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姓名 朱彥慈(Yen-Tzu Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 應用二階段訓練於中國古代文獻釋義識別的弱監督學習架構
(SPITAC: Weakly Supervised Learning for Paraphrase Identification with Two-Stage Training in Ancient Chinese Literature)
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摘要(中) 在應用於中國古代文獻的數位人文領域中,已有些研究探討如何實現文本對齊技術來幫助歷史學者比較不同的文獻,不過這些研究並沒有以「相同語意」的觀點來對齊文本。
然而如果要採用釋義識別任務中最先進的自然語言處理技術,則會有一些限制需要去考量:(1)訓練資料不足 (2)基於注意力方法的文本長度限制。
從實驗結果表明,本研究的弱監督學習方法可以達到接近監督式學習的效果,而在消融實驗中,句子過濾器和二階段訓練可以有效提升性能,能提高4.14 F1分數並超越基線模型。最後本研究將從實際的文本中演示並分析此方法的成果,並從成效中探討這項任務的困難及未來改進方向。
摘要(英) Text alignment techniques have been studied in digital humanities research of ancient Chinese literature to assist historians in aligning the documents. Nevertheless, these studies didn′t align text in the "same meaning" perspective.
In our work, we introduce paraphrase identification, the natural language processing(NLP) task that identifies whether the two texts convey the "same meaning", into Digital Humanities of Ancient Chinese literature and apply it to Book of the Later Han, Records of the Three Kingdoms, and Zizhi Tongjian as examples.
However, if we employ SOTA methods to paraphrase identification, some limitations need to be taken into account: (1) insufficient train data and (2) text length limitation of the attention-based method.
To handle these issues, we propose the Weakly Supervised Learning for Paraphrase Identification with Two-Stage Training in Ancient Chinese Literature(SPITAC).Our proposed scheme consists of two components: pseudo-label training set generation and two-stage training.The pseudo-label training set generation is based on the rule-based method to generate the training dataset automatically to overcome the lack of train data issue.To handle the problem of text length limitation, we adopt the sentence filter approach to delete unimportant sentences and shrink the text to less than the maximum length.The two-stage training enables the classifier to identify the hard negative samples more efficiently to improve the model performance.
The experiment results show that our weakly supervised approach can achieve the results of nearly the supervised learning method.In the ablation study, our proposed scheme, sentence filter and two-stage training, can improve the F1 score by 4.14 compared to the baseline.Finally, we demonstrate and analyze the instances to show the effect of our method and indicate the future challenges for this task.
關鍵字(中) ★ 數位人文
★ 釋義識別
★ 文本對齊
★ 弱監督學習
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ Digital Humanities
★ Paraphrase Identification
★ Text Alignment
★ Weakly supervised learning
★ Deep Learning
論文目次 中文摘要 iv
Abstract v
致謝 vi
Contents viii
List of Figures x
List of Tables xi
1 Introduction 1
2 Definition of Paraphrasing in Ancient Chinese Literature 4
3 Related work 7
3.1 Related Digital Humanity Research 7
3.2 Paraphrase Identification 8
3.3 Long Text Matching 9
3.4 Weak and Semi Supervision 10
3.4.1 Semi-supervised 10
3.4.2 Weakly Supervised 11
4 Methodology 12
4.1 Task Description 12
4.2 Framework Overview 12
4.3 Pseudo-label Training Set Generation 13
4.3.1 Get Candidate Set 14
4.3.2 Get Pseudo Labeled Data 15
4.3.3 Sentence Filter 17
4.4 Two Stage Training 20
4.4.1 BERT Fine-tuning 20
4.4.2 Final Training 21
5 Evaluation Dataset and Metrics 23
6 Experiment 25
6.1 Experimental Setup 25
6.1.1 Baseline 25
6.1.2 Implementation Details 26
6.2 Experimental Results 27
6.3 Discussion and Analysis 29
6.3.1 Ablation Study 29
6.3.2 Analysis on the Trend of Dev Scores Per Epoch 30
6.3.3 Analysis on Low Word Overlap Data 32
7 Case Study 34
7.1 Practical Case 34
7.2 The Important of Recall 36
7.3 The Important of Precision 37
8 Conclusion and Future Work 38
8.1 Conclusion 38
8.2 Future work 39
Bibliography 41
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指導教授 蔡宗翰(Richard Tzong-Han Tsai) 審核日期 2022-9-23
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