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施承瑋(Cheng-Wei Shih)
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物理學系 |
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(Assembly and Beam Test Analysis of sPHENIX INTT Detector)
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摘要(中) |
sPHENIX實驗是相對論性重離子對撞機(RHIC)上的 PHENIX 實驗的升級計畫。sPHENIX將通過精確量測噴流(Jets)、噴流之間的相關性(Jet correlations)和介子(Upsilons)來研究夸克-膠子電漿態(QGP)和cold-QCD物理。sPHENIX的粒子軌跡偵測器是由 MVTX、TPC、TPOT和中間層矽軌跡偵測器(INTT)組成。
中大高能團隊於2019年加入了sPHENIX的INTT團隊。 INTT是由56個矽探測模組組成的兩層矽軌跡偵測器,它主要的功能為橋接MVTX和TPC的粒子軌跡,旨在提高具有高橫向動量的帶電粒子的動量解析度、協助粒子軌跡重建和對撞事件同步。INTT團隊計劃生產120個矽探測模組,台灣高能團隊負責其中的三分之一。矽探測模組的組裝是在台灣探測器聯合實驗室(TSiDF)中進行。我們使用聯合實驗室中的可編程多軸龍門工作台加上自主設計的組裝製具來生產矽探測模組以滿足高精度的組裝需求,所有製具皆由中研院精工廠生產。而所有的矽探測模組已於2022年5月完成組裝以及測試。
INTT作為一個粒子軌跡偵測器,其偵測效率值需趨近於100%才能確保所有可能形成粒子軌跡的簇集訊號都被保留。我們於2021年底在日本的ELPH實驗室使用正電子束進行了偵測器測試實驗(Testbeam)。這次實驗為我們提供了一個很好的機會來更全面的了解INTT偵測器的性能。初步的實驗結果表明,其偵測效率值可達99.73±0.02%,符合實驗要求。 |
摘要(英) |
The sPHENIX is an upgraded project of the former PHENIX experiment at Rela- tivistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The sPHENIX aims to study the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) by measuring jets, jet correlations and Upsilons (Υs) precisely. The sPHENIX also has an active cold QCD physics program. The tracking system of sPHENIX consists of the MVTX, the TPC, the TPOT, and the Intermediate silicon Tracker (INTT). The NCU HEP participates in the INTT group. The INTT is a two-layers silicon tracker consisting of 56 silicon ladders. The INTT bridges the tracks of the MVTX and TPC, aims to improve the momentum resolution for charged particles with high transverse momentum, aids the pattern recognition, and the event synchronization. 120 silicon ladders were scheduled to be built in total. The Taiwan INTT group was responsible for one-third of them. The assembly of silicon ladders was carried out at Taiwan Silicon Detector Facility (TSiDF). The self-designed assembly tools, produced by the Academia Sinica (AS), and the programmable gantry table were introduced to meet the requirements of high-precision assembly. The assembly and test of all silicon ladders were finished in May 2022. As a tracker, the detection efficiency of INTT is required to be close to 100% to save all track candidate hits. A testbeam experiment was performed at the end of 2021, at ELPH, Japan. It provides us an opportunity to understand the performance of INTT more completely. The preliminary testbeam result shows that the detection efficiency can be up to 99.73 ± 0.02% which fits the requirement. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 布魯克海汶國家實驗室 ★ 相對論性重離子加速器 ★ 夸克-膠子電漿態 ★ 重離子對撞實驗 ★ 中間層矽軌跡偵測器 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ BNL ★ RHIC ★ sPHENIX ★ Heavy-ion collision ★ QGP ★ INTT |
論文目次 |
Organizationofthethesis .......................... 1
1 Introduction 2
1.1 QuantumChromodynamics...................... 2 1.2 Quark-GluonPlasma.......................... 5
2 The Experiment Setup 9
2.1 TheRelativisticHeavyIonCollider.................. 9
2.2 ThesPHENIXexperiment ....................... 11 2.2.1 Trackingsystem......................... 12 2.2.2 Electromagneticcalorimeter.................. 18 2.2.3 Superconductingmagnet ................... 20 2.2.4 Hadroniccalorimeter...................... 21 2.2.5 Endcapdetectorsystem .................... 22
3 INTT Ladder Assembly 24
3.1 TheintroductiontoINTT ....................... 24 3.2 Componentqualitycheck ....................... 27 3.3 TaiwanSiliconDetectorFacility.................... 31 3.4 Ladderassemblyprocedures ..................... 34
4 INTT Ladder Testing 41
4.1 Calibrationtest ............................. 41 4.2 Sourcetest ................................ 47
5 Testbeam Experiment 52
5.1 Introductiontothetestbeam2021 .................. 52
5.2 Analysisprocedures .......................... 54
5.2.1 Thetransversealignmentcorrection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.2.2 Thewindowsizedetermination ............... 56
5.2.3 The longitudinal alignment correction . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.2.4 Theboundarycutdetermination............... 58
5.3 Testbeamresults............................. 59 5.3.1 Ladderdetectionefficiency .................. 59
5.3.2 The efficiency and the event process time dependency . . 60 5.3.3 Coulombscatteringstudy................... 63 5.3.4 EnergydepositDACScan................... 64
6 Conclusion 68
A The Ladder Assembly Procedures 71
B The Detail of the Tracking Algorithm 77
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指導教授 |
郭家銘(Chia-Ming Kuo)
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2022-7-19 |
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