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姓名 黃國彰(Kuo-Chang Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 國語語音強健辨認之研究
(Robust speech recognition in noisy environments)
★ 小型化 GSM/GPRS 行動通訊模組之研究★ 語者辨識之研究
★ 應用投影法作受擾動奇異系統之強健性分析★ 利用支撐向量機模型改善對立假設特徵函數之語者確認研究
★ 結合高斯混合超級向量與微分核函數之 語者確認研究★ 敏捷移動粒子群最佳化方法
★ 改良式粒子群方法之無失真影像預測編碼應用★ 粒子群演算法應用於語者模型訓練與調適之研究
★ 粒子群演算法之語者確認系統★ 改良式梅爾倒頻譜係數混合多種語音特徵之研究
★ 利用語者特定背景模型之語者確認系統★ 智慧型遠端監控系統
★ 正向系統輸出回授之穩定度分析與控制器設計★ 混合式區間搜索粒子群演算法
★ 基於深度神經網路的手勢辨識研究★ 人體姿勢矯正項鍊配載影像辨識自動校準及手機接收警告系統
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摘要(中) Despite sophisticated present day automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniques, a single recognizer is usually incapable of accounting for the varying conditions in a typical natural environment. Higher robustness to a range of noise cases can potentially be achieved by combining the results of several recognizers operating in parallel. To overcome this problem and improve the performance of speech recognition systems in additive conditions, special attention should be paid to the problem of robust feature and compensation of models.
This thesis is concerned with the problem of noise-resistance applied to automatic speaker-independent speech recognition. The two problems of the model compensation and robust feature are treated in this work.
In model compensation stage, first, we investigate a projection-based group delay scheme (PGDS) likelihood measure that significantly reduces noise contamination in speech recognition. Because the norm of the cepstral/GDS vector will be shrinked when the speech signals are corrupted by additive noise, the HMM parameters, namely, the mean vector and the covariance matrix, need to be furthermore modified. The proposed approach compensates the mean vector using a projection-based scale factor and the mean compensation bias, and fits the covariance matrix using a variance adaptive function. The bias and variance adaptive functions estimated from the training and/or testing data were used to balance the mismatch between different environments. Lastly, a state duration method was utilized to deal with the problem that the additive noise segments the error path in Viterbi decoding.
Secondly, we proposed a model compensation method that is similar to parallel model combination. The basis of the method is the fact that the autocorrelation function of the signal resulting from the addition of two statistically independent signals is equal to the sum of their individual autocorrelation functions. Therefore, in adjusting a clean model, its state spectral representation is transformed from the autoregressive, or cepstral, domain to the autocorrelation domain. Then, the autocorrelation of the clean model is added to a sample of the autocorrelation of the additive noise, resulting in the autocorrelation of the noisy signal, which is transformed back to the original spectral representation. At the end of this process, an adjusted model results with better capabilities of handling the noisy signal.
Most speech recognition systems are based on cepstral coefficients and their first- and second order derivatives. The derivatives are normally approximated by fitting a linear regression line to a fixed-length segment of consecutive frames. The time resolution and smoothness of the estimated derivative depends on the length of the segment. Herein, we present an approach to improve the representation of speech dynamics, which is based on the combination of multiple time resolutions. To illustrate the procedure, we take two different sets of feature combinations. In the first system, we combine separated input used different features, i.e. the cepstral and group delay spectrum coefficients leading to higher performance in all noise condition. In the second system, we extract feature over variable sized windows of three or five times the original windows size. Capturing different information in different feature combination or in multi-scale features being more robust to noise, the robust integration system gained a significant performance improvement in both clean speech and in real environmental noise.
摘要(英) Despite sophisticated present day automatic speech recognition (ASR) techniques, a single recognizer is usually incapable of accounting for the varying conditions in a typical natural environment. Higher robustness to a range of noise cases can potentially be achieved by combining the results of several recognizers operating in parallel. To overcome this problem and improve the performance of speech recognition systems in additive conditions, special attention should be paid to the problem of robust feature and compensation of models.
This thesis is concerned with the problem of noise-resistance applied to automatic speaker-independent speech recognition. The two problems of the model compensation and robust feature are treated in this work.
In model compensation stage, first, we investigate a projection-based group delay scheme (PGDS) likelihood measure that significantly reduces noise contamination in speech recognition. Because the norm of the cepstral/GDS vector will be shrinked when the speech signals are corrupted by additive noise, the HMM parameters, namely, the mean vector and the covariance matrix, need to be furthermore modified. The proposed approach compensates the mean vector using a projection-based scale factor and the mean compensation bias, and fits the covariance matrix using a variance adaptive function. The bias and variance adaptive functions estimated from the training and/or testing data were used to balance the mismatch between different environments. Lastly, a state duration method was utilized to deal with the problem that the additive noise segments the error path in Viterbi decoding.
