博碩士論文 109222008 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃紳語(Shen-Yu Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
論文名稱 缺陷懸浮單層石墨烯的力學性能
(Mechanical properties of defected suspended single layer graphene)
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★ The growth of multilayer graphene through chemical vapor deposition★ Characteristic of defect generated on graphene through pulsed scanning probe lithography
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摘要(中) 在本篇研究中,化學氣相沉積所生長的單層石墨烯用來探討點缺陷對於楊氏模數的關係。我們通過臨界點乾燥機克服了從銅片上的石墨烯轉移至有洞矽基板上的過程中產生的表面張力破壞懸浮石墨烯的問題,因此大面積的懸浮石墨烯可以穩定的製造。原子力顯微鏡的奈米壓痕技術用來量測力和位移的關係圖,並且點缺陷可以通過離子佈植機精準地控制所需的劑量,並透過拉曼光譜去判定石墨烯的損傷程度。透過楊氏模數趨勢的改變我們將點缺陷對於機械性質的影響分成了兩類,一開始楊氏模數會隨著缺陷的增加而增加直到缺陷和缺陷間的距離到達 10nm,之後楊氏模數會隨著缺陷的上升而下降呈現負相關,我們將機制分類為熱波動和石墨烯的結構完整性,並在本篇文章中討論兩種機制對於楊氏模數所帶來的影響。
摘要(英) The research used chemical vapor deposition (CVD) growth graphene to explore the mechanism of the defect to Young’s modulus correlation. The graphene on the copper foil could be transferred to the substrate with holes by a critical point dryer (CPD) without surface tension at the removing polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) step. Through the CPD method, the large area (5μm) of single-layer suspending graphene could be easily produced. The nanoindentation of the atomic force microscope(AFM) is used to measure the force to the displacement correlation. The doses of defects are precisely controlled through ion implantation (IMP) and the degree of damage could be measured by the micro Raman spectrum. Through the trend of Young’s modulus to defect density, there are two mechanisms to effect. In the beginning, the trend of Young’s modulus to the defect density is increasing until the defect length reaches 10nm. After that, the trend presents a decline. The mechanisms are classified as thermal fluctuation and the completion of the graphene structure and discussed in this article
關鍵字(中) ★ 懸浮石墨烯
★ 臨界點乾燥
★ 缺陷
★ 機械性質
關鍵字(英) ★ suspended graphene
★ defect
★ mechanical properties
論文目次 Content
Content iii
Figure list v
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Background 3
2.1.1 Graphene 3
1.2 Defect type of graphene 11
2.2 Atomic force microscope 15
2.1 Contact mode 17
2.2 Nanoindentation 18
2.3 Spring constant of the cantilever 19
2.3 Raman spectroscopy 20
2.4 Ion implantation 26
Chapter 3 Experiment
3.1 Sample preparation 28
1.1 CVD growth graphene 28
1.2 Graphene transfer 30
3.2 Micro Raman spectroscopy 33
3.3 Atomic force microscope 35
3.3.2 Spring constant of the cantilever 39
3.4 Ion implanter 41
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 43
Chapter 5 Conclusion 54
Reference 55
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指導教授 溫偉源(Wei-Yen Woon) 審核日期 2022-7-12
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