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姓名 蕭兆志(Chao-Chih Hsiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 次微米金氧半場效電晶體高頻大訊號模型及應用於微波積體電路之研究
(Submicron MOSFET RF Large-signal Model Used in Microwave Integrated Circuit Designs)
★ 增強型異質結構高速移導率電晶體大信號模型之建立及其在微波放大器之應用★ 空乏型暨增強型Metamorphic HEMT之製作與研究
★ 增強型與空乏型砷化鋁鎵/砷化銦鎵假晶格高電子遷移率電晶體: 元件特性、模型與電路應用★ 氧化鋁基板上微波功率放大器之研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化微波降頻器電路之研製★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在特徵模子去耦合與最小特徵值靈敏度
★ 順序特徵結構設計研究及其應用在最大強健穩定度與最小迴授增益★ LDMOS功率電晶體元件設計、特性分析及其模型之建立
★ CMOS無線通訊接收端模組之設計與實現★ 積體化微波被動元件之研製與2.4GHz射頻電路設計
★ 異質結構高速移導率電晶體模擬、製作與大訊號模型之建立★ 氧化鋁基板微波電路積體化之2.4 GHz接收端模組研製
★ 氧化鋁基板上積體化被動元件及其微波電路設計與研製★ 二維至三維微波被動元件與射頻電路之設計與研製
★ CMOS射頻無線通訊發射端電路設計★ 深次微米通道摻雜場效應電晶體及其在微波功率放大器之應用
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摘要(中) 摘 要
最後,在第五章中,根據第二章所述的高頻大訊號模型,我們分別設計了振盪器、電壓控制振盪器、功率放大器、降頻電路與射頻發射模組。在此振盪器包括兩個不同頻段的振盪器,分別是2.4-GHz與7-GHz,這兩個振盪器皆能產生-5 dBm以上的輸出功率,且振盪器的相位雜訊皆有近-100 dBc/Hz的良好結果。在電壓控制振盪器的部份,振盪訊號頻率為2.4-GHz,而可調增益為176-MHz/V。此外,我們亦設計了一操作於2.4-GHz的功率放大器,此功率放大器可以產生17.5-dBm的最大輸出功率。同時,為了瞭解該功率放大器的線性度,我們利用不同的數位調變、解調的方式來驗證其線性度的好壞。接著在第五章中,我們介紹一個2.4-GHz的降頻電路,此降頻電路包括一個增益放大器、電壓控制振盪器與一個單平衡式混波器。該電路可將2.4 GHz的射頻訊號轉換到中頻訊號,並能輸出24-dBv的電壓轉換增益。在第五章最後,我們設計了一個射頻發射模組,此模組包括一個功率放大器、增益放大器、電壓控制振盪器、被動平衡器與一個雙平衡式混波器。此一射頻發射模組是採用0.18微米金氧半場效電晶體製程所製作的,它具有10-dBm的最大輸出功率與18.5-dB的最大轉換增益,若以0-dBm為輸出功率的規格,則此一射頻發射模組具有450-MHz的頻寬。而此系統僅耗費56-mW的直流功率。
With the keen competition in personal communication system market, low cost, high performance and short time-to-market are basic requirements of commercial products. Therefore, the CMOS process is becoming a popular technology using in GHz communication systems nowadays. To overcome the limitations in simulate a CMOS RF circuit, a precisely RF large-signal model is required, which can accurately predict the device’s DC and RF characteristics. In this thesis, a MOSFET RF large-signal model is proposed at first, which consists of a conventional BSIM3v3 model, and an added passive network representing the parasitic effects. This modified RF large-signal model can not only predict device’s DC and RF behaviors precisely but the power characteristics can be also predicted well. With this MOSFET RF large-signal model, different RF circuits are presented to testify the accuracy of our homemade RF large-signal model. In addition, the RF signal coupling effects in silicon substrate are also proposed.
In the chapter 2, a modified MOSFET RF large-signal model is introduced. Furthermore, a bias-controlled linearity method is introduced, which can improve device linearity without sacrificing the output power.
