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姓名 陳佳煒(Chia-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 質子交換膜燃料電池之微孔層凹槽結構與參數靈敏度模擬分析
(Simulation Analysis of Microporous Layer Grooves Structure and Parameters Sensitivity of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell)
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摘要(中) 質子交換膜燃料電池(PEMFC)是一種將反應物的化學能直接轉換成電能的電化學裝置,PEMFC可以透過減少觸媒層鉑金(Pt)使用量以降低電池生產成本並同時保持最大功率密度來進行大規模生產和商業化,當Pt膜厚度超過最佳值時,氣體傳輸良好的區域(靠近氣體擴散層的一側)與質子傳輸良好的區域(靠近質子交換膜的一側)分離,因此電流密度和功率密度隨膜厚度的新增而下降。本研究是藉由COMSOL軟體來模擬質子交換膜燃料電池,使用多重物理量耦合的方式,建立三維燃料電池模型,並以此模型為基準,來分別模擬兩相的單電池。而在模擬的區域則包含了陰極和陽極兩端的流道、氣體擴散層、微孔層、觸媒層以及質子交換膜。
本研究藉由COMSOL Multiphysic在微孔層表面上製造不同週期性凹槽,以增加Pt沉積的有效表面積,從而減少Pt膜厚度,透過改變凹槽的形狀、寬度以及深度,討論對於質子交換膜燃料電池性能影響。研究結果顯示,在40 µm凹槽深度具有較高的電流密度,凹槽越深其PEM燃料電池性能越好。而在不同凹槽形狀中使用方形週期性凹槽且深度及寬度皆為40 µm的情況,0.6 V下的電流密度較無凹槽提升約26 %。
摘要(英) Proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) is an electrochemical device that directly converts the chemical energy of reactants into electrical energy. Platinum (Pt) used as a catalyst layer in the PEMFC increases the cost of the fuel cell. This study aims to increase the higher surface area of the catalyst layer with lower catalyst loading. So that the cost of the PEMFC could decrease. When the thickness of Pt membrane exceeds the optimal value, the region with good gas transmission (near the gas diffusion layer) is separated from the region with good proton transmission (near the proton exchange membrane), so the current density and power density decrease with the increase of membrane thickness. In this study, the proton exchange membrane fuel cell is simulated by COMSOL software, and a three-dimensional fuel cell model is established by coupling multiple physical quantities happen in the actual (physical) functioning of PEMFC. The model couples the two-phase flow of multicomponent reactants and liquid water, species transport, electrochemical reaction, proton and electron transport. Based on this model, single cell is simulated with liquid and gaseous media flow in the porous solid system respectively. The simulated region includes the flow channels at both ends of cathode and anode, gas diffusion layer, microporous layer, catalyst layer and proton exchange membrane. In this study, COMSOL multiphysics was used to make different periodic grooves on the surface of cathode and anode microporous layer to increase the effective surface area of Pt deposition, so as to reduce the thickness of Pt membrane. The effects of groove shape, and depth on the performance of PEMFC is investigated. Groove depth increases the performance of PEMFC. The research results show that the groove depth of 40 µm has the highest current density, the better performance of PEM fuel cell. The PEMFC current density is 26% higher at 0.6 V for a square periodic groove of 40 µm. At the same time, the parametric sensitivity analysis of PEMFC with porous flow field design is carried out. The model couples the two-phase flow of multicomponent reactants and liquid water, species transport, electrochemical reaction, proton and electron transport. The research parameters can be divided into the structure or transmission parameters (tortuosity, porosity, permeability and conductivity) of each layer (gas diffusion layer, microporous layer, catalyst layer and proton exchange membrane) and electrochemical parameters (anode and cathode exchange current density, anode and cathode transfer coefficient). Different numerical simulations of single parameters are carried out to obtain the influence of all parameters on the polarization curve of the cell and analyze the factors affecting the performance of the fuel cell. This study helps in decreasing the cost of PEMFC and increasing the performance of PEMFC with optimum Pt thickness and microporous layer groove design.
關鍵字(中) ★ 微孔層
★ 凹槽設計
★ 計算流體力學
★ 數值分析
★ 質子交換膜燃料電池
★ COMSOL Multiphysics
關鍵字(英) ★ Microporous layer (MPL)
★ Groove design
★ Numerical analysis
★ Proton exchange membrane fuel cell
★ COMSOL Multiphysics
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
誌謝 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 燃料電池介紹 2
1.2.1 燃料電池種類 3
1.2.2 質子交換膜燃料電池工作原理 5
1.2.3 質子交換膜燃料電池之組成結構 8
1.2.4 質子交換膜燃料電池之極化現象 10
1.3 研究動機與目的 14
1.3.1 研究動機 14
1.3.2 研究目的 14
第二章 文獻回顧 16
2.1 質子交換膜燃料電池 16
2.2 金屬多孔材之研究 17
2.3 微孔層凹槽研究 19
2.4 計算流體力學應用於質子交換膜燃料電池 21
第三章 理論與計算模式 26
3.1 質子交換膜燃料電池電化學反應 26
3.2 基本假設 27
3.3 統御方程式 27
3.3.1 質量守恆方程式 28
3.3.2 動量守恆方程式 28
3.3.3 能量守恆方程式 29
3.3.4 物種傳輸方程式 30
3.3.5 Bruggeman 關係式 31
3.3.6 Butler-Volmer 方程式 32
3.3.7 電流守恆方程式 33
3.3.8 膜電極質子導電率 35
第四章 模型建立與條件設定 37
4.1 質子交換膜燃料電池CFD模擬分析 37
4.1.1 幾何模型介紹 37
4.1.2 材料參數 40
4.1.3 物理參數 41
4.1.4 邊界條件 42
4.1.5 網格收斂性分析 43
4.2 MPL凹槽模擬分析 45
4.2.1 凹槽形狀 46
4.2.2 凹槽寬度 47
4.2.3 凹槽深度 49
4.3參數靈敏度模擬分析 55
4.3.1 幾何參數 56
4.3.2 結構參數與傳輸參數 57
4.3.3 電化學參數 60
4.3.4 實驗操作參數 61
第五章 結果與討論 62
5.1 質子交換膜燃料電池CFD模擬分析 62
5.1.1 文獻驗證 62
5.1.2 低溫質子交換膜燃料電池模擬分析 67
5.2 MPL凹槽模擬分析 67
5.2.1 凹槽形狀 67
5.2.2 凹槽寬度 69
5.2.3 凹槽深度 75
5.2.4 有無凹槽比較 92
5.3 參數靈敏度模擬分析 95
5.3.1 幾何參數 95
5.3.2 結構參數與傳輸參數 104
5.3.3 電化學參數 125
5.3.4 實驗操作參數 129
第六章 結論與未來建議 133
6.1 結論 133
6.2 未來建議 134
參考文獻 135
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指導教授 曾重仁(Chung-Jen Tseng) 審核日期 2022-8-24
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