博碩士論文 109323077 詳細資訊

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姓名 許正宏(Cheng-Hung Hsu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 漸擴雙通式微流道蒸發熱交換器性能研究
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★ 液體冷卻系統中之微熱交換器性能分析與改良★ 直接模擬蒙地卡羅法於高低速流場之模擬
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摘要(中) 為了解決二相蒸發冷卻應用於高熱通量電子元件散熱時流動不穩定問題,本研究提出了以漸擴雙通型式的流道來改善微流道蒸發器之性能。分別設計了直線雙通、漸擴雙通與直線單通流道之二相蒸發熱交換器,並比較各型式之性能差異。三種流道型式的蒸發器總熱傳面積相同,直線單通與直線雙通型式的流道間距與高度同樣為1 mm、3 mm,漸擴雙通型式的流道間距則是從入口處0.6 mm逐步漸擴至出口處1.4 mm,漸擴角度為0.449o,流道高度同樣為3 mm。
以漸擴雙通流道來改善直線單通流道蒸發熱交換器性能,可以提升27至35 %熱傳係數,並在流量273 ml/min時使最小熱阻從0.035降低至0.026 K/W,且最大熱傳係數下的底部熱通量相當,但同時也增加了126%的壓降。
摘要(英) This study develops a two-pass diverging microchannel heat exchanger to improve the two-phase flow instability in a microchannel heat exchanger used for the thermal management of high-power electronics. We totally designed three types of two-phase evaporative heat exchangers, including single-pass straight microchannel, two-pass straight microchannel, and two-pass diverging microchannel, and compared the performance of each type. Three types of microchannel have the same heat transfer area. Both single-pass and two-pass straight microchannel fin spacing and fin height are 1 mm and 3 mm, while the two-pass diverging microchannel fin spacing increase from 0.6 mm at the entrance to 1.4 mm at the exit with 0.449o diverging angle, and the height also 3 mm.
The experiment results show that a two-pass microchannel would increase the pressure drop of the heat exchanger at the same flow rate, because of the shorter channel length and lower mass flux of the single-pass microchannel. There is no significant pressure drop difference between two-pass straight and two-pass diverging microchannels.
Under the condition of high heat flux, the single-pass straight microchannel would be blocked by the large bubble causing the channel surface partial dry-out and decreasing the heat transfer performance. For the same condition in the two-pass microchannel. Due to the heat transfer between neighboring channels suppressing the bubble growth near the exit of the channel, the flow pattern can maintain bubble flow and increase the heat transfer performance. There is no obvious heat transfer performance difference between two-pass straight and two-pass diverging microchannel before partial dry-out happened. Owing to a more stable two-phase flow in the diverging microchannel, the two-pass diverging microchannel has the best heat transfer performance of the three types of microchannels.
In addition, using two-pass diverging microchannel to improve the single-pass straight microchannel has 27 % to 35 % increment of heat transfer coefficient, decreasing the minimum thermal resistance from 0.035 to 0.026 K/W, while with 126% increment of pressure drop.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二相蒸發熱交換器
★ 直線流道
★ 漸擴流道
★ 雙通型式熱交換器
關鍵字(英) ★ Two-phase heat exchanger
★ Straight channel
★ Diverging channel
★ Two-pass heat exchanger
論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
符號說明 X
第一章、前言 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 5
第二章、文獻回顧 7
2.1 二相微流道蒸發器之熱傳性能與流動現象 9
2.2 二相微流道蒸發器性能與流動現象改善方法 15
2.2.1 增加流道入口處壓降 15
2.2.2 更改鰭片型式微流道 18
2.2.3 向上漸擴型式微流道 23
2.2.4 漸擴型式微流道 25
2.3 微流道蒸發器改善方法統整 34
第三章、研究方法 37
3.1 雙通式微流道熱交換器之設計 37
3.1.1 流道設計 38 流道寬度 39 鰭片厚度 41 流道高度 41 漸擴流道漸擴角度 42
3.1.2 雙通式微流道熱交換器測試段 45
3.2 實驗系統 54
3.2.1 加熱系統 54
3.2.2 實驗量測儀器與設備 58 溫度量測 58 流量量測 58 壓力量測 58 差壓量測 59
3.2.3 資料擷取系統 59
3.3 實驗步驟 60
3.4 實驗數據換算 60
3.4.1 加熱瓦數 60
3.4.2 質量流率 61
3.4.3 出口乾度 61
3.4.4 熱傳係數 61
3.4.5 熱阻值 62
3.4.6 測試段壓降 62
第四章、實驗結果與討論 65
4.1 單相能量平衡實驗結果 65
4.2 壓降性能之測試結果 67
4.2.1 直線單通式微流道熱交換器之壓降性能 67
4.2.2 直線與漸擴雙通式微流道熱交換器之壓降性能 67
4.2.3三種熱交換器之壓降性能比較 72
4.3 熱傳性能之實驗結果 75
4.3.1 直線單通式微流道熱交換器之熱傳性能 75
4.3.2 直線與漸擴雙通式微流道熱交換器之熱傳性能 77
4.3.3 三種熱交換器性能比較 80
第五章、結論 88
參考文獻 89
附錄(一)、二相壓降經驗式與汽泡回流位置估算 93
附錄(二)、實驗誤差分析 97
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指導教授 楊建裕(Chien-Yuh Yang) 審核日期 2022-9-28
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