Secondly, we proposed a model compensation method that is similar to parallel model combination. The basis of the method is the fact that the autocorrelation function of the signal resulting from the addition of two statistically independent signals is equal to the sum of their individual autocorrelation functions. Therefore, in adjusting a clean model, its state spectral representation is transformed from the autoregressive, or cepstral, domain to the autocorrelation domain. Then, the autocorrelation of the clean model is added to a sample of the autocorrelation of the additive noise, resulting in the autocorrelation of the noisy signal, which is transformed back to the original spectral representation. At the end of this process, an adjusted model results with better capabilities of handling the noisy signal.
Most speech recognition systems are based on cepstral coefficients and their first- and second order derivatives. The derivatives are normally approximated by fitting a linear regression line to a fixed-length segment of consecutive frames. The time resolution and smoothness of the estimated derivative depends on the length of the segment. Herein, we present an approach to improve the representation of speech dynamics, which is based on the combination of multiple time resolutions. To illustrate the procedure, we take two different sets of feature combinations. In the first system, we combine separated input used different features, i.e. the cepstral and group delay spectrum coefficients leading to higher performance in all noise condition. In the second system, we extract feature over variable sized windows of three or five times the original windows size. Capturing different information in different feature combination or in multi-scale features being more robust to noise, the robust integration system gained a significant performance improvement in both clean speech and in real environmental noise.
關鍵字(中) ★ 強健特徵參數
★ 模型補償
關鍵字(英) ★ robust features
★ model compensation
論文目次 Contents
Abstract iii
Acknowledgements v
List of Figures ix
List of Tables xi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Automatic speech recognition …………………………………….…………2
1.2 Difficulty of the speech recognition task ……………………………………4
1.3 Speech recognition in the real world conditions …………………………….5
1.4 Speech recognition in noise ………………………………………………….8
1.5 Objectives of the thesis …………………………………………………...…8
1.6 Dissertation outline …………………………………………………….……9
2 Overview of Environmental Robustness in Speech Recognition 11
2.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………...11
2.2 Speech recognition with hidden Markov models …………………………..12
2.2.1 Feature extraction of the speech signal ………………………………13
2.2.2 Model structure ………………………………………………………18
2.2.3 Training of the models …………………………………………….…19
2.2.4 Viterbi algorithm …………………………………………………..…25
2.3 Speech recognition in noise using HMM based system ……………………27
2.3.1 Speech enhancement …………………………………………………29
2.3.2 Robust parameters ……………………………………………………37
2.3.3 Model based techniques …………………………………………..….41
2.4 Summary …………………………………………………………………...51
3 Databases and recognition systems 52
3.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………...52
3.2 Databases …………………………………………………………………..52
3.2.1 MAT2000 database …………………………………………………53
3.2.1 MAT400 database ………………………………………………...…53
3.2.2 Noises from NOISEX-92 database …………………………..……..54
3.3 Perturbations of the speech signal ………………………………………….55
3.3.1 Additive noise ……………………………………………………….55
3.3.2 Estimation of signal to noise ratio ………………………………….56
3.4 Recognition system ……………………………………………………...…57
3.4.1 Base recognition system ………………………………………...…..57
3.4.2 Word recognition system ………………………………………...….57
4 Projection-based Group Delay Scheme 59
4.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………………...60
4.2 Overview of projection-based group delay scheme ………………………..63
4.2.1 Analysis of the noisy group delay spectrum (GDS) ………………...63
4.2.2 Projection-based group delay spectrum measure …………………...66
4.3 Mean compensation likelihood measure …………………………………...68
4.4 Variance compensation likelihood measure ………………………………..71
4.5 State duration distribution ………………………………………………….73
4.6 Experimental results ………………………………………………………..75
4.7 Summary …………………………………………………………………...82
5 Weighted Autocorrelation Integration for noise compensation 84
5.1 Introduction ………………………………………………………...………84
5.2 Voice activity detection ……………………………………………….……86
5.2.1 Detection based on energy estimation ………………………………86
5.2.2 Other criteria used for speech detection …………………………….91
5.2.3 Estimation of the noise over the whole signal ………………………92
5.3 Autocorrelation Integration ……………………………………………...…93
5.3.1 Adjusting the mean vector …………………………………………94
5.3.2 Adjusting the variance vector ……………………………………….99
5.4 Weighted acoustic modeling for HMMs ………………………………...…99
5.5 Experimental results ………………………………………………………102
5.6 Summary ………………………………………………………………….104
6 Robust integration for speech features 105
6.1 Introduction ……………………………………………………….………107
6.2 Feature weighting of Cepstral/GDS coefficients ………………………...109
6.3 Multiply timescale of feature combination ………………………………..113
6.4 Experiments and results …………………………………………………...115
6.5 Summary ………………………………………………………………….119
7 Conclusions 120
7.1 Summary of findings and contributions of this thesis …………..…...……120
7.2 Future directions …………………………………………...........……...…122
Bibliography 124
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指導教授 莊堯棠(Yau-Tarng Juang) 審核日期 2003-6-6
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