摘要(英) |
The Internet has turned our life , with the rapid popularization of smart terminal and the continuous improvement of information technology infrastructure, various information technologies are gradually integrated into all fields of society and life. It can be said that Metaverse is one of the inevitable trends in the wake of the development of digital society, and the continuous global epidemic has further accelerated its arrival.
The Metaverse combines many elements such as finance, games, augmented reality, NFT, etc. In the Metaverse, anyone can collect virtual assets and create virtual identities and games by creating, purchasing and viewing NFTs, etc. The current paper related to the metaverse has not done any specific research on the application of the metaverse technology. Therefore, it is hoped that with the existing technology, the illusory metaverse will be used to propose a technical framework plan, so as to provide a clearer framework for future practice.
In this paper, introduce the development history and application of the Metaverse and NFT first. And then based on the existing technology, propose a framework for the tourism and shopping of virtual and real integration of Metaverse and NFT. And explore the privacy, security and risks of the existing metaverse. In the end, summarize recommendations for the development of the Metaverse. |
參考文獻 |
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