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胡家幀(Chia-Cheng HU)
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資訊管理學系在職專班 |
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應用服務藍圖及顧客旅程優化汽車租賃業之服務流程: 以某汽車租賃業為例 (Applying Service Blueprint and Customer Journey Optimization for the Car Rental Business :Take a Company as a Case)
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摘要(中) |
台灣汽車租賃產業現況發展趨於成熟的階段,面對科技不斷演變的現今,虛實整合的通路新型態也不斷推陳出新,從線上到線下到全通路的整合,商業模式變得越來 越複雜及多元化。為了讓消費者有一致的服務體驗,消費者在線上或線下門市的每個 服務接觸點中,提供消費者優質的用車體驗及附加價值,讓消費者在每個服務接觸 點,都能夠獲得滿意服務體驗。在當今以顧客至上的服務創新時代,優化消費者體驗 不僅是新科技的功能導入服務流程,更應該以消費者的視角重新審視服務流程的痛 點,分析消費者在整體租車體驗旅程的行為,深入了解目前汽車租賃業的服務流 程,強化消費者的服務體驗,更是企業不容忽略的重要議題。
本研究針對此議題,以汽車租車業 C 公司為個案研究對象,從中瞭解汽車租賃業 從「車輛預約」、「取車」、「還車」及「顧客回饋」現有服務傳遞及其缺失,繪製顧客 旅程深入了解消費者接觸的痛點,進一步提出優化構想,並以服務藍圖設計改善優化 整體服務流程,重新建置服務藍圖並檢視整體服務流程。最後提出汽車租賃業新科技 服務接觸點的多元化、打造高回購率的會員制度、提供一致性的服務體驗。期望研究結果對汽車租賃公司在提昇及改善服務傳遞品質有所幫助 。 |
摘要(英) |
In order to provide consumers with a consistent service experience, consumers are provided with a quality car experience and added value at each service contact point in both online and offline stores.
In today′s era of customer-oriented service innovation, optimizing the consumer experience is not about the introduction of new technology features into the service, but also about re-examining the pain points from the perspective of consumers, analyzing the behavior of consumers during the overall car rental experience, gaining a deeper understanding of the current service process of the car rental industry, and strengthening the service experience of consumers, which is an important issue that enterprises should not ignore.
In this study, Company C of the car rental industry was used as a case study to understand the existing service delivery and service delivery deficiencies in the car rental industry from "vehicle reservation", "car pickup", "car return" and "customer feedback", to map out the customer journey to understand the consumer contact pain points, to further propose optimization ideas, to optimize the overall service process with service blueprint design, and to re-build the service blueprint to review The overall service process.
Finally, the study proposes to diversify the service contact points of new technology in the car rental industry, create a membership system with high repurchase rate, and provide a consistent service experience. It is expected that the results of the study will be helpful to the car rental company in improving the service delivery quality. |
關鍵字(中) |
★ 服務藍圖 ★ 顧客旅程 ★ 服務流程 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ Customer journey ★ Service Blueprint ★ Service process |
論文目次 |
1-1 研究背景及動機 1
1-2 研究目的4
1-3 研究對象5
第二章 文獻回顧與探討6
2-1 服務的定義及特性6
2-1-1 服務的定義6
2-1-2 服務的特性6
2-1-4 服務補救8
2-2 服務藍圖9
2-2-1 服務藍圖的定義與發展9
2-2-2 服務藍圖的使用優點及產生方法10
2-3 顧客旅程12
2-3-1 顧客旅程的定義與發展12
2-3-2 顧客旅程的使用優點及產生方法12
第三章 研究方法15
3-1 研究架構15
3-2 研究方法16
3-2-1 第一階段非參與式觀察16
3-2-2 第二階段深度訪談17
3-3 研究對象17
3-4 訪談大綱19
3-5 三角檢定法20
第四章 研究分析21
4-1 訪談分析21
4-2 針對服務藍圖的過程詳細22
4-2-1 實體表徵22
4-2-2 顧客活動22
4-2-3 服務藍圖前場員工行為25
4-3 支援系統29
4-3-1 新科技導入的創新與挑戰29
4-3-2 員工教育訓練30
4-3-3 跳脫 SOP 的服務彈性31
4-3-4 顧客回饋32
4-4 服務補救33
4-4-1 可靠性33
4-4-2 有形補償性33
4-4-3 反應性34
4-4-4 親和性34
4-4-5 關懷性34
4-5 顧客旅程失誤36
4-5-1 以消費者問卷來看顧客旅程的失誤36
4-5-2 以顧客旅程視點檢視痛點分析39
4-5-3 服務藍圖之建置47
第五章 結論與建議50
5-1 研究限制50
5-2 研究結果與討論50
文獻參考52 |
參考文獻 |
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〔6〕Fichter,D.,& Wisniewski,J. (2017). Tackling the omnichannel experience
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〔13〕Lemon,K. N.,& Verhoef,P. C. (2016). Understanding customer
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〔14〕Lovelock,C. H.,& Wirtz,J. (2004). Services marketing:
〔15〕Michel,S. (2001). Analyzing service failures and recoveries: a process
approach. International journal of service industry management.
