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尤志仁(Chih Jen Wang)
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對於客戶的緊急訂單的定價行為的分析:以類比IC市場內一間中型半導體公司為案例分析 (Analyses of pricing behaviors on customers with rush orders: a case study of a mid-sized semiconductor company in the Analog ICs market)
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摘要(中) |
本文的目的是實證分析在全球類比 IC 市場中,一家中型的類比 IC 半導體公司售價 會受哪些隱藏因素所影響。全球類比 IC 市場中能夠容納許多公司,原因是類比 IC 其巨大的需求來自於類比 IC 在功能性上已成為現代每個電子設備的基本構建模塊。 此需求趨勢激勵半導體供應商為主流需求的類比 IC 公司 提供同質性產品,甚至連 產品編號都採取與主流 IC 相似甚至相同的命名規則,以對潛在客戶和市場表明其 產品同質性能涵蓋與其競爭者盡可能相同的市場需求。也因爲如此,這是一個競爭 激烈的市場,全球類比 IC 供應商充分了解他們面對的市場是潛在客戶均有著許多 同質性高的替代選項。這些替代選項來自模擬 IC 供應商,也因為如此,潛在客戶 常會釋出緊急訂單給這些供應商,期待想得到生意的供應商能提供比較好的交貨時 間。據此,我們可預知到,對於一家中型類比 IC 供應商而言,其產品售價在很大 程度上取決於市場價格,客戶的購買力以及客戶對供應商服務品質的反應。我們的 實證結果表明,不同的企業可能為相同的產品支付不同的價格。具體來說,透過經 銷商渠道的企業買家為相同的類比 IC 支付的價格比類比 IC 供應商作為直接客戶的 企業買家在價格上高 12%。這說明我們的實證結果與不完全競爭模型中的差別取價 現象一致。 |
摘要(英) |
This article attempted to elaborate on hidden factors that influence the selling price of a mid-sized semiconductor firm in the global Analog ICs market. There are many firms in the Analog ICs market, and with its huge demand from the need as building blocks for every commoditized electronic device, Analog ICs. It motivates suppliers to provide homogeneous products with similar recognizable part numbers for mainstream Analog ICs to indicate their product homogeneity and cover the accessible market as much as possible. Therefore, it is a highly competitive market where global Analog IC suppliers are fully aware of many replacement options for potential buyers. Therefore, the potential customers usually tend to release purchase orders shorter than regular lead-time, or we called it "rush orders" to get a better supply schedule from the Analog IC suppliers who want to get the business. In that sense, we expect that for a mid-sized Analog IC supplier, its product selling price heavily depends on the purchasing power of its customers and the customer satisfaction from daily business engagement, like order fulfillment. Our empirical results show that different corporate buyers pay different prices for identical products. Specifically, the distributor-type buyers pay a 12% higher price for the same Analog ICs than direct buyers. It suggests that our results are consistent with the price discrimination highlighted by the imperfect competition model. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 緊急訂單 ★ 類比IC ★ 半導體 ★ 中型類比IC供應商 ★ 差別取價 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ rush order ★ Analog ICs ★ semiconductors ★ mid-sized Analog IC supplier ★ price discrimination |
論文目次 |
Table of content ......................................................................................III
Table of table content..............................................................................IV
Table of figure content.............................................................................V
Abstract ...................................................................................................VI
中文摘要............................................................................................... VII
Chapter 1 Introduction ..............................................................................1
Chapter 2 Literature Review.....................................................................8
Chapter 3 The Dataset And Analysis Methodology ………………… 12
3.1 THE DATASET:.................................................................................................12
3.2 EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY:............................................................15
Chapter 4 The Empirical Results............................................................18
4.1 ESTIMATED RESULTS OF PANEL REGRESSION..................................................18
DIRECT CUSTOMERS..............................................................................................21
Chapter 5 Interpretation ..........................................................................27
5.1 DISTY VS. UNITPRICEKPCS ..................................................................................27
5.2 SHIPEQTYKPCS VS. UNITPRICEKPCS .....................................................................29
5.3. DELAYDAYT-1 VS. UNITPRICEKPCS .........................................................................29
5.4. QEND VS. UNITPRICEKPCS ...................................................................................31
5.5 NTDRATE, MONTHTREND VS. UNITPRICEKPCS..........................................................33
Chapter 6 Conclusion..............................................................................35
References...............................................................................................37 |
參考文獻 |
1. Afeche Philipp & Pavlin J. Michael (2016). Optimal price/lead-time menus for queues with customer choice: segmentation, pooling, and strategic delay. Management Science, Vol. 62, No. 8, August 2016, pp. 2412-2436
2. Graddy Kathryn (1996). Testing for imperfect competition at the Fulton fish market. RAND Journal of Economics, Vol. 26, No. 1. Spring 1995, pp. 75-92
3. Rouba Ibrahim (2018). Managing queueing systems where capacity is random and customers are impatient, Production and Operations Management, February 2018, Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp.234-250
4. Xie Zhifeng & Chen Daming (2018). The big bang of the chip (The only guide to IC industry), Shanghai Science and Technology Publisher, 1st edition. (1st July 2018)
5. Yuan X. & Ashayeri J.(2009). Capacity expansion decision in supply chains: A control theory application. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, Vol. 22, No. 4, April 2009, pp.356-373
6. Zhao Xuying & Kathryn E. Stecke & Ashutosh Prasad (2012). Lead time and price quotation mode selection: uniform or differentiated? Production and Operation Management, Vol. 21, No. 1, January-February 2012, pp. 1 |
指導教授 |
蔡偉德(Wei Der Tsai)
審核日期 |
2022-9-20 |
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