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(A Comparative Study of Bursty T Tauri Stars in ρ Ophiuchus, Taurus, and Upper Scorpius)
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摘要(中) 由不同質量的原恆星和星周塵埃盤組成的類金牛T星的光變曲線 大致可分為P型、D型、S型和B型。這些不同的光變曲線行為預計與 原恆星的不同磁活動和星盤動態耦合作為時間(或年齡)的函數有 關。爆發型的類金牛T星亮度增加,表明中央恆星發生了大規模質量 吸積事件。此外,爆發型類金牛T星的質量吸積會隨著恆星質量和年 齡而變化。使用開普勒太空望遠鏡和 VizieR 光度計的數據,我們 可以搜索爆發性耀斑事件水平的差異以及蛇夫座 rho 和金牛座年輕 恆星(均為 ∼1-2 Myr)和上天蠍座(∼5-10 Myr)疏散星團。爆發 中的亮度增加可以進一步用於估計質量吸積率,這與吸積盤的內部 區域有關。在我們的數據集中,我們爆發型的類金牛T星的質量吸積 率在每年2.23×10^-11和8.57×10^-5個太陽質量之間,並且大多數 爆發事件發生在II類的類金牛T星中。我們發現吸積率隨著恆星質量的增加而增加,並且金牛座成員比上天蠍座成員分佈在更高的吸積 率範圍內,這表明年輕星團中的B型類金牛T星可能具有更高的質量吸積率。
摘要(英) The light curves of T Tauri stars composed of protostars and circumstellar dust disks of different masses can be broadly classified into P, D, S, and B-type. These different light curve behaviors are expected to be associated with different magnetic activities of the protostars and the star-disk dynamical coupling as a function of time (or age). The burst-like T Tauri stars have increasing brightness, indicating episodes of large-scale mass accretion by the central stars. Moreover, the bursty-type T Tauri stars’ mass accretion can vary in stellar masses and ages. Using the archived data from the Kepler Space Telescope and VizieR photometry, we can search for differences in the level of bursty flare events and the evolutionary populations of young stars of the rho Ophiuchi and Taurus (both ∼ 1-2 Myr) and Upper Scorpius (∼ 5-10 Myr) open clusters. The brightness increases in the bursts can be further used to estimate the mass accretion rates, which are tied to the inner regions of the accretion disks. In our datasets, the mass accretion rates of our bursty T Tauri stars are in a range between 2.23×10−11 and 8.57×10−5 M⊙ yr−1, and most burst events occur in Class II T Tauri stars. We found that the accretion rates increase as rising stellar masses and Taurus members distributed in a higher range of accretion rate than Upper Scorpius members, which indicates that B-type T Tauri stars in the younger young cluster could have higher mass accretion rates.
關鍵字(中) ★ 質量吸積
★ 星周盤
★ 主序前星
★ 金牛T星
關鍵字(英) ★ Mass accretion
★ Circumstellar disk
★ Pre-main-sequence star
★ T Tauri star
論文目次 Contents
摘要 vi
Abstract vii
致謝辭 viii
Contents ix
List of Figures xi
List of Tables xvii
1 Introduction 1
2 Classification by SED 5
2.1 IdentificationofEvolutionaryStages................. 5
2.2 SEDSamplesindifferentClasses ................... 8
3 Classification of Light Curves 15
3.1 VariabilityofLightCurveMorphology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 SamplesofdifferenttypeofLightCurves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4 Mass Accretion Rates of the Bursters 27
4.1 AccretionPhenomenaofTTauristars ................ 27
4.2 EstimationofMassAccretionRates.................. 29
5 Summary and Discussion 39
References 43
A 49
A.1 TableforSEDClassofeachobject................... 49
B 77
B.1 P-type................................... 77
B.2 S-type................................... 97
B.3 B-type................................... 102
B.4D-type .................................. 107
C 117
C.1 RotationPeriodDistributions ..................... 117
C.1.1 Estimation and Rotation Period Distribution . . . . . . . . 119
D 123
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指導教授 葉永烜(Wing-Huen Ip) 審核日期 2022-8-31
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