博碩士論文 109453004 詳細資訊

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姓名 洪莉雅(LI-YA HUNG)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系在職專班
論文名稱 T捷運自動收費系統建置暨維護服務招標策略研究
(A Study on the Tender Specification for Automatic Fare Collection Systems Implementation and Maintenance for MRT Company T)
★ 製藥業的成本會計評估研究─ 一個ABC成本制度的應用★ 一個保險業的資料採擷應用--業務員的薪酬制度分析
★ 農漁產品電子化交易中分類分級管理之研究★ 應用類神經網路建構壽險核保決策支援之研究
★ 企業導入ERP之關鍵成功因素-個案研究★ 體外診斷醫療器材滿足CE及GMP驗證要求之個案研
★ 企業資訊系統委外研究-以個案銀行為例★ DRAM月平均價格變動分析
★ 定期航運產業運價及運送時間對經營績效影響之研究-以某外商海運公司在台灣經營為例★ 以交通儲值卡作為電子支付工具的營運模式及可行性分析
★ 軟體公司能力成熟度評估★ 加速台灣海關的通關便捷化-提升行動化服務的解決方案
★ 以均勻度係數為預測晶圓良率指標之可行性分析-以國內某DRAM廠為例★ 某公司資訊部門變革失敗之探討
★ 資訊部門導入ITIL 管理機制之現況分析─ 以企業導入ITIL 服務支援為例★ 導入WCO SAFE 優質企業之可行性分析–以A航空公司為例
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摘要(中) 大眾運輸捷運系統穿梭於都會區間,並融入日常生活成為密不可分的交通工具,對區域發展扮演著重要的角色,而自動收費系統對捷運公司而言更是輔助營收的重要關鍵,其發展使大眾捷運系統具有高效、實惠和便捷的特性。現有捷運自動收費系統除了原有的現金及儲值卡支付型態外,也隨著資訊科技持續變革兼容更多的支付管道,無論是近場通信設備、信用卡、簽帳金融卡或電子支付平台(例如 Line pay、支付寶、街口等…),對於捷運業者的運營管理和自動收費廠商的建置維護都是新的挑戰。
摘要(英) Metro Railway Transportation (MRT) plays an important role in regional development for many economies. It typically cuts through a metropolitan area and becomes an indispensable mode of transportation for its residents. In terms of fare collection, various advance payment technologies have been integrated, in addition to cash and automatic-fare-collection (AFC) systems. These include near-field communication (NFC) devices, credit cards, debit cards, and electronic payment platforms such as Line-Pay, AliPay, JKOSPay, etc. It is challenging for MRT managements and AFC vendors to manage the operation and maintenance.
The target of this study is the MRT company T, which encountered problems with its AFC vendors. This study investigates the problems and systematic risks associated with the development and implementation of mobile payment systems, as well as risk mitigation, and root-cause-analysis. Also, system requirement analysis is used to collect different design options throughout the project, so that the specifications and requirements in upcoming tender document will have less frequent modification and optimization.
The outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic was a major crisis, resulting in strict quarantine regulations, which in turn almost toppled the tourism and transportation industries. Company T runs an intercity Airport Express line, thus the pandemic leads to a sharp decrease in passengers, which is more severe than any other MRTs. This in turn results in diminished revenue for the AFC vendor, which is based on the original pricing model that did not take in accounts the risk in such traffic cut, to a point that the revenue is much lower than its labor cost. This study proposes a new pricing scheme based on the “minimum revenue guarantee” strategy. The proposal is shown to be feasible through a feasibility analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 自動收費系統
★ 專案管理
★ 最低收益保證
關鍵字(英) ★ Automatic Fare Collection System
★ project management
★ minimum revenue guarantee
論文目次 第一章 緒論............................1
1.1 研究背景...........................1
1.2 研究動機...........................3
1.3 研究目的...........................4
第二章 文獻探討........................5
2.1 專案管理...........................5
2.2 最低收益保證.......................8
第三章 大眾捷運系統....................12
3.1 定義..............................12
3.2 特性..............................12
3.3 自動收費系統介紹...................13
第四章 自動收費系統支付模式探討.........17
4.1 支付媒介類型......................17
4.2 支付業者類型......................19
4.3 國外軌道支付方式分析..............21
4.4 國內軌道支付方式分析..............24
第五章 機場捷運自動收費系統招標規劃.....27
5.1 招標模式..........................27
5.2 維護費用計價模式...................27
5.3 旅客特性分析.......................28
5.4 招標策略調整原因...................29
第六章 招標策略擬定及分析..............33
6.1 標案基本假設......................33
6.2 招標策略擬定......................38
6.3 效益分析..........................50
第七章 研究結論與建議..................54
7.1 研究結論..........................54
7.2 未來研究方向與建議.................55
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指導教授 范錚強 審核日期 2022-8-11
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