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(From Objectification to Responsibility: A Phenomenological Approach for human connection)
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摘要(中) 「物化(objectification)」是一種透過傷害自己以及傷害他者,並以縮限人與人之間的關係及連結的方式來掌控權力的方式。許多人只能依據社會賦予他們的印象而活著,若非如此則會受到許多負面的批評。這使得許多人都只能根據被賦予的角色形象而活著。許多男女都受困於這樣的刻板印象以及規範之中。物化也是對他者的不同想像,而在這種想像中的他者,可能低我一等,或著高我一等。這取決於我們曾經因為哪些的經驗而受創過(例如某些婦女受過來自男性的暴力迫害等)。
伊曼紐爾.列維納斯(Emmanuel Levinas)以及馬丁.海德格(Martin Heidegger)都曾描述過,作為人類,我們如何與他者一起體驗世界,並且這些體驗是如何影響著我們。然而,在這種共享體驗的關係當中,我們可能會進一步的疏遠彼此。本論文旨在找出使這兩位哲學家的論述能夠共存的共同點,並使我們能夠用更好的方式來理解自己以及理解他者。
摘要(英) Objectification compromises ourselves and others, limiting human connection or relationships as a form of control and power play. Many people live under the impression of being expected to behave or act in fear of negative repercussions. Roles are given, and everyone should act accordingly. Many women and men suffer from the stereotypes and norms forced upon them.
Objectification is an imagination of other human beings as different. They can be inferior or superior, depending on what experience we have, such as violence against women and the suffering of men.
The way we understand human connection is our responsibility. Gender and race seem to separate us by our physical and cultural differences. Objectification desensitizes human relationships, indoctrinating the way we relate to others. Objectification is a problem that impacts us all.
Emmanuel Levinas and Martin Heidegger have described how human beings experience the world with others; and how experiences impact us. The relationship we share altogether might persuade us to isolate and detach from the others. However, in this thesis, we will look for a common ground that the ideas of both philosophers can coexist and make a better understanding of ourselves and others
關鍵字(中) ★ 物化
★ 刻板印象
★ 列維納斯
★ 海德格
★ 疏離
關鍵字(英) ★ objectification
★ stereotypes
★ Levinas
★ Heidegger
★ isolate
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Summary ii
Table of Content: iii
Introduction 1
Chapter 1: What is Objectification? 5
1.1 Objectification and Oppression 6
1.2 How Objectification Represent Women and Young Girls 9
1.3 Female Objectification in Media and Culture 16
Chapter 2: Male Experience of Objectification 26
2.1 Objectification of Masculinities: Concepts that Objectify Men 26
2.2 How Female Objectification Emphasized on Male Objectification 33
2.3 How Objectification Perpetuate Victimization 39
Chapter 3 Ethical Recognition and Responsibility 44
3.1 Reliability and Codependency on Meanings 45
3.2 Objectification: Limitation and Separation 49
3.3 Acknowledging Vulnerability is Responsibility 59
Chapter 4: Heidegger’s Dasein and its Responsibility towards oneself. 67
4.1 Dasein as human-being: Situating Ourselves into the unknown 67
4.2 Conditional Being and Meaning 70
4.3 Objectification or Redefinition of our life and meaning. 76
Conclusion 83
Bibliography: 89
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指導教授 孫雲平 審核日期 2022-7-18
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