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姓名 黃惠楨(Huei-Chen Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系在職專班
論文名稱 新型乾法加工技術構建之高性能超細鑽石砂輪開發研究
(A novel dry processing technique to construct a high-performance superfine diamond grinding wheel with thermal and material characterizations)
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摘要(中) 本研究開發一種新型的乾式混合造孔劑之技術用以製作高性能超細目鑽石砂輪,研究採用了砂輪的單批次生產過程,其優點是不使用樹酯液作為添加的黏合劑。由於沒有濕潤劑的使用,可以避免超細鑽石磨料、超細結合劑及造孔劑在混合過程中產生結塊,於大批量的生產可以實現整體砂輪混合的均一性,而將混合錯誤和人為因素造成的混合不均勻降到最低。此外研究中之低溫燒結可以有效地減少碳足跡,在較低的燒結溫度620℃下,砂輪擁有更高的孔隙率(~82%)且微觀結構呈現出均勻的大氣孔,這對晶圓表面的去除和研磨過程中可避免晶圓燒焦。研究以熱重-差示掃描量熱儀(TG-DSC)來測定超細結合劑的熱流和重量損失。利用光學非接觸式分析儀對超細結合劑粉末進行分析,以及設定砂輪的燒結溫度與升溫曲線。掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM)圖像顯示,燒結後孔隙結構沒有分層、特大連通孔和微結構損傷。原子力顯微鏡(AFM)、雷射掃描數位顯微鏡(LSCM)和掃描電子顯微鏡結果顯示,研磨後的矽(Si)表面粗糙度低至6nm,沒有深的刮痕,而且損傷層低於0.7μm。這項研究提供了一種新的方法為乾式超細鑽石砂輪製造技術,以製作出的新型砂輪用於矽晶圓研磨,實現以研磨方式來取代部分化學拋光(CMP)製程,並有效減少拋光時間。
摘要(英) A novel dry process that prepared in mixing with a pore-forming agent employs a single batch process in production of grinding wheels with the advantage without using resin liquid as an additive binder. The agglomeration of a pore-forming agent can be avoided due to no dressing agent mixing with the superfine diamond abrasives and binders. Bulk mass production can still ensure to fulfill the excellent homogeneity in mixing cross the entire grinding wheel. Therefore, an uneven mixing caused by mixing errors and human factors can be minimized. The grinding wheel can reach an ultrahigh porosity (~82 %) at a lower sintering temperature of 620 °C. Low-temperature sintering can effectively reduce the carbon footprint. A thermogravimetric-differential scanning calorimeter (TG-DSC) was used to determine the thermal properties of superfine frits. Further characterization of ultrafine binders by an optical non-contact dilatometry is utilized to set-up a protocol sintering plan of grinding wheels. Microstructure from scanning electron microscope (SEM) measurement on grinding wheel presents a uniform large pore structure which offers a benefit to wafer surface removal and less scorching during grinding. Atomic force microscopy (AFM), laser scanning digital microscope (LSCM) and SEM results revealed that the ground silicon (Si) wafer had a low surface roughness (~ 6 nm), without deep scratches, and with a low damaged layer (~0.7 μm) respectively. The wear test on grinding wheels demonstrates it is very cost effective to use a dry processing wheel. This work provides a new method for grinding Si wafers with a new type of wheel being developed by a novel dry superfine diamond grinding technique in a manufacturing process. It is realized that the use of a dry grinding process can save part of chemical polishing process (CMP) and effectively reduces the polishing time.
關鍵字(中) ★ 乾式混合
★ 低溫結合劑
★ 玻璃熔塊釉
★ 超細鑽石砂輪
★ 孔隙率
關鍵字(英) ★ Dry process
★ Low temperature binder
★ Frits
★ Superfine diamond grinding wheel
★ Porosity
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 IX
第一章緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機與目的 2
第二章文獻回顧 3
2.1半導體材料 3
表1.Si、GaAs、碳化矽及GaN 物理特性表 4
2.2半導體研磨砂輪 5
2.3超細鑽石陶瓷結合劑砂輪的製造 8
第三章實驗程序 10
3.1 材料 12
3.2製造超細目鑽石砂輪 14
3.3超細玻璃料和超細鑽石砂輪的燃燒特性 17
3.4研磨測試 21
第四章結果與討論 23
4.1 H輪配方 23
4.2 H輪與V輪比較 30
4.3研磨結果 32
第五章結論 39
第六章未來展望 40
參考文獻 42
設備照片 48
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指導教授 傅尹坤(Yiin-kuen Fuh) 審核日期 2022-7-18
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