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姓名 張哲維(Che-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 硫氮比、pH與溶氧對還原性硫化物自營脫硝反應之影響
(Effect of environmental conditions on reduced sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification)
★ 以SDI與MFI指標評估工業廢水回收再利用之機會:以某散熱器製造業為例★ 以反應曲面法探討流體化床結晶回收磷酸亞鐵之影響因子
★ 活性污泥異營與自營脫硝 反應動力特性之研究★ 沼渣施用對土壤及滲出水之重金屬成份影響分析
★ 脈衝式曝氣對沉浸式薄膜生物處理系統 積垢控制之探討★ 以聚合硫酸鐵進行污泥調理脫水之綜合效能評估
★ 以低亞硫酸鈉進行自營性脫硝反應之可行性研究★ 污泥脫水濾液無機物成分之結垢潛勢研究
★ 以海水提升流體化床磷酸銨鎂結晶 之可行性研究★ 超音波水解生物污泥機制探討
★ 生物除氮程序(MLE Process)效能評估及污泥活性探討★ 活性污泥除氮程序(OAO Process)效能評估與設計參數探討
★ 廢水處理廠 COD 和 TN 水質細分類 與脫硝效率之研究★ 硫代硫酸鹽自營性脫硝之反應動力與亞硝酸鹽氮累積特性探討
★ 以RO濃排水提升流體化床磷酸鹽結晶之可行性研究★ 以超聲波輔助化學氧化法處理廢棄 NF 膜之反應特性與膜再利用可行性評估
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摘要(中) 由於水中的含氮污染物是目前最受到關切的污染物之一,其過度排放皆會對環境造成污染甚至對人體造成危害,加上我國政府對於環保法規的重視,對污水處理廠排放標準採用更高標準之放流水水質管制。由於在污水處理廠中大多以異營性微生物進行脫硝作用,但在處理無機廢水則需要添加額外有機碳源才能有較好的脫硝效果,因此發展出可直接利用無機性電子供體之自營性微生物以進行脫硝反應,其優點包含不需要添加額外機有機物和產生污泥量較低。
本研究以硫代硫酸鹽作為自營性脫硝系統之無機性電子供體,並探討此活性污泥最合適之 S/N 比,以及對自營性脫硝進行不同 pH 值與溶氧濃度之影響比較。結果顯示當 S/N 比 = 2.19 時,自營脫硝微生物有足夠之電子供體可進行完全脫硝反應,並且不會有中間產物累積;但當 S/N 比 = 1.88 時,則脫硝微生物則會優先還原硝酸鹽氮,造成亞硝酸鹽氮累積現象產生。在本研究中所培養之自營脫硝污泥,其組成以 Sulfurimonas 與 Thiobacillus 這兩株硫脫硝菌群為主並占了整體一半以上。
在 pH 對自營性脫硝影響方面可得知在 pH = 7 時,脫硝速率達到最大值,並且在 pH = 6 ~ 8 之間都具有將硝酸鹽氮完全去除且不會有中間產物累積,此時的比脫硝速率平均為 7.69 mg NO3--N/g VSS*hr;而當 pH < 6 或是 > 8 時,則脫硝效率則會受到限制,在 pH = 5 與 9 時比脫硝速率分別為 1.66 及 4.12 mg NO3--N/g VSS*hr,並且硝酸鹽氮大部分僅還原成亞硝酸鹽氮並累積。
在溶氧濃度影響上,當系統處於缺氧狀態(DO = 0 mg/L)時,其脫硝速率達最佳狀態並可完全脫硝;在微好氧(DO = 1 mg/L)條件下,儘管硝酸鹽氮在反應結束時完全被還原,但大部分都以亞硝酸鹽氮累積在水體中;在好氧(DO = 3 mg/L)條件下脫硝作用則受到嚴重抑制現象。

關鍵字:自營性脫硝、還原性硫化物、S/N 比、pH、溶氧
摘要(英) Since nitrogen pollutants in water are one of the most concerned pollutants at present, their excessive discharge will cause pollution to the environment and even harm the human. In addition, the government attaches great importance to environmental protection regulations, discharge standards use higher standards for discharge water quality control. Since the heterotrophic denitrification bacteria are mostly used for denitrification in wastewater treatment plant, but need to add additional organic carbon source to have better denitrification effect when treating inorganic wastewater. Therefore, autotrophic denitrification bacteria have been developed for denitrification, which have advantages such as no need to add additional organic matter and lower sludge production.