〔16〕Melero,I.,Sese,F.,and Verhoef,P. C. (2016). Recasting the customer
experience in today's omni-channel environment. Univ. Bus. Rev. 2016,18–37.
doi: 10.3232/UBR.2016.V13.N2.01
〔17〕Norton,D. W.,& Pine,B. J. (2013). Using the customer journey to road
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〔18〕Parasuraman,A.,Zeithaml,V. A.,& Berry,L. L. (1985). A conceptual
model of service quality and its implications for future research. Journal of
〔19〕Parasuraman,A.,Zeithaml,V. A. & Berry,L. L.(1985),Problems and
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〔21〕 Singh,J.,(1990). Voice Exit,and Negative Word of Mouth Behaviors: an
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〔24〕Yeo,J.,& Huang,W. (2003). Mobile E-Commerce Outlook. International
Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,2(2),313-332.
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〔1〕三澤直加, 尾形慎哉, & 吉橋昭夫. (2013). サービスデザインにおける顧客経 験の記述方
法: カスタマー・ジャーニー・マップの記述形式の分析. 日本デザイン 学会研究発表大会概要
集, 60, 202.
〔2〕奥谷孝司. (2021). 消費者視点からのオムニチャネル買物価値の理解に求めら れる視座.
〔1〕格上汽車 https://www.car-plus.com.tw/
〔2〕資策會(2022)【電話叫車年代再升級】傳統租車公司大轉型,打開手機 App 就 能租/包
K PT8xFA__&fm_sqno=13
〔3〕盧美靜(2019)美國市場行銷協會定義的 7 大優質服務
https://www.advisers.com.tw/?p=5760 〔8〕張勝能(2004)。日系百貨業顧客抱怨行為、抱怨處理方式、顧客滿意度與顧客 後續行為之關聯性研究。大葉大學國際企業管理學系碩士在職專班碩士論文,彰化 縣。 〔9〕陳佳美(2003)。從關係行銷觀點,探討信任、承諾、服務失誤與顧客抱怨型為 之關係-以連鎖藥局為例。逢甲大學企業管理所碩士論文,台中市。 〔10〕陳柏安(2021)。服務情境價值觀點之關係經營研究–以旅遊糾紛事件為例。大 同大學資訊經營學系(所)碩士論文,台北市。 〔11〕程廣仁(2003)。顧客抱怨原因之研究-以麗嬰房為例。大葉大學工業關係學系 碩士班碩士論文,彰化縣。 〔12〕曾懷陞(2016)。服務失誤、服務補救與顧客忠誠度關係之探討(以瓦城泰國料 理為例)。中國科技大學企業管理系碩士論文,台北市。
〔13〕曾娟娟, & 洪偉能. (2019). 科技導入與服務品質對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度之影 響-以行動購物 APP 為例. 全球商業經營管理學報, (11), 109-120. 〔14〕黃久耘(2021)。從顧客旅程觀點探討 O2O 商業模式對顧客忠誠度的衝擊。銘 傳大學國際企業學系碩士在職專班碩士論文,台北市。
〔15〕歐素華 (2019) 。精準分眾以創新: 由使用者行為引導媒體服務設計. 中山管理評 論, 27(1), 11-56。 〔16〕賴香如(2014)。服務創新對顧客滿意度之影響-服務傳遞者的中介效果。國 立宜蘭大學應用經濟與管理學系經營管理碩士班碩士論文,宜蘭縣。 〔17〕謝采穎(2016)。探討大學圖書館服務品質-以北部某大學為例。中華大學企 業管理學系碩士在職專班碩士論文,新竹市。。 〔18〕關欣(2018)。落差的感受:分析顧客旅程中對新零售的服務需求。國立政治 大學科技管理與智慧財產研究所碩士論文,台北市。
〔1〕Berry,L. (1980). Services marketing is different. Business,30,24-29 〔2〕Coskun,A.,and Frohlich,C. J.(1992). Service: the Competitive Edge in Banking. The Journal of Services Marketing Letters,6(1),15-22.
