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姓名 楊承泰(Cheng-Tai Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣科學學系
論文名稱 台灣周邊中尺度對流系統及綜觀環境特徵統計分析
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摘要(中) 本研究利用2006至2020年中央氣象局QPESUMS資料,針對台灣地區中尺度對流系統(Mesoscale Convective System, MCS)進行辨識以及分析,探討在不同季節間MCS結構特性,包含面積、形狀、長短軸比、發展高度及強度等。以ECMWF ERA5再分析資料及板橋探空資料探討MCS發生時的綜觀環境及熱力條件變數。以JMA 颱風資料濾除受TC影響事件。分為五個季節:春季(3月~5月中)、梅雨季(5月中~6月中)、夏季(6月中~8月)、秋季(9月~11月)以及冬季(12月至隔年2月)進行MCS的探討。
摘要(英) This study uses CWB QPESUMS radar, rain gauge, sounding, and ECMWF reanalysis data to investigate (Mesoscale Convective Systems) MCS events and analyze their synoptical environment characteristics in the Taiwan area from 2006 to 2020. The selected MCSs of five seasons, namely Spring, Mei-yu, Summer, Autumn and Winter, were analyzed.
The results show the Mei-yu season has the most MCS events (31.5%), the second most is spring (30.0%), and the least is the winter season (7.0%). In spring, MCS mainly associated with cold frontal system and located in northern Taiwan. The environment shows the southwesterly wind converged with winter monsoon in the lower level. The MCS events of the Mei-yu season are the most active with deepest convections. The environment shows there are upper-level divergence, deeper mid-level trough, and low-level jet. The MCS are located around retire Taiwan. The thermal condition is the most unstable to convection in Summer, the vertical wind shear is the weakest. Thus, Summer has lesser total number and weaker MCS events than Mei-yu season. The MCS events are mostly located in southwestern Taiwan and triggered by the southwesterly monsoon.
The instability starts to decrease after the winter monsoon onset. MCS mainly located in eastern and southeastern Taiwan in Autumn. Because of the dry and cold winter monsoon flow, the northerly wind component will decrease when MCS occurs in Autumn, causing the northeasterly wind turn to easterly or even southeasterly wind (especially after November). In addition, MCS events caused by the cold frontal system become more frequent in northern Taiwan after November. In winter, the environment is similar to November. However, because of the unfavorable convection condition, the frequency and convective strength are the lowest.
關鍵字(中) ★ 中尺度對流系統 關鍵字(英)
論文目次 摘要-----i
第一章 緒論-----1
1.3 研究目的-----3
第二章 資料與研究方法-----5
2.1.2 中央氣象局QPESUMS雷達資料-----6
2.1.3 中央氣象局雨量站資料-----7
2.1.4 MCS之綜觀環境場-----7
2.2 MCS事件之定義與分析方法-----8
2.2.1 對流胞辨識以及追蹤系統-----8
2.2.2 SMART對流胞特性-----9
2.2.3 MCS事件以及對流特性之定義-----10
第三章 MCS統計特性與空間分布-----12
3.1 台灣地區MCS統計特性-----12
3.1.1 MCS事件占比-----12
3.1.2 MCS熱力變數特性-----13
3.1.3 MCS對流胞特性-----14
3.1.4 MCS CFAD變化-----15
3.2 MCS事件的空間分布-----16
3.2.1 春季(2月至5月中)-----17
3.2.2 梅雨季(5月中至6月中)-----18
3.2.3 夏季(6月中至8月)-----18
3.2.4 秋季(9月至11月)-----19
3.2.5 冬季(12月至2月)-----20
第四章 MCS綜觀環境場分析-----20
4.1 春季(2月至5月中)-----21
4.2 梅雨季(5月中至6月中)-----23
4.3 夏季(6月中至8月)-----24
4.4 秋季(9月至11月)-----25
4.5 冬季(12月至2月)-----26
第五章 結論與未來展望-----28
5.1 結論-----28
5.2 未來展望-----30
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指導教授 張偉裕 審核日期 2022-9-22
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