摘要(英) |
In recent years, Taiwan has promoted the 108 curriculum guidelines, and we have seen more and more literacy-oriented question types in the Comprehensive Assessment Program for Junior High School Students and General Scholastic Ability Test. Therefore, students’ “mathematical problem-solving process” and “metacognitive ability” are particularly important. Teachers should train students’ skills and attitude when solving mathematical problems. And students should reflect the appropriateness of problem-solving strategies to improve their mathematical ability through the learning process of mathematical problem-solving. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to develop a mathematical problem-solving process that emphasizes “metacognition”, and provide a mathematical problem-solving process scaffolding to help teacher master students’ learning situations and help students solve mathematical problems like experts. Teachers can effectively manage multiple units at the same time and provide adaptive teaching content through the arrangement of unit activities. Besides, students can learn mathematics through the system. By combining their metacognitive ability, students can reflect on their own learning process after completing the learning task. Furthermore, they can get the connection between problems and those problem-solving strategies in the past.
After the platform was developed, the study used the method of “questionnaire survey” to conduct a preliminary evaluation of the system. The participants were 46 math teachers of junior high school and senior high school. Through questionnaire collations, the teachers’ acceptance of technology of the system, the perceived usefulness of the scaffolding and interactive tools were evaluated, and also we collected their suggestions and feedback. The results show that most of the teachers give positive feedback and have the intention to use the system in learning mathematics. According to the results of this study, suggestions for the system are put forward as a reference direction for future research and system improvement. |
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