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姓名 張瀞(Jhang Jing)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 提升時程網圖要徑精確度之研究
(A Study on Improving the Accuracy of Critical Path in the Schedule Network)
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摘要(中) 隨著政府推動營建自動化、導入國外時程新知,專業排程軟體在臺灣公共工程的使用率也大幅度提升,且隨著工程專案越來越龐大且複雜,對於專案的控管也日漸不易,比起人工計算繪製的方式,排程軟體更能精確計算專案要徑及輔助排程人員較精準地掌握複雜的工程進度,對於專案的管控是相當有利的工具。但由於多數排程人員的不當使用,以及對時程管理的專業名詞及定義不清、專業知識的不足,在排程軟體方面操作的不熟捻,導致時程網圖中要徑的正確性錯誤百出,衍生時程管控的成效不佳,造成工期展延的不易與雙方的契約糾紛。時程網圖中要徑主要是以作業的邏輯關係與限制性條件設定,透過要徑法計算而決定,錯誤及無效的設定使得網圖失去原有進度更新、管控及預警的功能,縱使現今市面上已有數個專案排程軟體協助時程管控人員規劃與管理工程進度,但卻沒有詳細的說明排程軟體在實務網圖中設定不合適之邏輯關係與限制條件對要徑造成的影響,以及該如何正確且有效的使用。如何解決上述問題,乃是本研究所設定的研究問題。
為驗證設定邏輯關係與限制性條件所產生之要徑的正確性,本研究以Microsoft® Office Project或Oracle® Primavera® P6TM進行模擬案例的分析與測試,再透過實務工程網圖相關案例分析,列舉使用時機與不當操作所產出的結果,最後明確提出在時程網圖中對於限制性日期設定的正確使用方式與建議,藉此避免專案錯誤設定與不當使用的問題。期望本研究提出之建議與作法能使專案管理人員能更加善用排程軟體與時程網圖,有效地控管專案,並且提升國內時程管理水準,同時降低我國工程履約爭議發生之可能性。
摘要(英) With the government′s promotion of construction automation and the introduction of scheduling knowledge worldwide, the use of professional scheduling software in Taiwan′s public construction projects has increased significantly. As projects become larger and more complex, it is becoming more difficult to control the projects. Compared with the manual calculation and drawing, professional scheduling software can determine the critical path(s) of project more accurately and make project managers to control the project progress more precisely. However, due to the improper use of scheduling settings by unprofessional project managers, unclear terminologies and definitions of schedule management, lack of professional knowledge, and unfamiliarity with the operation of professional scheduling software, schedule network diagrams are like to contain many errors in terms of the accuracy of the critical path, resulting in ineffective schedule control and causing difficulties on schedule extensions and contract disputes between contract parties. The critical path in the schedule network diagram is mainly determined by the logical relationship and constraints settings. Wrong and invalid settings make the network diagram lose its original function of progress updating, control and early warning. Although professional scheduling software in the market today is plenty to help project managers plan and manage the project schedule, they do not provide detailed instructions for scheduler the consequence of improper logical relationships and constraints on the critical path, as well as how to use it correctly and effectively. How to solve these problems systematically is the research problem of this study.
In order to verify the validity of the critical path generated by setting logical relationships and constraints, hypothetical cases were tested using Microsoft® Office Project or Oracle® Primavera® P6TM. And then, through practical cases using schedule network diagram, the results caused by the improper operation and setting conditions are presented. Finally, this study proposes the proper ways to use the schedule network diagram in terms of constraints date settings, to avoid the problems of misconfiguration and improper uses. Hopefully, the outcomes of this study will help project managers to make better use of professional scheduling software and schedule network diagrams to effectively control projects and improve the performance of schedule management, furthermore, to reduce the contract disputes in the construction sector in Taiwan.
