyrolytic products was
also successfully evaluated. To further successfully perform the scale-up test and assess the pyrolytic product characteristics and their energy benefits in the future, it will help promote the development and application of the co-pyrolysis technology of PC and TPU.
關鍵字(中) ★ 聚碳酸酯
★ 熱塑性聚氨酯
★ 熱裂解
★ 共同裂解
關鍵字(英) ★ Polycarbonate(PC)
★ Thermoplastic polyurethane(TPU)
★ Pyrolysis
★ Co-pyrolysis
論文目次 摘要 ................................................................................................................................. i
Abstract .......................................................................................................................... iii
致謝 .............................................................................................................................. vii
目錄 ............................................................................................................................... ix
表目錄 ........................................................................................................................... xi
圖目錄 ......................................................................................................................... xiii
第一章 前言 ................................................................................................................... 1
第二章 文獻回顧 ........................................................................................................... 5
2-1塑膠使用及處理現況 ....................................................................................... 5
2-2 PC塑膠之特性及處理技術 ............................................................................. 9
2-3 TPU塑膠之特性及處理技術 ......................................................................... 10
2-4熱裂解技術 ..................................................................................................... 11
2-4-1影響熱裂解之條件-溫度 ..................................................................... 16
2-4-2影響熱裂解之條件-反應器 ................................................................. 20
2-4-4影響熱裂解之條件-催化劑 ................................................................. 23
2-4-4影響熱裂解之條件-共裂解 ................................................................. 24
第三章 研究材料與方法 ............................................................................................. 29
3-1研究材料 ......................................................................................................... 29
3-2研究方法 ......................................................................................................... 30
3-2-1研究設備與操作條件 ........................................................................... 30
3-2-2熱裂解試驗操作步驟 ........................................................................... 31
3-2-3原料之動力學分析 ............................................................................... 31
3-3分析項目與方法 ............................................................................................. 35
3-3-1塑膠原料 ............................................................................................... 35
3-3-2熱裂解產物 ........................................................................................... 37
第四章 結果與討論 ..................................................................................................... 45
4-1材料之基本特性 ............................................................................................. 45
4-2 PC及TPU原料之熱反應動力特性分析 ...................................................... 46
4-2-1熱重分析及氣相物種官能基分析 ....................................................... 46
4-2-3反應活性與活化能分析 ....................................................................... 61
4-3產物產量之分析結果 ..................................................................................... 72
4-3-1產物之質量平衡 ................................................................................... 72
4-4產物特性之分析結果 ..................................................................................... 86
4-4-1固體產物之特性分析 ........................................................................... 86
4-4-2液體產物之特性分析 ........................................................................... 87
4-4-3氣體產物之特性分析 ......................................................................... 109
4-5產能效率評估 ............................................................................................... 124
第五章 結論與建議 ................................................................................................... 135
5-1結論 ............................................................................................................... 135
5-2建議 ............................................................................................................... 137
參考文獻 ..................................................................................................................... 139
附錄 ............................................................................................................................. 155
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指導教授 江康鈺(Jiang,Kang-Yu) 審核日期 2022-5-26
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