博碩士論文 109323048 詳細資訊

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姓名 許永翰(Yung-Han Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 微型擠壓絲攻應用於316L不鏽鋼攻牙暨製程參數之實驗研究
★ M1.2微型擠壓絲攻製程參數之有限元素分析結果★ 不等長微型擠壓絲攻成型加工參數之實驗研究
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摘要(中) 本文使用M1.2擠壓絲攻對316L不鏽鋼試片進行內螺紋攻牙實驗,探討刀具製程參數對於内螺紋攻牙品質特性的影響,並達成參數最佳化的目標。刀具製程參數選用M1.2擠壓絲攻之外徑、刀具寬、齒根徑及無效牙長,且被視為品質因子並規劃實驗設計。內螺紋攻牙品質特性選用攻牙產生的最大扭矩值及牙型填充率的實驗結果作為討論的指標。為了建構二階反應曲面的迴歸模型,故使用四因子三水準的Box-Behnken實驗設計法,規劃28組實驗點並據以實施攻牙實驗。使用統計軟體Minitab對實驗的結果進行變異數分析,以建立最大扭矩值與牙型填充率之迴歸模型,並討論品質因子對於品質特性的效應。最後,以限制最佳化問題進行優化,並以望小最大扭矩值為目標函數,牙型填充率為限制條件求得最佳化解,再透過實驗進行驗證確定最佳化解之準確度。結果顯示,最大扭矩值及牙型填充率的迴歸模型具有足夠的準確度。
摘要(英) In this paper, the M1.2 form tap was used to conduct internal thread tapping experiments on 316L stainless steel specimens, investigate the influence of tool process parameters on the quality characteristics of internal thread tapping, and complete the parameter optimization. The tool process parameters were selected as M1.2 form tap outer diameter, tool-width, tooth root diameter, and chamfer length, and were considered as quality factor planning experiment design. For the quality characteristics of internal thread tapping, the maximum torque value generated by the tapping and the experimental results of the thread filling rate is used as indicators for discussion. To construct the regression model of the second-order response surface, according to the Box-Behnken experimental design method with four factors and three levels, 28 sets of the tapping experiment were designed. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) based on the experiment results established the regression equation of the thread filling rate and the maximum torque by using Minitab software and discussed the effect of the four quality factors on the two quality characteristics. Finally, the optimization is conducted by constrained optimization problem and the maximum torque value is the objective function, and the thread filling rate is the constraint to obtain the optimal solution. Subsequently, the accuracy of the optimal solution is validated by the tapping experiment. The results show that the regression model has a certain level of accuracy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 擠壓絲攻
★ Box-Behnken
★ 變異數分析
★ 最佳化
★ 反應曲面
關鍵字(英) ★ Form tap
★ Box-Behnken
★ Analysis of variance(ANOVA)
★ Optimization
★ Response surface
論文目次 摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XIV
第一章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2 擠壓絲攻製程參數介紹 2
1-3文獻回顧 5
1-4研究目的與動機 16
第二章 基本理論 18
2-1擠壓絲攻成型原理 18
2-2擠壓絲攻刀具設計 22
2-2-1擠壓絲攻幾何外型設計 23
2-2-2擠壓絲攻製程介紹 26
第三章 實驗流程與研究方法 27
3-1擠壓絲攻之攻牙實驗流程 27
3-1-1夾治具設計 27
3-1-2試片製作 29
3-1-3製程條件與擠壓絲攻路徑 29
3-1-4動力計訊號擷取 32
3-1-5軟體介紹 33
3-1-6牙型填充率檢驗 38
3-2實驗計畫法 43
3-2-1反應曲面法(Response Surface Methodology, RSM) [30] 43
3-2-2迴歸分析基本理論 43
3-2-3品質因子及水準 46
3-2-4一階反應曲面實驗設計 47
3-2-5二階反應曲面實驗設計 49
第四章 結果與討論 51
4-1擠壓絲攻實驗結果 51
4-1-1擠壓絲攻成型結果例 51
4-1-2一階反應曲面實驗結果 56
4-1-3二階反應曲面實驗結果 58
4-2迴歸模型建構 60
4-2-1牙型填充率之迴歸分析 60
4-2-2最大扭矩之迴歸分析 64
4-2-3迴歸模型殘差分析 67
4-3迴歸模型檢驗 71
4-4擠壓絲攻最佳化分析 77
4-4-1 Box-Behnken設計最佳化分析 77
4-4-2牙型微結構分析 79
4-5品質因子對品質特性之效應 81
4-5-1品質因子對牙型填充率之效應 81
4-5-2因子對最大扭矩值之效應 86
第五章 結論與建議 92
5-1結論 92
5-2建議 93
參考文獻 94
附錄A最大扭矩值量測之結果 99
附錄B 各實驗點之扭矩與時間圖 101
附錄C 試片牙型剖面量測結果 107
附錄D 二值化之試片牙型剖面圖 111
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指導教授 葉維磬 吳明昌(Wei-Ching Yeh Ming-Chang Wu) 審核日期 2022-8-30
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