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姓名 黃紹芊(Shao-Chien Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 基於知識翻新理論的數位說故事活動對國小高年級學生非形式推理思考表現與數位說故事表現之影響-以基因改造食物為例
(The influence of digital storytelling activities on the informal reasoning thinking performance and digital storytelling performance of senior elementary school students based on the theory of knowledge buliding -taking genetically modified foods as an example)
★ 支援國小科展探究教與學之網路科展探究系統的開發與評估★ 教師科展專業知識分享社群平台系統開發與評估
★ 科學小論文寫作平台的建置與評估★ 「探究教學線上教師社群平台」之建置與評估:以知識管理理論為基礎
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★ Improving Novice Teachers’ Instructional Practice Through Online Multilevel Reflection: The Role of Novice Teachers’ Beliefs★ The Effect s of Video-based Reflection on Preservice Teachers′ Micro Teaching Focusing on Meaningful Learning with ICT
★ Examining Teachers’ Online Video-Based Reflective Practice for Professional Development Regarding Guided-Discovery Learning Instruction★ 數位教育遊戲之開發與評估:以「Mr.道耳頓的奇幻歷險」為例
★ 應用自然語言處理技術開發基於知識翻新理論之線上非同步合作論證平台與平台初步評估★ 同步討論與反思系統(SDRS)對小學生知識建構學習環境感知和學習成果的影響
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摘要(中) 面對二十一世紀的科技時代,為求生活便利,人類善用智慧結合發達的技術,進行諸多改良,同時隨之而來因基因改造食物產生的社會性科學議題。經研究發現學生在社會性科學議題的非形式推理能力是不足的,然而為重視「基因改造食物」、「社會性科學議題」和「非形式推理思考表現」三者對未來人類社會的影響,研究者透過基於知識翻新理論的數位說故事活動,以瞭解本研究目的,如下:一、透過非形式推理綜合分析法,來了解學生社會性科學議題之探討對非形式推理思考表現的影響;二、透過知識翻新理論的介入,以了解知識翻新教學與一般傳統教學對於學生數位說故事表現及所覺知的學習環境是否有差異存在。
摘要(英) Facing the technological era of the 21st century, in order to make life easier, human beings make good use of wisdom and advanced technology to carry out many improvements. At the same time, there are social scientific issues arising from genetically modified food. Studies have found that students′ informal reasoning ability on social science issues is insufficient. However, in order to pay attention to the impact of "genetically modified food", "social scientific issues" and "informal reasoning thinking performance " on future human society, researchers used digital storytelling activities based on knowledge building theory to understand the purpose of this study, as follows: 1. Through the comprehensive analysis of informal reasoning, to understand the impact of students′ discussion of social science issues on the performance of informal reasoning thinking; 2. Through the intervention of the knowledge building theory, to understand whether there is a difference between the knowledge building teaching and the general traditional teaching in the students′ digital storytelling performance and the perceived learning environment.
This study adopts the quasi-experimental design of the experimental research method. The research objects are two classes of fifth-grade students in elementary schools, with 25 students in the experimental group and 25 students in the control group, with a total of 50 students.This study implemented an eight-week course for two classes respectively, and carried out a set of learning activities based on "knowledge building theory" teaching and "general traditional" teaching. Afterwards, the two classes were evaluated on informal reasoning thinking performance, digital storytelling performance, knowledge building environment.
The results of the study found that the two teaching methods in this study have good learning performance, and the "based on knowledge building theory" teaching has significantly improved and grown in the "reasoning mode" and "argument quality" of informal reasoning on social science issues. In terms of digital storytelling performance, the experimental group has improved in the microscopic digital storytelling performance, and the control group has improved in the macroscopic digital storytelling performance.
This study suggests that: 1. The senior elementary curriculum should be appropriately integrated into social science issues to improve students′ informal reasoning thinking performance. 2. If the multimedia application of digital storytelling is combined with the development of various curriculum, it will help students to learn in depth. 3. The implementation of knowledge building teaching requires long-term training, and more emphasis should be placed on reflection and the use of scaffolding.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會性科學議題
★ 非形式推理思考表現
★ 知識翻新理論
★ 數位說故事
關鍵字(英) ★ social scientific issues
★ Informal Reasoning Thinking Performance
★ Knowledge Building Theory
★ Digital Storytelling
論文目次 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
誌謝 VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XII
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機與目的 3
第三節 研究問題 5
第四節 名詞解釋 7
第五節 研究範圍與限制 9
第二章 文獻探討 11
第一節 社會性科學議題與非形式推理 11
第二節 知識翻新理論 19
第三節 數位說故事 27
第三章 研究方法 41
第一節 研究對象 41
第二節 研究設計 43
第三節 研究流程 50
第四節 研究工具 51
第五節 資料蒐集 53
第六節 資料處理與分析 55
第四章 研究結果與討論 67
第一節 69
實驗組與控制組在教學前後之非形式推理思考表現分析 69
第二節 79
實驗組與控制組在教學前後之數位說故事表現評量量表分析 79
第三節 85
實驗組與控制組在教學前後之知識翻新學習環境量表分析 85
第五章 研究結論與建議 91
第一節 結論 91
第二節 建議 93
參考文獻 95
中文 95
英文 97
附錄 106
附錄一 數位說故事表現評量量表 106
附錄二 國小五年級學生學習環境問卷 108
附錄三 教材內容 111
參考文獻 參考文獻
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學資訊科技應用系碩士論文,新北市。 取自https://hdl.handle.net/11296/km8689
教育部全球資訊網取自http://www.edu.tw/news1/detail.aspx?Node=1088&Page=22491 &Index=1& WID-6635a4e8-10de-4957-aa3e-c3b15c6e6ead
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指導教授 吳穎沺(Ying-Tien Wu) 審核日期 2022-7-26
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