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姓名 王培元(Peir-Yuan Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 新世代電信網路電信級分封電話信號系統之效能模式及分析
(Performance Modeling and Analysis of Signaling System in Carrier Class Packet Telephony Network for Next Generation Networks)
★ 無線網路上多媒體傳輸服務之效能改善與研究★ 語音與數據整合環境之無線網路效能分析
★ 下一代電信網路分封電話技術之效能模擬與分析★ CDMA系統採保留機制作多媒體傳輸時之效能分析
★ CDMA系統下排程法則之研究★ 改善TCP在無基礎架構無線網路上的效能
★ 速率隨意碼直接序列分碼多工系統之頻道資源配置機制研究★ 電信級分封電話交換系統之分散控制結構及其效能分析
★ 具服務品質保證的無線寬頻網際網路之研究★ 具服務品質保證分碼多工多媒體系統之效能改進
★ 在多協定標籤網路中具服務等級的標籤整合效能分析★ 以Cellular IP為基礎架構之巨微細胞行動管理機制
★ 標籤交換網路架構下Mobile IP之效能研究★ 具功率控制下 MCR/DS-CDMA 系統頻道資源配置之效能研究
★ 應用在多重協定標籤交換上之改良式標籤會合法★ 在異質性網路架構中WLAN允入控制之研究
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摘要(中) 論文摘要(中文)
電信級分封電話技術(Carrier Class Packet Telephony Technology)已成為現行公眾交換電話網路(Public Switched Telephone Network)演進至新世代電信網路(Next Generation Network-NGN)之關鍵技術。有別於一般網際網路電話或企業等級之分封電話,電信級分封電話網路不但可以提供類似於傳統電路交換(Circuit Switching)具即時性、高品質及高可靠度之語音服務外,未來亦能提供具有各類創新服務之功能。由於目前電信級分封電話在系統效能、系統容量、系統可靠度及資源管理等技術議題上仍有許多挑戰須面對及克服,因此其信號系統效能及控制架構效能之良窳將攸關其服務品質(Quality of Service-QoS)之保證及處理能力之提升,有鑑於此,本文研究新世代電信網路電信級分封電話信號系統之效能模式及分析。
本文分三大部分探討及分析新世代電信網路電信級分封電話信號系統之效能模式及分散控制架構效能模式。於第二章主要分析電信級分封電話信號系統之架構模式、信號規約模式及呼叫控制模式。於第三章則針對SIP-T信號系統建立一階效能模式,以M/G/1排隊理論分析及推導一階SIP-T信號訊息之Queueing Length、Mean Queueing Delay及Delay Variation一階信號系統效能評估參數之理論式,並經由數值模擬結果印證理論式的正確性,提供評估電信級分封電話信號系統效能之重要依據。於第四章將第三章探討的問題擴大,針對SIP-T信號系統建立二階效能模式並進行效能分析及探討。於第五章則建立分散式控制架構效能模式,分別分析及探討MGC(Media Gateway Controller)及MG(Media Gateway)間Service Model之理論分析及MGC與SG(Signaling Gateway)間不同工作排程(Scheduling)對系統效能之影響及評估。本研究結果可提供為系統QoS及系統效能提升之主要評估參數,應用於網路規劃設計,進而知曉系統設計之處理能力。
關鍵字(中) ★ 新世代電信網路 關鍵字(英) ★ Carrier Class Packet Telephony Network
論文目次 目次
List of Figures V
List of Tables X
Chapter 1 Introductory Survey 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Literature Survey 3
1.3 Motivation and Objective 5
1.4 Synopsis of Dissertation 5
Chapter 2 The Signaling Systems of Carrier Class Packet Telephony
Network 8
2.1. Introduction 8
2.2. The Functional Architecture of Signaling Systems of Carrier Class
Packet Telephony Network 9
2.3. The Signaling Protocols Model of Carrier Class Packet Telephony
Network 12
2.3.1 SS7 Signaling Protocol Model 12
2.3.2 SIGTRAN Signaling Protocol Model 14
2.3.3 SIP-T Signaling Protocol Mode 15
2.3.4 MGCP/MEGACO Signaling Protocol Model 18
2.4. Call Scenarios 18
2.4.1 Call Setup Scenario for toll by-pass/tandem by-pass 18
2.4.2 Call Tear Down Scenario for toll by-pass/tandem by-pass 23
2.4.3 Call Scenario for Ring No Answer 25
2.5 Summary 26
Chapter 3 Performance Modeling and Analysis of SIP-T Signaling System
with One-class M/G/1 Queuing Process 28
3.1 Introduction 28
3.2 The Proposed One-class Queueing Model 29
3.3 Performance Analysis for One-class Queueing Model 31
3.3.1 Derivation of One-class Average Queueing Length
Using Imbedded Markov Chain 31
3.3.2 Derivation of One-class Average Queueing Length
Using Semi-Markov Process 33
3.3.3 Derivation of One-class Mean Queueing Delay and
Delay Variation 35
3.4 One-class Alternative Formulas Representation 37
3.5 Simulation Results and Numerical Analysis for One-class Queueing
Model 41
3.5.1 Numerical Examples 42
3.5.2 Performance Evaluation 51
3.6 Summary 52
Chapter 4 Performance Modeling and Analysis of SIP-T Signaling System
with Two-class Priority M/G/1 Queuing Process 53
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 The Proposed Two-class Priority Queueing Model 54
4.3 Performance Analysis for Two-class Priority Queueing Model 56
4.3.1 Derivation of Two-class Average Queueing Length
Using Imbedded Markov Chain 56
4.3.2 Derivation of Two-class Average Queueing Length
Using Semi-Markov Process 59
4.3.3 Derivation of Two-class Mean Queueing Delay and
Delay Variation 60
4.4 Two-class Alternative Formulas Representation 63
4.5 Simulation Results and Numerical Analysis for Two-class Priority
Queueing Model 66
4.5.1 Numerical Examples 66
4.5.2 Performance Evaluation 71
4.6 Summary 72
Chapter 5 Performance Analysis of Distributed Control Architecture
Model in Carrier Class Packet Telephony Network 86
5.1. Introduction 86
5.2. The Proposed Distributed Control Architecture Model 87
5.2.1 The Potential Distributed Control Architecture Model 88
5.2.2 Analysis of Distributed Control Architecture Model 91
5.2.3 SIGTRAN-Based Distributed Control Architecture Model 102
5.2.4 MGCP/MEGACO-Based Distributed Control Architecture
Model 103
5.3. Performance Analysis using M/G/1 Gating Service Queueing Model
for MGCP/MEGACO-Based Distributed Control Architecture 106
5.4 Simulation Results and Numerical Analysis 109
5.4.1 Numerical Examples of SIGTRAN-based Distributed Control
Architecture Model 109
5.4.2 Numerical Examples of MGCP/MEGACO-based Distributed
Control Architecture Model 115
5.4.3 Performance Evaluation 120
5.5 Summary 122
Chapter 6 Concluding Remarks and Future Research Work 123
6.1 Summary and Main Contributions 123
6.2 Suggestion for Future Research 126
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指導教授 吳中實(Jung-Shyr Wu) 審核日期 2003-6-26
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