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姓名 黃大祐(Da-You Huang) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 機械工程學系 論文名稱 雙螺桿轉子對之泛用齒間間隙計算方法
(A General Method on Inter-Lobe Clearance Evaluation for Twin-Screw Rotor Pairs)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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至系統瀏覽論文 (2027-9-30以後開放)
摘要(中) 螺桿轉子對(Screw rotor pair)係為雙螺桿流體機器中關鍵之零組件,兩
嚙合間隙(Meshing clearance)設計對機器性能至為關鍵,然而在實務中,雙螺桿流體機器之螺桿齒廓種類多、曲率變化大、兩螺桿面間嚙合間隙分佈不易量測,過去文獻中亦缺乏一套較為通用之嚙合間隙分佈計算方法。故本研究提出一套通用之雙螺桿齒間間隙數值計算方法,基於離散方法、將
漏帶(Fluid leakage band),此外,亦示範利用間隙分析結果逆向創成一對不具間隙之共軛轉子齒形。透過數值範例,以不同轉子齒形、不同導程設定,驗證所提方法之正確性,更證明此方法可考慮裝配誤差計算齒間間隙。摘要(英) The key component in twin-screw fluid machines is a pair of screw rotors, which rotate parallelly around the respective axis in the opposite directions. Two meshing rotors may be with or without contact. Design on rotor profiles to form a better meshing clearance band is a main factor to affect the machine performance. In the practical application, it is difficult to measure the clearance distribution between the surfaces of meshing screw rotors due to the variety in rotor types and the large curvature variation on rotor profiles. In view of this, this study proposes a general numerical method to evaluate the meshing clearance for twin-screw rotor pairs. Discrete point data of rotor profiles obtained from the theoretical design or the 3-D coordinate measuring machine (CMM) is used to conduct the meshing clearance analysis and the 3-D clearance presentation along the contact line, after being classified into the conjugated and non- conjugated profile segments. The fluid leakage band can thus be presented more intuitively. In addition, a pair of conjugated rotor profiles without clearance is able to generated by correcting the calculated result of meshing clearance. As results shown in the numerical examples, correctness of the proposed method is verified through several cases of rotor profiles with different tooth profiles and different leads. It is also proved that this method is suited to calculate the meshing clearance considering the assembly error of rotors. 關鍵字(中) ★ 雙螺桿流體機器
★ 洩漏
★ 嚙合間隙
★ 接觸線
★ 裝配誤差關鍵字(英) ★ twin-screw fluid machine
★ fluid leakage
★ meshing clearance
★ contact line
★ assembly error論文目次 摘要 I
Abstract II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
符號對照表 IX
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 4
1-3 文獻回顧 5
1-4 論文架構 7
第2章 轉子齒形點資料數學模型 8
2-1 點資料分群與曲線擬合數學模型建立 9
2-2 擬合曲線分段與分類數學模型建立 10
2-3 本章結論 14
第3章 轉子齒面間隙計算 15
3-1 雙螺桿轉子泛用座標系統建立 16
3-2 共軛部分之接觸線創成 18
3-2-1 曲線嚙合之接觸線 19
3-2-2 點嚙合之接觸線 20
3-3 齒間間隙計算與分佈數學模型建立 23
3-3-1 共軛部分之齒間間隙計算 23
3-3-2 非共軛部分之齒間間隙計算 24
3-3-3 齒間間隙分佈數學模型 26
3-4 原始齒形創成數學模型 27
3-5 本章結論 29
第4章 數值範例 30
4-1 定導程轉子間隙計算 30
4-2 變導程轉子間隙計算 35
4-3 逆向創成原始齒形 38
4-4 具裝配偏差之轉子間隙計算 40
4-5 本章總結 43
第5章 總結與未來展望 44
5-1 總結 44
5-2 未來展望 45
參考文獻 46
作者介紹 48參考文獻 [1] Wu, Y. R. and Fong, Z. H., “Improved rotor profiling based on the arbitrary sealing line for twin-screw compressors,” Mech. Mach. Theory, Vol. 43(6), pp. 695-711, 2008.
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