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姓名 尹拉文(Septiyadi Irawan)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 水文與海洋科學研究所
論文名稱 探討南灣西側海岸線淺水區海水溫降機制之研究
★ 西北太平洋長期波候變遷之研究★ 近岸海洋波浪對海面粗糙度之影響
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★ 澎湖海域潮流之數值模擬及其發電潛能評估★ 台灣沿海表面風之週期特性
★ 微波雷達與CCD影像分析於潮間帶地形測量之應用★ The directional spreading of surface wave in the shallow water zone
★ Resuspension of bottom sediment on Inner shelf - A case study of North-western coast of Taiwan★ 平緩海灘表層含水量變化特性研究
★ Development of S-band and Coherent-on-Receive Marine Radar for Ocean Surface Wave and Current Measurement★ 內陸棚及河口混合與擴散特性觀測研究
★ 臺灣海峽海洋塑料垃圾的輸運★ 有限項目的連續水質監測 應用於探討觀新藻礁區水體環境即時變化
★ 海岸帶地區海表拖曳係數與海表粗糙度(均方傾度)之相依關係★ 應用微波雷達監測海流之演算法流程改善
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摘要(中) 台灣南部南灣的不尋常生物物理現象,例如1988年大量魚類死亡,與表面水溫驟降有關,而最近的論證表明,水體冷卻是由潮汐引起渦漩進而帶動湧升流的結果。本研究的目的為重新檢視南灣的溫降機制,重點關注其於渦漩之間的關係,並探討其它的冷卻機制,例如內波淺化。本研究使用2016年6至7月的現地量測和遙測資料,來源包括(i)本研究團隊所部設的ADCP和uCTD;(ii)台灣海洋科技研究中心的水底溫度計和岸基高頻雷達(CODAR);(iii)日本宇宙航空研究開發機構(JAXA)的向日葵八號(Himawari-8)海表溫度。南灣海域在大潮期間會發生強烈的分層現象,滿足內波形成的必要條件。本研究發現,大潮期間的強分層現象並不總是伴隨著渦漩的紀錄。在28天的量測中,記錄到16次有渦漩的溫降事件、4次有渦漩而沒有溫降事件、9次沒有渦漩的溫降事件。溫降事件和渦漩的關係在本研究也透過海流場向量分析進行探討,包括散度、渦度、應力、Okubo-Weiss參數和瞬時分離率(Instantaneous Rate of Separation, IROS)。渦漩的存在使得場的渦度上升,而湧升流造成的溫降事件則伴隨著顯著的Okubo-Weiss參數。在溫度驟降時,內波溯升現象的發生與沒有渦漩的溫降事件高度吻合。而後將此與實驗尺度的內重力波分析進行比較,結果表明,內波的溯升被低估了,這代表此估計對於輸入參數的微小變化非常敏感。內波溯升的紀錄也受到uCTD溫度和鹽度剖面的影響,顯示出不同潮汐週期的海水分層的發展。最後,本研究統整出:在南灣的西側海岸線上,渦漩可能佔總體冷卻機制的55%,而內波溯升傳遞至海岸線的機率佔31%。
摘要(英) Unusual biophysical phenomenon at Nanwan Bay, Southern Taiwan, for example enormous death of fish in 1988 was associated with sudden surface water cooling. Recent arguments reveal that the cooling water was consequence of upwelling due to tide-induced cyclonic eddy. The aim of this study is to revisit the cooling mechanism in Nanwan Bay, by focusing on the relation of eddy and cold event; and exploring alternative cooling water mechanism, i.e. by internal waves shoaling. This study utilizes both in-situ measurements and remote sensing datasets which were measured during June-July 2016, including (i) ADCP & uCTD deployed by Marine Physical Observation Research Group (MPORG); (ii) bottom temperature gauges and CODAR from Taiwan Ocean Research Institute (TORI); and (iii) Himawari-8 SST by Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Nanwan Bay encounters strong stratification during spring tide, which it is the ingredient of internal waves formation. This study found that the strong stratification during spring tide were not followed by sequence of cyclonic eddy. For 28 days’ measurement, there were 16 events of cold event with eddies; 4 event of eddy without cold event; and 9 events of cold event without eddy. The relation of cold event and cyclonic eddies was also investigated by some derived field vector of surface current, including divergence, vorticity, strain, Okubo-Weiss and IROS. Eddy presence increases the vorticity of the field, and upwelling cold event is followed by significant Okubo-Weiss number. The internal waves run-up was marked at which temperature drop suddenly and was highly coincident with the classification of cold event with no eddy. This marking was then compared to the internal gravity current analysis from both laboratory and numerical scaling. The comparison result showed that the internal waves run-up was underestimated, indicating that the estimation is very sensitive to the small change of the input parameter. The internal waves run-up footprint was also influenced out by temperature and salinity profile of uCTD, which showed the development of stratified water on different tide cycles. Thus, this study concludes that the eddy may play about 55% of total cooling mechanism probability at the west coastline of Nanwan, and internal waves run-up propagation to the coastline take only 31% of that probability.
關鍵字(中) ★ 南灣週期性海水溫降事件
★ 內波溯升
★ 渦漩引致之湧升流
關鍵字(英) ★ periodic water temperature drop at Nanwan Bay
★ internal waves run-up
★ eddy-induced upwelling
論文目次 Abstract ii
中文摘要 iii
Acknowledgement iv
Contents vi
Figures viii
Tables xxii
Symbols xxiv
Chapter I: Introduction 1
1.1. Motivation 1
1.2. Research Purpose 6
1.3. Research Direction 7
1.4. Research Limitations 8
Chapter II: Theoretical Reviews of Possible Explanations 9
2.1. Internal Waves Run-up 9
2.1.1. Infinitely-depth Fluid 11
2.1.2. Finite-depth Fluid 12
2.1.3. Shallow Depth 13
2.1.4. Internal Gravity Current Scaling 13
2.2. Cyclostrophic flow eddy induced upwelling 18
Chapter III: Dataset Sources 20
3.1. In-situ Measurements 21
3.1.1. ADCP 21
3.1.2. Bottom Temperature Gauges 23
3.1.3. Tidal Sea Level 23
3.1.4. uCTD 23
3.2. Remote Sensing 25
3.2.1. SST Himawari-8 25
3.2.2. CODAR 28
Chapter IV: Theoretical Basis of Data Analysis 29
4.1. Eddy Identifier 29
4.2. Internal Waves Scaling 32
4.2.1. Internal Waves Run-up Event Characteristics 32
4.2.2. Internal Gravity Current Estimation 38
4.2.3. Observation of Nonlinear Internal Waves Run-up to the Surfzone 40
4.3. Surface Current Analysis 43
4.3.1. Divergence 43
4.3.2. Vorticity 44
4.3.3. Strain 44
4.3.4. Okubo-Weiss 45
4.3.5. Instantaneous Rate of Separation (IROS) 46
Chapter V: Results and Discussions 47
5.1. Temperature Time Series 47
5.2. Auto-identifying Eddy 52
5.3. Relation of Eddy and Bottom Temperature Gauges 59
5.4. Internal Waves Characterizations 68
5.5. Stratification of Nanwan Bay 79
5.6. The possible cooling mechanism at Nanwan Bay 83
Chapter VI: Conclusions 86
References 88
Appendix A: Eddy without Cold Event 92
Appendix B: Cold Event without Eddy 95
Appendix C: Eddy & Cold-event Presences 103
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指導教授 錢樺(Hwa Chien) 審核日期 2022-9-29
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