〔3〕Day,R. L.,& Landon,E. L. Jr. (1977). Toward a theory of consumer complaining behavior,In A. G. Woodside,J. N. Sheth and P. D. Bennett(Eds.),Consumer and Industrial Buying Behavior,New York: North-Holland,425- 437.
〔4〕Edelman,D. C.,& Singer,M. 2015. Competing on customer journeys. Harvard Business Review,93(11): 88-87
〔5〕Frauendorf,J.,Gnoth,J.,& McCole,P. (2005). A transaction cost theory based perspective on customer service scripts. In ANZMC 2005 Conference: Service Marketing. 〔6〕Fichter,D.,& Wisniewski,J. (2017). Tackling the omnichannel experience with customer journey mapping. Computers in Libraries,37(8),4-7.
〔7〕Goodwin,C. and I. Ross (1992),“Consumer response to service failure: Influence of procedural and interactional fairness perceptions”,Journal of Business Research,25,149- 163.
〔8〕Heider,F.,(1958),The Psychology of Interpersonal Relations,Wiley,New York. 〔9〕Kotler,P. (1991). Marketing management. The Millennium Edition,Prentice Hall International,Inc.
〔10〕Kotler,P. (1997),Marketing Management : Analysis,Planning,Implementation and Control. 9thed,New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
〔11〕Kingman-Brundage,J. (1989). The ABC′s of Service System Blueprinting: Designing a Winning Service Strategy,Proceedings of the 7th Annual Services Marketing Conference,Chicago,IL.
〔12〕Langley,A. (1999). Strategies for theorizing from process data. Academy of Management review,24(4),691-710.
〔13〕Lemon,K. N.,& Verhoef,P. C. (2016). Understanding customer experience throughout the customer journey. Journal of marketing,80(6),69-96.
〔14〕Lovelock,C. H.,& Wirtz,J. (2004). Services marketing: People,technology,strategy.
〔15〕Michel,S. (2001). Analyzing service failures and recoveries: a process
approach. International journal of service industry management. 〔16〕Melero,I.,Sese,F.,and Verhoef,P. C. (2016). Recasting the customer experience in today′s omni-channel environment. Univ. Bus. Rev. 2016,18–37. doi: 10.3232/UBR.2016.V13.N2.01
〔17〕Norton,D. W.,& Pine,B. J. (2013). Using the customer journey to road test and refine the business model. Strategy & Leadership.
〔18〕Parasuraman,A.,Zeithaml,V. A.,& Berry,L. L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research. Journal of marketing,49(4),41-50. 〔19〕Parasuraman,A.,Zeithaml,V. A. & Berry,L. L.(1985),Problems and Strategies in Services Marketing ,Journal of Marketing,49,Spring,33-46
〔20〕Shostack,G. L. (1987). Service positioning through structural change. Journal of marketing,51(1),34-43.
〔20〕 Singh,J.,(1990). Voice Exit,and Negative Word of Mouth Behaviors: an Investigation across Three Service Categories,Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science,18(1): 1-15.
〔21〕Thomas (1978). Strategy is different in service industries. Harvard Business Review,Jul-Aug,158-165.
〔22〕Weick,K. E. (1990). Technology as equivoque: Sensemaking in new technologies. In P. S. Goodman,& L. S. Sproull (Eds.),Technology and Organizations: 1-44. San Francisco.: Jossey-Bass.
〔23〕Yeo,J.,& Huang,W. (2003). Mobile E-Commerce Outlook. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making,2(2),313-332.
〔24〕Zeithaml,V. A.,& Bitner,M. J. (1996). Service Marketing. New York: McGraw- Hill.
〔1〕三澤直加, 尾形慎哉, & 吉橋昭夫. (2013). サービスデザインにおける顧客経 験の記述方法: カスタマー・ジャーニー・マップの記述形式の分析. 日本デザイン 学会研究発表大会概要集, 60, 202.
〔2〕奥谷孝司. (2021). 消費者視点からのオムニチャネル買物価値の理解に求めら れる視座. マーケティングジャーナル,40(4),75-83.
〔1〕格上汽車 https://www.car-plus.com.tw/ 〔2〕資策會(2022)【電話叫車年代再升級】傳統租車公司大轉型,打開手機 App 就 能租/包車 https://www.iii.org.tw/Focus/FocusDtl.aspx?f_type=2&f_sqno=GjIk7j4qmp6PFgbK PT8xFA__&fm_sqno=13
〔3〕盧美靜(2019)美國市場行銷協會定義的 7 大優質服務 https://www.advisers.com.tw/?p=5760 |
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謝依靜(Hsieh, Yi-Ching)
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2022-8-10 |
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