In the chapter 3, the active inductor structures have been introduced, and then a cascode-grounded active inductor was fabricated and characterized. It can deliver an equivalent effective inductance of 7.1-nH with a maximum quality-factor of 41. However, the effective inductance and quality-factor can be tuned by controlling the bias current. Furthermore, a novel active inductor structure with a feedback resistance applied to a cascode-grounded active inductor architecture is proposed in this chapter. The feedback resistance results in a higher effective inductance and higher quality-factor. The effective inductance, maximum quality-factor and self-resonance frequency are 5.7-nH, 70, and 2.5-GHz, respectively. Comparing the active inductor with spiral inductors, the active inductor has much higher quality-factor and smaller die size.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高頻大訊號模型
★ 微波電路
★ 金氧半場效電晶體
★ 主動式電感
★ 矽質基板耦合效應
關鍵字(英) ★ RF large-signal model
★ microwave circuit
★ active inductor
★ silicon substrate coupling effect
論文目次 Abstract I
Figure captions VIII
Table captions XV
Chapter 1 Introductions 1
Chapter 2 Modified MOSFET RF Large-Signal Model
2-1. Introduction 4
2-2. Basic Principles of BSIM3 Model 5
2-2.1. Threshold Voltage 6
2-2.2. Mobility Model 7
2-2.3. Carrier Drift Velocity 8
2-2.4. Bulk Charge Effect 9
2-2.5. Strong Inversion Drain Current (Linear Region) 9
2-2.6. Strong Inversion Current and Output Resistance (Saturation Region) 11
2-2.7. Capacitance Modeling 13
2-2.8. Non-Quasi Static Model 14
2-3. RF Large-Signal Model for 0.35-mm MOSFETs 15
2-4. Improved Device Linearity by a Controlled DC Bias 30
2-5. Passive Component Models 34
2-5.1 The equivalent circuit model of spiral inductors 34
2-5.2. The capacitance model 36
2-6. Summary 36
Chapter 3 The CMOS Active Inductors
3-1. Introduction 41
3-2. Basic Concepts of Active Inductor Architectures 42
3-3. The Cascode-Grounded Active Inductor 47
3-4. The Feedback-Resistance Active Inductor Design 49
3-5. Characteristics of Feedback-Resistance Active Inductor 55
3-6. Summary 59
Chapter 4 Signal-Coupling Effect from Silicon Substrate
4-1. Introduction 60
4-2. Mechanism of Power Coupling from Silicon Substrate 61
4-3. The Power Coupling Effect Model 67
4-3.1. The Passive Component Equivalent Circuit Model for Power Coupling Effect 67
4-3.2. A Semi-Empirical Model for Power Coupling Effect 71
4-4. Summary 76
Chapter 5 CMOS RF Circuit Designs
5-1. Introduction 79
5-2. The Microwave Monolithic Oscillators 81
5-2.1. Oscillator Design and Architectures 81
5-2.2. The 2.4-GHz Monolithic CMOS Oscillators 89
5-2.3. The 7-GHz Monolithic CMOS Oscillator 91
5-2.4. The Voltage-Controlled Oscillators 93
5-3. The 2.4-GHz power amplifier 97
5-3.1. The Principle of Power Amplifier Design 97
5-3.2. The 2.4-GHz Power Amplifier Design 103
5-3.3. The Power Amplifier Measurement Results 105
5-4. The 2.4-GHz CMOS Monolithic Down-Converter 110
5-4.1. General Considerations of Transceiver 110
5-4.2. The 2.4-GHz Down-Converter Design 115
5-5. The 2.4-GHz CMOS Monolithic Transmitter 119
5-7. Summary 125
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work Suggestion 132
References 136
Publication List 141
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[72] Y. C. Chen, Y. K. Yoon, J. Laskar and M. Allen, “A 2.4 GHz integrated CMOS power amplifier with micromachined inductors”, in Digest of IEEE MTT-S, Vol. 1, 2001, pp. 523-526.
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[74] C. W. Kuo, C. C. Hsiao, C. C. Ho and Y. J. Chan, “Scaleable large-signal model of 0.18 mm CMOS process for rf power predictions”, will be published in Solid State Electronics.
[75] C. C. Ho, C. W. Kuo, C. C. Hsiao and Y. J. Chan, “A 2.4 GHz low phase noise VCO fabricated by 0.18 mm pMOS technologies”, submitted to Electronics Letters
指導教授 詹益仁(Yi-Jen Chan) 審核日期 2002-10-7
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