關鍵字(中) ★ 時程網圖
★ 要徑
★ 作業邏輯關係
★ 吊床作業
★ 作業限制性條件
關鍵字(英) ★ Schedule Network Diagram
★ Critical Path
★ Activity Logic Relationship
★ Hammock Activity
★ Activity Constraints
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xiv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究問題 1
1.3研究目的 2
1.4研究範圍與限制 3
1.5研究流程與方法 3
1.6論文架構 5
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1工程進度管理 7
2.1.1時程管理方法 7
2.1.2時程網圖審查現況及準則 13
2.2邏輯關係與限制條件 25
2.2.1邏輯關係 25
2.2.2日期限制條件 29
2.3本章小結 35
第三章 時程網圖邏輯關係 36
3.1一般作業項目邏輯關係運用 36
3.1.1使用完成至開始(FS)邏輯關係產生之要徑計算範例 36
3.1.2使用完成至完成(FF)邏輯關係產生之要徑計算範例 37
3.1.3使用開始至開始(SS)邏輯關係產生之要徑計算範例 39
3.1.4使用開始至完成(SF)邏輯關係產生之要徑計算範例 41
3.1.5一般作業項目邏輯關係測試小結 42
3.2特殊作業項目邏輯關係分析 42
3.2.1一般作業項目連接吊床作業 43
3.2.2吊床作業連接吊床作業 46
3.2.3吊床作業連接一般作業項目 49
3.2.4殊作業項目邏輯關係測試小結 52
3.3本章小結 53
第四章 時程網圖限制性條件 56
4.1限制性條件設定對時程網圖之影響測試及分析 56
4.1.1開始時間限制條件模擬案例測試 58
4.1.2完成時間限制條件模擬案例測試 78
4.1.3特殊限制條件模擬案例測試 98
4.2限制性條件測試結果彙整 101
4.2.1限制條件對里程碑之影響 101
4.2.2限制條件對要徑作業之影響 102
4.2.3限制條件對非要徑作業之影響 103
4.2.4限制條件使用說明與建議 104
4.3本章小結 109
第五章 時程網圖錯誤設定實例 110
5.1實務網圖邏輯關係分析 110
5.1.1一般作業項目邏輯關係設定案例 110
5.1.2吊床作業邏輯關係設定錯誤案例 110
5.2實務網圖限制條件分析 111
5.2.1限制條件設定錯誤案例一 111
5.2.2限制條件設定錯誤案例二 112
5.3本章小結 112
第六章 結論與建議 114
6.1研究結論 114
6.2研究建議 115
參考文獻 116
參考文獻 〔1〕楊智斌,「如何進行業主端之時程管理工作」,行政院公共工程委員會「精進公共工程進度管理制度」教育訓練講習,2015。
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〔15〕 Project Management Institute, “A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge”, Sixth Edition, 2017.
〔16〕 林君頤,「營建工程時程網圖審查準則之研究」 ,碩士論文,營建管理研究所,國立中央大學,桃園市,2015。
〔17〕 Marco Alvise Bragadin and Kalle Kähkönen, “Schedule health assessment of construction projects,” Construction Management and Economics, 34, 875-897, 2016.
〔18〕U.S. Government Accountability Office, “Schedule Assessment Guide Best Practices for Project Scheduled”, 2015.
〔19〕Brandon Bogle, “DCMA 14-Point Assessment for Project Schedule Health,” 2016, https://edwps.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/DCMA-14-point.pdf.
〔20〕Kindle Edition, “Planning and Control Using Microsoft Project 2013, 2016 & 2019, ” 2019.
〔21〕Paul E. Harris, “Project Planning and Control Using Oracle Primavera P6 Versions 8.1, 8.2 & 8.3, Professional Client & Optional Client Paperback, ” 2013.
〔22〕 R. Winter. The Inner Workings of Oracle / Primavera P6 [Online]. Available: http://www.ronwinterconsulting.com/The_Inner_Workings_Of_P6.pdf
〔23〕 Deltek, Deltek Open Plan® Ver. 8.0, User Guide, 2016.
指導教授 楊智斌(Jyh-Bin Yang) 審核日期 2022-9-29
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