摘要(英) |
Speech recognition serves as a new form of computer interface. It enables the voice assistant (e.g., Alexa and Siri), which helps us on many services like obtaining daily information and setting up driving navigation system. Speech recognition has been extensively studied since the early 1990s. However, as more and more portable embedded devices
(e.g., navigation system, language translator, etc.) appear on the market, there is a need for offline speech recognition based on low computation device. In this research, we focus on applying an Encoder-Decoder neural network to a low-power device like the Raspberry Pi. In contrast to Alexa and Siri that require the transmission of recorded voice to expensive servers to provide computation and inference, we build a speech recognition model that just infers speech samples locally. Our model uses CNN as the encoder and LSTM or GRU with attention mechanism as the decoder. In addition, Tensorflow Lite is adopted to import the model to the Raspberry Pi for speech inference. The experimental results indicate that the model’s ability to recognize isolated words was improved about 2% to 5% in recall by using the attention mechanism on Raspberry Pi. Inference times on the Raspberry Pi are so long due to the limited computing power of the low-power device. |
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