博碩士論文 109323005 詳細資訊

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姓名 林啟玄(CI-SYUAN LIN)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 高壓輔助熱退火製程改善全無機鈣鈦礦太陽能電池之研究
(The Study of Pressure-Assisted Annealing Process to Enhance All Inorganic Perovskite Solar Cell)
★ 以CaTiO3應用於鈣鈦礦太陽能電池電子傳輸層之研究★ 奈微米結構於鈣鈦礦太陽能電池光捕捉應用之研究
★ 氟摻雜氧化錫奈米週期結構電極應用於鈣/鈦複合物作為鈣鈦礦太陽能電池介孔層之研究★ 具奈米結構之氟摻雜氧化錫玻璃基板應用於鈣鈦礦太陽能電池之研究
★ 利用光發射光譜儀監控高功率脈衝磁控濺鍍光學薄膜之研究★ 利用溶劑萃取法結合綠色溶劑製備鈣鈦礦太陽能電池
★ ITO奈米週期結構提升鈣鈦礦發光二極體光萃取率之模擬研究★ 水溶液法製備CsxPbyBrz鈣鈦礦系材料之研究
★ CsPb(BrxI1-x)3@SiO2量子點薄膜之合成及其性質探討★ 單源熱蒸鍍全無機鈣鈦礦薄膜與發光二極體之研究
★ APTES製備CsPbBr3@SiO2量子點擴散粒子暨擴散膜之研究★ 二氧化矽包覆鈣鈦礦量子點薄膜 暨擴散粒子之研究
★ 雙源順序熱蒸鍍全無機混合鹵化物鈣鈦礦藍色發光二極體之研究★ 以高壓輔助熱退火製備高開關比之自供電全無機鈣鈦礦光電感測器
★ 不同熱處理製程對於全無機混合鹵化物鈣鈦礦 藍色發光二極體之研究★ 利用TPBi增益綠光鈣鈦礦電致發光元件效率之分析
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摘要(中) 新世代鈣鈦礦太陽能電池在近年發展迅速,有機-無機鈣鈦礦太陽能電池的效率已
經來到了 25.7%,步步進逼傳統的矽基太陽能電池的光轉換效率,但是有機陽離子的
相對穩定的全無機系列的鈣鈦礦太陽能電池進行研究,在這之中又屬 CsPbBr3 材料具
現今對於 CsPbBr3太陽能電池的研究仍是以溶液法為大宗,雖然其成本低廉,但
用 SEM、UV-vis、XRD 等儀器分析進行薄膜成分的優化,再探討厚度對電流密度的影
晶粒尺寸,成功使電池元件的 Jsc 大幅增加﹐最終在 FTO/c-TiO2/m-TiO2/CsPbBr3/C 的
元件結構之下獲得了: PCE=10.80%、Voc=1.49V、Jsc=9.55mA/cm2、FF=75.83%的成
果,並在存放 30 天後仍具備原始效率的 87%,並在電極面積放大了四倍的元件上具有
原先最佳效率元件的 85%,展現出色的耐候性與薄膜品質。
摘要(英) The new generation of perovskite solar cells has been developed rapidly in recent years.
The efficiency of organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells has reached 25.7%, which is close to
traditional silicon-based solar cells. However, the organic cations makes it highly sensitive to
water and oxygen, and it is easy to degrade under long-term using. It is the disadvantage of
organic-inorganic perovskite solar cells, making it difficult to apply in commercial applications.
Therefore, more and more scientists turn to research on relatively stable all-inorganic series of
perovskite solar cells. Among them, CsPbBr3 material has the best stability.
At present, the research on CsPbBr3 solar cells is still based on the solution process.
Although its cost is low, it cannot take into account the uniformity of the film and the production
of a large area, and the control of reproducibility is also poor, which is not conducive to the
commercialization of the product. Therefore, the vacuum deposition process shows its
advantages. Among them, the single-source vacuum deposition has a simple process, does not
need to master too complicated parameters, and requires less equipment. High-quality
perovskite films can also be prepared.
