摘要(英) |
With the rapid development of science and technology, many industries in the market have gradually launched various equipment, Augment Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) for example. Since 2016, the official website of the real estate company released a house viewing method combined with VR to provide timely and transparent house viewing information for house viewers. During epidemic prevention period, people are worried about that going out to see a doctor will increase the risk of infection and might also delay medical treatment. In order to solve the difficulty of seeking medical treatment, the traditional face-to-face consultation has been replaced by video diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, the National Health Insurance Administration has expanded the "video diagnosis and treatment care", so that outpatients can see a doctor through video, zero-contact consultation, reduce the risk of infection in the hospital for medical treatment.
Dual (multi)-sided markets are also one of the characteristics of the digital economy era in the 21st century. In recent years, with the interpretation of technology, digital mobile technology uses things and ideas to connect people with people, so virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) may also change the way of tourism in the coming future.
In this study, we focus on discussion of new types of tourism innovation models, mobile tourism, hope to build a mutual benefit platform based on this innovative business model canvas, and explain its content and how to develop. And through the nine indicators of the Business Model Canvas, written by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur in 2010, study how to design a new tourism innovation model for someone with particular reasons that cannot go abroad in person but can also enjoy beautiful scenery abroad. |
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