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姓名 蔡惟旭(Wei-Xu Cai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 以深度學習結合計算流體力學 量測液體密度、黏度與表面張力係數
★ 溫度調變對二元合金固液介面形態穩定的影響★ 濃度調變對二元合金固液介面形態穩定的影響
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器週期性流場研究★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器二次週期流場研究
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器脈動式流場研究★ 濃度調變對單向固化形態穩定的影響
★ 圓錐平板型生物反應器脈動式二次流場研究★ 模擬注流式生物反應器之流場及細胞生長
★ 週期式圓錐平板裝置之設計與量測★ 模擬注流式生物反應器之細胞培養研究
★ 軟骨細胞在組織工程支架之培養研究★ 細胞在組織工程支架之生長與遷移
★ 冷電漿沉積類鑽碳膜之製程模擬分析★ 格狀自動機探討組織工程細胞體外培養研究
★ 細胞在注流式生物反應器之生長研究★ 週期式圓錐平板裝置之流場分析
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摘要(中) 當今流體密度、黏度與表面張力量測方法大多只能一次量測單一物性且對於
法。本文使用 COMSOL Multiphysics 商用軟體建立一個接近現實排液容器法實驗模型
用 TensorFlow 深度學習對繁多流動特徵進行整理並建立回歸模型,省去了實驗量測資
預測值平均絕對誤差為 7.21kg/m3,平均相對誤差為 0.66%,黏度由實驗資料得到的預
測值平均絕對誤差為 0.215cP,平均相對誤差為 6.03%,在表面張力係數由實驗資料得
到的預測結果,其平均絕對誤差為 24.27mN/m,平均相對誤差為 42.98%。對比使用模
擬正算的質量流率作為輸入資料得到的預測值之平均絕對誤差為 1.52mN/m,平均相對
誤差為 3.16%,由此可知此方法在量測密度與黏度的可靠度,然而在表面張力係數的
摘要(英) Most of the measuring methods for fluid density, viscosity and surface tension
coefficient nowadays can only measure one single physical property at one time and have
strict restriction of fluid temperature range. In addition, the cost of measurement is difficultly
reduced resulting in the complex and sophisticated equipment. Based on Draining Vessel
Method, a stationary fluid is contained in a vessel and discharged from the orifice of the
bottom of vessel. Make the mass flow rate over time or head measured from outlet as flowing
feature. The advantage of this method is high adaptability in cold or hot flow field.
Furthermore, it allows measuring three kinds of fluid physical property at one operation of
experiment with simple equipment and low maintaining cost.
In this study, we abandon the discharging coefficient and initial guess value in previous
research of Draining Vessel Method to avoid the problem owing to lack of physical property
range covered by experiment or the decision of initial guess value. We apply the deep learning
as the algorithm of regression. With the CFD simulation software (COMSOL Multiphysics),
we establish a model of draining vessel that is close to reality and generate a large number of
flow feature data of different fluids as the basis for the regression data. Through deep
learning, various flow features are sorted out and the regression model are established. It
saves the iterative calculation process during converting the experiment measurement data to
target physical property. The mass flow rates are rapidly figured out predicted target value
through the deep learning model directly.
We verify the final prediction model with the aqueous glycerol and aqueous propylene
glycol. The mean absolute error of prediction of density obtained from experiment data is
, and the mean relative error is 0.66%. The mean absolute error of prediction of
viscosity obtained from experiment data is 0.215cP, and the mean relative error is 6.03%. In
the prediction result of surface tension coefficient obtained from experiment data, its mean
absolute error 24.27mN/m and its mean relative error is 42.98%, while the mean absolute
error is 1.52mN/m, and the mean relative error is 3.16% with the prediction obtained from
using the simulated mass flow rate the as input data. This method is reliable in measuring
density and viscosity, but it hasn’t been able to measure surface tension coefficient in real
experiment. If we want to improve this measurement method in the future, it is necessary to
reduce error between the simulation and experiment as much as possible so as to make this
method more stable and accurate performance and realize the practical application of the
measurement of surface tension.
關鍵字(中) ★ 密度
★ 黏度
★ 表面張力係數
★ 排液容器法
★ 深度學習
關鍵字(英) ★ density
★ viscosity
★ surface tension coefficient
★ Draining Vessel Method
★ deep learning
論文目次 摘要...i
第一章 緒論...1
1.1 研究動機...1
1.2 文獻回顧...2
1.2.1 已知物性量測方法...2
1.2.2 排液容器法...5
1.2.3 深度學習應用於資料回歸...7
1.3 研究目的...9
第二章 研究方法...11
2.1. 問題描述 ...11
2.2. 物性回歸模型...12
2.2.1 模擬資料訓練模型階段...12
2.2.2 實驗資料驗證模型階段...13
2.3. 深度學習...14
2.3.1 向前傳遞...15
2.3.2 向後傳遞...16
2.3.3 深度學習模型建構與訓練...19
2.4. 數學模型...22
2.5. COMSOL Multiphysics 有限元素法...26
2.6. 資料前處理方法...43
2.6.1 訓練資料前處理...43
2.6.2 實驗資料前處理...46
2.7. 敏感度分析...47
第三章 結果與討論...50
3.1 敏感度分析...50
3.1.1 密度敏感度分析...50
3.1.2 黏度敏感度分析...59
3.1.3 表面張力係數敏感度分析...67
3.1.4 敏感度係數分析總結...75
3.2 物性回歸結果...78
3.2.1 密度回歸結果...78
3.2.2 黏度回歸結果...86
3.2.3 表面張力回歸結果...93
第四章 結論...109
4.1 結論...109
4.2 未來展望...111
附錄 ...116
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指導教授 鍾志昂(Chih-Ang Chung) 審核日期 2022-8-29
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