In this study, we build on previous studies on the structure of single-source vacuum
deposition perovskite solar cell device. Using SEM, UV-vis, XRD and other equipment analysis
to optimize the composition of the film, and then discuss the influence of thickness on the
current density. And then we use pressure-assisted annealing process to improve the film quality
and increase grain size. Successfully increased the Jsc of the device. Finally, we obtained
PCE=10.80%, Voc=1.49V, Jsc=9.55mA/cm2
, FF=75.83% under the structure of FTO/cTiO2/m-TiO2/CsPbBr3/C.
After 30 days of storage, it still has 87% of the original efficiency. And has 85% of the bestefficiency device with four times the electrode area. Shows great environment resistance and
film quality
關鍵字(中) ★ 鈣鈦礦
★ 太陽能電池
★ 高壓輔助熱退火
關鍵字(英) ★ CsPbBr3
★ Solar Cell
★ Pressure-Assisted Annealing Process
論文目次 目錄
第 1 章 緒論............................................................................................................................1
1-1 前言.............................................................................................................................1
1-2 太陽能電池分類介紹.................................................................................................2
1-2-1 矽太陽能電池 .................................................................................................2
1-2-2 化合物太陽能電池 .........................................................................................3
1-2-3 有機太陽能電池 .............................................................................................4
1-3 鈣鈦礦太陽能電池.....................................................................................................4
1-3-1 有機-無機鈣鈦礦太陽能電池發展................................................................5
1-3-2 無機鈣鈦礦太陽能電池發展 .........................................................................8
1-4 鈣鈦礦太陽能製程方法...........................................................................................10
1-4-1 溶液法 ...........................................................................................................10
1-4-2 熱蒸鍍法 .......................................................................................................12
1-5 無機鈣鈦礦太陽能電池改善...................................................................................18
1-5-1 電子傳輸層之改善 .......................................................................................18
1-5-2 熱退火製程之改善 .......................................................................................19
1-5-3 摻雜離子改善薄膜品質 ...............................................................................22
1-5-4 電洞傳輸層匹配改善 ...................................................................................23
1-5-5 電極改善 .......................................................................................................27
1-6 研究動機...................................................................................................................31
第 2 章 實驗方法..................................................................................................................32
2-1 實驗材料與儀器.......................................................................................................32
2-1-1 實驗材料 .......................................................................................................32
2-1-2 實驗儀器 .......................................................................................................32
2-2 實驗步驟...................................................................................................................34
2-2-1 FTO 導電玻璃清洗.......................................................................................34
2-2-2 二氧化鈦(TiO2)緻密層的合成與塗佈 .........................................................34
2-2-3 二氧化鈦(TiO2)介孔層的合成與塗佈 .........................................................34
2-2-4 CsPbBr3 蒸鍍..................................................................................................34
2-2-5 薄膜熱處理 ...................................................................................................35
2-2-6 碳膠刮塗 .......................................................................................................35
2-3 實驗儀器分析介紹...................................................................................................36
2-3-1 XRD 量測原理...............................................................................................36
2-3-2 UV-vis 量測原理............................................................................................36
2-3-3 SEM 量測原理 ...............................................................................................36
2-3-4 UPS 量測原理................................................................................................36
2-3-5 太陽光能模擬器量測原理 ...........................................................................37
第 3 章 結果與討論..............................................................................................................38
3-1 熱蒸鍍 CsPbBr3 薄膜 ...............................................................................................38
3-1-1 CsPbBr3 薄膜分段分析..................................................................................38
3-2 CsPbBr3 電池元件製作 .............................................................................................40
3-2-1 添加 CsBr ......................................................................................................40
3-2-2 電池主動層最佳厚度 ...................................................................................42
3-3 提升電流密度...........................................................................................................44
3-3-1 高溫高壓製程改善薄膜品質 .......................................................................44
3-3-2 UPS 分析........................................................................................................46
3-3-3 高溫高壓製程元件應用 ...............................................................................48
3-3-4 不同壓力下退火對 CsPbBr3 太陽能電池的影響........................................49
3-3-5 退火時間增長 ...............................................................................................53
3-4 最佳參數電池分析...................................................................................................56
3-4-1 UV-vis 與 XRD 分析......................................................................................58
3-4-2 IPCE 測試.......................................................................................................60
3-4-3 耐候性測試 ...................................................................................................61
3-4-4 元件面積增加 ...............................................................................................61
第 4 章 結論..........................................................................................................................63
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指導教授 詹佳樺(Chia-Hua Chan) 審核日期 2022-8-23
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