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姓名 尤芳銘(Fang-Ming Yu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 實用型模糊滑動模態控制器在非線性 系統的應用
(Practical Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for NonlinearSystems )
★ 影像處理運用於家庭防盜保全之研究★ 適用區域範圍之指紋辨識系統設計與實現
★ 頭部姿勢辨識應用於游標與機器人之控制★ 應用快速擴展隨機樹和人工魚群演算法及危險度於路徑規劃
★ 智慧型機器人定位與控制之研究★ 基於人工蜂群演算法之物件追蹤研究
★ 即時人臉偵測、姿態辨識與追蹤系統實現於複雜環境★ 基於環型對稱賈柏濾波器及SVM之人臉識別系統
★ 改良凝聚式階層演算法及改良色彩空間影像技術於無線監控自走車之路徑追蹤★ 模糊類神經網路於六足機器人沿牆控制與步態動作及姿態平衡之應用
★ 四軸飛行器之偵測應用及其無線充電系統之探討★ 結合白區塊視網膜皮層理論與改良暗通道先驗之單張影像除霧
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
★ 模糊控制與灰色預測應用於隧道型機械手臂之分析★ 模糊滑動模態控制器之設計及應用於非線性系統
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摘要(中) 本論文針對一般非線性系統,及具有不確定之時間延遲非線性輸入的高階
1. 在降低輸入變數方面,我們共提出兩種方法,首先在單一模糊輸入類似模糊
滑動模態控制方法中(single-fuzzy-input quasi fuzzy sliding mode control,
SQ-FSMC),提出了符號距離(signed distance) 的狀態變數合成觀念,在不
入模糊滑動控制器(Decoupled single-fuzzy-input fuzzy sliding mode
controller) 的設計,主要針對有偶合特性的系統來完成狀態合成,達到單一
2. 在改善抖動現象的方面,主要藉著模糊控制器不斷調整在滑動平面附近的控
3. 具有自調機制的單一模糊輸入的控制器(a self-tuning single-fuzzy- input
controllers, ST-SFIC) 能夠有效的處理具有非線性輸入的不確定時間延遲系
摘要(英) A practical fuzzy sliding mode controller for uncertain time-delay with nonlinear
input systems and for a class of nonlinear systems is presented. The controller design
deals with the problems of the dimensionality of fuzzy input variables in fuzzy logic
control (FLC) and the chattering phenomena in sliding mode control (SMC)
effectively. The main results of the proposed method are as follows.
1. We propose two methods to reduce the number of fuzzy input variables. First,
without affecting the performance of the system, the proposed single-fuzzy- input
quasi fuzzy sliding mode controller (SQ-FSMC) by way of a composite state
function reduces the number of rules greatly. Second ly, the design of decoupled
single-fuzzy- input fuzzy sliding mode controller (SFI-FSMC) for the fourth-order
coupled systems shows a better performance than previous work.
2. For the chattering problem of the SMC, this phenomenon can be reduced
effectively with the proposed controller by adjusting the control input near the
sliding hyperplane.
3. A self-tuning single-fuzzy-input controller (ST-SFIC) can be easily applied to
uncertain time-delay dynamical systems with nonlinear input. The self-tuning
scheme dramatically improves the control input behavior. Also, the chattering
phenomenon is eliminated effectively. The control algorithm is convenient and
easy to utilize.
The above methods have been illustrated by the simulation results of the pole and the
cart systems as well as the ball and beam systems. In addition, the uncertain
time-delay with a nonlinear input system can be stabilized to the equilibrium. The
experimental results of the present seesaw system with external disturbance are given.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非線性系統
★ 單一模糊輸入
★ 模糊滑動模態控制器
關鍵字(英) ★ fuzzy sliding mode controller
★ single fuzzy input
★ nonlinear systems
論文目次 Contents I
Abstract III
List of Figures V
List of Tables VIII
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Motivation and Background 1
1.2 Organization and Main Tasks 3
Chapter 2 Problems Formulations
2.1 Single- input Plant System 8
2.2 Coupled System 9
2.3 Uncertain Time-delay System with Nonlinear Input 11
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1 Design of Single-fuzzy- input Quasi-FSMC (SQ-FSMC) 16
3.2 Design of Decoupled Fuzzy Logic Controller 21
3.3 Design of FSMC for Uncertain Time-delay Systems with
Nonlinear Input 25
3.4 Design of Self-tuning Single-fuzzy- input Controller (ST-SFIC) for
Uncertain Time-delay Systems with Nonlinear Input 31
3.4.1 Single- fuzzy- input Controller (SFIC) for Uncertain
Time-delay Systems with Nonlinear Input 31
3.4.2 Self-tuning Scheme and Scaling Factor 34
Chapter 4 Examples and Simulations
4.1 Two Examples of Single-fuzzy- input Quasi-FSMC (SQ-FSMC) 46
4.2 Three Examples of Decoupled Fuzzy Logic Controller 51
4.3 Example of FSMC for Uncertain Time-delay Systems with
Nonlinear Input 56
4.4 Example of Self- tuning Single-fuzzy- input Controller (ST-SFIC)
for Chattering Elimination of Uncertain Time-delay Systems with
Nonlinear Input 59
Chapter 5 Discussion and Conclusions 84
References 86
Author’s Information 92
Publication List 93
參考文獻 86
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指導教授 鍾鴻源(Hung-Yuan Chung) 審核日期 2003-7-16
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