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姓名 楊勝義(Sheng-Yi Yang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 工業管理研究所
論文名稱 運用六標準差提升伺服器主機板之良率
(Applicate Six Sigma to Improve Yield Rate of Server Motherboards)
★ 半導體化學材料銷售策略分析-以跨國B化工公司為例★ TFT-LCD CELL製程P檢點燈不良解析流程改善之關聯法則應用
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★ 多準則決策之應用-以雷射半導體產業為例★ 專案管理模式進行品管圈活動-以半導體機台保養測機流程改善為例
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★ 應用協同規劃預測補貨於伺服器備品存貨改善之研究-以Q代工公司為例★ 船用五金拋光作業之生產規劃
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摘要(中) 由於當前全球人類處在新型肺炎的傳染威脅之下,造成全球大規模感染及病故人數,加上全球地緣政治問題與各國嚴格邊境管制的影響下,除了改變民眾的生活方式及消費模式,也加速各種形式的創新商業模式的興起。為了避免民眾近距離接觸的情況下,讓各國的「零接觸經濟」快速興起,因此網路遠距教學、網路視訊醫療、居家數位辦公等數位經濟也就快速發展,同時更帶動各國的網路通訊產品與伺服器設備產品需求提升。這些需求可經由電腦或手機透過伺服器來應用存取,因此伺服器就變成當前以及未來非常重要的產品,伺服器產業在這需求效應下,逐漸在各個國家的產業中占有舉足輕重的角色,擁有核心的研發技術與製造能力,才能夠為全球市場提供伺服器等產品的研發、生產組裝與委外代工等服務。因此企業需要在生產成本及品質等各方面,應對市場整體發展趨勢與滿足客戶對伺服器產品的品質要求,確保企業能夠永續經營並持續成長。
摘要(英) As pneumonia ravages the world and causes a large number of infections and deaths, people are very panicked about pneumonia infection. Due to global geopolitics and border restrictions of various countries, in addition to changing people′s lifestyles and consumption patterns, it also accelerates the rise of innovative business models. The rapid rise of the "zero-contact economy" in various countries has accelerated the development of digital economies such as online distance learning and home-based digital office and has also driven the global demand for network communication products and server equipment products. These applications can be accessed through a server from a computer or mobile phone. The server has thus become a very important product now and in the future. The server industries already play a pivotal role globally. Through R&D technology and manufacturing capabilities, it provides services such as R&D, assembly, and OEM manufacturing of servers and consumer products for the global market. Therefore, it is necessary to respond to market development trends in terms of production cost and quality, meet customer quality requirements for server products, and ensure continuous growth of the company.
Using the Six-Sigma improvement methods and steps, it can effectively aggregate production data, formulate corrective countermeasures, improve product yield, and save costs. Using DMAIC to analyze and improve each stage, firstly list the production flow chart of circuit board assembly, carry out case analysis and background data statistics, and complete the preparation for the measurement stage first, and then use the characteristic factor diagram and Why-Why analysis to list the key factors affecting product yield, then through the failure mode and effect analysis method and the risk priority index score. List the reasons for the bad, and continue to find the real cause. Corrective measures are taken to improve the problem based on the identified causes and list the differences before and after improvement to confirm the effect or collect the trend chart of the improvement to confirm that the improvement goal has been achieved. After improvement, standardized operations are required to maintain the improvement effect. Perform form standardization and document standardization operations according to the quality system and audit the improvement status to ensure that the key quality is good. We look forward to continuously improving production efficiency, improving market competitiveness, increasing product profits, and improving customer satisfaction with products.
關鍵字(中) ★ 伺服器
★ 六標準差
★ 電路板組裝
關鍵字(英) ★ Server
★ Six-Sigma
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 伺服器產業 1
1.2 研究動機 4
1.3 研究問題 6
1.4 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻探討 9
2.1 六標準差 9
2.2 失效模式與效應分析 12
第三章 研究方法 18
3.1 研究方法 18
3.2 研究流程 19
第四章 個案研究 24
4.1 研究背景 24
4.2 個案分析 27
第五章 研究結論 43
5.1 研究總結 43
5.2 後續研究建議 44
參考文獻 45
中文文獻 45
英文文獻 46
參考文獻 中文文獻
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指導教授 王啟泰 審核日期 2022-8-11
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