博碩士論文 105256006 詳細資訊

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姓名 賴虢樺(Kuo-Hua Lai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 適用於覆晶封裝、厚度薄型化矽基光電二極體之一維光柵: 設計與分析
(Design and Analysis of 1D Gratings for Flip-Chipped, Thickness-Reduced Silicon Photodiode in the Near-Infrared Regime)
★ 以金屬與多層介電質組態實現可運用於矽基奈米光路之波導90度轉折結構★ 發展半解析法以設計高次模態合成之三維波導電漿子布拉格光柵
★ 以非對稱金屬與多層介電質組態實現可運用於奈米光路之方向性耦合器極化分離器★ 以金屬與多層介電質組態為基礎之新型波導布拉格光柵
★ 以保角映射結合傳輸線網路法設計與分析表面電漿轉折波導: 理論計算與數值模擬之比較★ 以模擬退火演算法及考慮太陽光譜權重對具金屬背電極之太陽能電池設計寬頻與全向位抗反射層
★ 有損中間層引介之光學效應於實現最大光穿透率至薄膜太陽能電池吸收層之研究★ 探討包含金屬之非對稱、單一位能障壁系統中輻射模態致發之共振光學穿隧
★ 橫電極化光波入射非對稱「金屬-介電質」多層結構之共振耦合研究★ 光波至混合電漿波導極化模態轉換器
★ 基於模態漸變之嵌入式矽波導至混合電漿波導極化模態轉換器★ 理論探討以金屬內部光輻射為基礎之太陽能光電轉換
★ 以具全極化二維週期奈米結構之「金屬-介電質-金屬」吸收體實現電漿子增強之光電轉換★ 具耦合電漿子增強之可見光波段電漿子光偵測器
★ 多原子層鋁膜中電子與聲子間之散射研究
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摘要(中) 於大多p - i - n 光電二極體大多厚度為150 至200 μm,本論文討論了在晶圓背面以一維光柵結構提升背收光矽基光電二極體之主動層吸收率,此背收光之光柵結構可進一步減薄其晶圓厚度同時實現覆晶(flip-chip) 封裝進而降低產品厚度達45%
摘要(英) This paper demonstrates a backside illuminated photodiode with 45% package thickness reduction and maintains the same level or higher power absorbance in the active area by adding a dielectric grating structure on the backside of the silicon base p - i - n photodiode. Compare the front-illuminated silicon p - i - n photodiode with general thickness in 150 μm to 200 μm. This paper design a dielectric grating on the back side of the silicon photodiode and further reduce the silicon thickness to 75 μm, which is the mature capability for the wafer thinning process. As a back-illuminated photodiode, it can apply to the flip-chipped package structure and further reduce the total package thickness from 0.55 mm to 0.305 mm with 45% thickness reduction.
關鍵字(中) ★ 覆晶封裝
★ 一維光柵
★ 矽基光電二極體
關鍵字(英) ★ Flip-chipped
★ 1D Grating
★ Photodiode
論文目次 一、緒論.................1
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指導教授 張殷榮(Yin-Jung Chang) 審核日期 2022-9-26
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