In this study, thiosulfate was used as the inorganic electron donor in the sulfur autotrophic denitrification (SADN) system, and find the most suitable S/N ratio, also compare the effects of different pH values and dissolved oxygen concentrations in SADN. The results shown that when the S/N ratio = 2.19, the autotrophic denitrification sludge have enough electron donors to do the denitrification reaction, and there will be no accumulation of intermediate products; when the S/N ratio = 1.88, the nitrate in autotrophic denitrification will be preferentially reduced, lead to the nitrite will be accumulation. In addition, the autotrophic denitrification sludge domesticated in this study was mainly composed of Sulfurimonas and Thiobacillus, which accounted for more than half of the total.
The effect of pH in autotrophic denitrification reveal that denitrification rate reaches maximum at pH = 7, and between pH = 6 ~ 8, nitrate can be completely removed without intermediate product accumulation, and the average specific denitrification rate (SDNR) at this time is 7.69 mg NO3--N/g VSS*hr; when pH < 6 or > 8, the denitrification efficiency restricted, the specific denitrification rates were 1.66 and 4.12 mg NO3--N/g VSS*hr at pH = 5 and 9, respectively. Moreover, most of the nitrate was reduced to nitrite and accumulated.
The effect of dissolved oxygen concentration, shown that when the system is in anoxic stage (DO = 0 mg/L), the denitrification rate reaches the best performance and can completely denitrify. Under microaerobic conditions (DO = 1 mg/L), although nitrate is completely reduced at the end of the reaction, most of it is accumulated to nitrite. However, denitrification was severely inhibited under aerobic conditions (DO = 3 mg/L).

Keyword: autotrophic denitrification, reduced inorganic sulfur compounds, S/N ratio, pH, dissolved oxygen
關鍵字(中) ★ 自營性脫硝
★ 還原性硫化物
★ 硫氮比
★ pH
★ 溶氧
關鍵字(英) ★ autotrophic denitrification
★ reduced inorganic sulfur compounds
★ S/N ratio
★ pH
★ dissolved oxygen
論文目次 摘要 i
圖摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究緣起 1
1.2 研究內容與目的 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 氮循環 4
2.2 脫硝作用 5
2.2.1以還原性硫化物進行自營性脫硝 6
2.2.2以氫氣進行自營性脫硝 11
2.2.3自營性脫硝作用比較 12
2.3 自營性脫硝關鍵操作參數 17
2.3.1 pH 與 ORP 之影響 17
2.3.2溶氧之影響 21
2.3.3溫度之影響 23
2.3.4 S/N 比之影響 24
2.3.5微生物菌群之影響 26
第三章 研究方法 29
3.1 研究流程設計與架構 29
3.2 研究流程與步驟 31
3.2.1自營性脫硝污泥培養 31
3.2.2自營性脫硝批次試驗 38
3.3 實驗材料、設備與分析方法 40
3.3.1實驗設備 40
3.3.2實驗材料與藥品 44
3.3.3樣品保存及分析方法 45
第四章 結果與討論 46
4.1 自營性脫硝污泥長期實驗成果 46
4.1.1長期實驗成果 46
4.1.2各階段水質變化 53
4.1.3自營脫硝之含氮物質濃度變化情形 63
4.1.4脫硝速率比較 76
4.1.5菌群分佈 78
4.2 pH 值對自營脫硝污泥之影響 83
4.2.1 pH 及 ORP 變化 83
4.2.2含氮物質變化 87
4.3 DO 濃度對自營脫硝污泥之影響 93
4.3.1 pH 及 ORP 變化 93
4.3.2含氮物質變化 96
第五章 結論與建議 102
5.1 結論 102
5.2 建議 104
參考文獻 105
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內政部營建署下水道工程處(2020)。中華民國 109 年度污水下水道統計要覽。
指導教授 莊順興(Shun-Hsing Chuang) 審核日期 2022-9-26
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