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姓名 繆皓宇(Hao-Yu Miao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 天文研究所
論文名稱 LSST時代的資料處理──自動化的瞬變天體數據處理流水線
(Building a Data Processing Pipeline for Fast-turnaround Transient Follow-up in the Era of LSST)
★ 透過噴發物速度探討 Ia 型超新星之演化★ 在Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep Survey中發現的類SN 1991T型超新星
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摘要(中) 為了約束天體物理範疇中的瞬變天體在爆發早期之性質,諸如爆發機制以及前驅系統的細節,及早觀測至關重要。我們近期運用鹿林一米望遠鏡 (Lulin One-meter Telescope, LOT) 作瞬變天體之跟近觀測,並參與了數個針對瞬變天體的巡天合作項目,比如年輕超新星實驗 (Young Supernova Experiment, YSE),以及茲威基瞬變天體設施 (Zwicky Transient Facility, ZTF)。為此,我們建構了一套自動資料處理流水線,以確保在無人介入操作的情況下,能快速並精準地處理觀測資料,達成資料管理、影像校正、測光以及數據繪圖等功能。該流水線不只能應用於處理從鹿林一米望遠鏡所取得的觀測資料,亦能處理如取自我們未來位於墨西哥的兩米望遠鏡,或其他望遠鏡之觀測資料。
摘要(英) Observation of astrophysical transients requires a rapid response to constrain their properties at early times. The early-time observations are critical as they inform the details of the progenitor systems and explosion mechanisms. Recently, we are collaborating with several transient surveys, such as Young Supernova Experiment (YSE) and Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF), by utilizing the Lulin One-meter Telescope (LOT) for transient follow-up. To ensure a fast and precise data reduction, we construct an automatic data processing pipeline to perform data processing without the need of human intervention. The processing include data management, image calibration, photometry, and data visualization. The pipeline will be applicable not only to the data taken from LOT, but also other telescopes such as our future 2-meter telescope in México.
關鍵字(中) ★ 瞬變天體
★ 跟進觀測
★ 自動流水線
關鍵字(英) ★ Transients
★ Follow-up
★ automatic pipeline
論文目次 Contents
1 Introduction p.1
2 Methods and Implementation p.3
2.1 Overview p.3
2.2 The Pipeline, Functional Parts, and Working Directories p.5
2.2.1 Raw Data Synchronization and Filtering p.5
2.2.2 Image Calibration p.9
2.2.3 Photometry and Visualization p.19 Background Subtraction p.22 Sources Detection I and PSF Model Construction I p.23 Estimating FWHM p.27 Sources Detection II and PSF Model Construction II p.28 Parallel Running Photutils Implemented DAOPHOT p.29 Preparing Reference Stars p.36 Deriving Magnitude of Target Object p.38
3 Example Results and Discussion p.40
3.1 The Image Calibration p.40
3.1.1 Choosing Master Dark Image p.40
3.1.2 Calibrating Science Image p.41
3.2 The Photometry p.45
4 Future Works p.64
Bibliography p.65
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指導教授 潘彥丞(Yen-Chen Pan) 審核日期 2022-9-23
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