摘要(英) |
Taiwan’s technology industry has well renowned as “Computer Kingdom”, “Technology Island”. Taiwan’s computer industry started at 80’s from produce mother board, graphics card, chassis, mouse and keyboards, laid a strong foundation and created many Taiwan’s No.1 step by step. Here’s comes the Taiwan’s computer industry takes off in 90’s, Taiwan becoming the “World Professional Foundries”.
The top 5 market share brand of notebook, Lenovo, HP, Dell, Apple, Acer, their main assembly foundries are from Taiwan. And in the could service market, the build of data center of the top tier CSP ( Cloud Service Provider) like Microsoft, Google, Amazon and Meta( Facebook), Taiwan’s foundries has shared 80% up of the hardware design, assemble and manufacturing.
Taiwan’s strong abilities in foundries win over the most famous brand of notebook and CSP. From OEM to ODM, not only assembly, Taiwan foundries also can provide design, R&D, and the best worldwide logistic service/ after service. Taiwan makes outsourcing manufacturing isn’t only an adding value activity, but make it becoming “Design Manufacture Services”.
The study using multiple cases studies, takes professional foundries as objects, exploring the electronic foundry’s developmental history, and the process to form and operate of the “Competitive foundry” business model. This is a business model formed by brands willing to have their products to a dedicate foundry to design and produce. The study found that the key incentive that brands select foundries is the accumulations of the experiences from past R&D input and manufacturing advantages. Furthermore, the technology infusion of the key component in PC industry like CPU’s iterative update, foundries needs to have the relative abilities to help brands to develop product for Time-to-Market. The foundries have the core abilities which can attract different brands to cooperate, then comes out the Competitive foundry model.
Keywords: Competitive foundry, Trust mechanism, Technology diffusion, Abilities boundary shift, co-opetition, Design Manufacture Services |
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