摘要(英) |
This research is mainly to explore the relationship between "learning engagement", "online learning behavior" and "academic performance" of students taking calculus courses, as well as to explore students′ satisfaction, self-efficacy and online learning behavior in the online learning system and academic performance.
Based on the relevant literature, this study compiled a questionnaire to measure students′ learning engagement, satisfaction and self-efficacy, and conducted the test at the time of the second calculus exam. There are 485 students in total. This study uses the questionnaire results filled out by students and the records of students′ use of the BookRoll online learning system as the main data, and statistical analysis is carried out with the students′ academic performance. Through the study of correlation data analysis, and then using the SEM structural equation model to correct and adjust, the relationship between students′ learning engagement, online learning behavior and academic performance is unified.
The results of the study found that students′ learning engagement, online learning behavior and academic performance were all positively correlated. Therefore, students′ learning engagement and online learning behavior can be used as indicators to predict students′ academic performance. |
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