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姓名 湯文斌(Wen-Bin Tang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 InGaP HBT元件的特性與模型分析
(Characterization and modeling of InGaP HBT)
★ 電子式基因序列偵測晶片之原型★ 增強型與空乏型砷化鋁鎵/砷化銦鎵假晶格高電子遷移率電晶體: 元件特性、模型與電路應用
★ 使用覆晶技術之微波與毫米波積體電路★ 注入增強型與電場終止型之絕緣閘雙極性電晶體佈局設計與分析
★ 以標準CMOS製程實現之850 nm矽光檢測器★ 600 V新型溝渠式載子儲存絕緣閘雙極性電晶體之設計
★ 具有低摻雜P型緩衝層與穿透型P+射源結構之600V穿透式絕緣閘雙極性電晶體★ 雙閘極金氧半場效電晶體與電路應用
★ 空乏型功率金屬氧化物半導體場效電晶體 設計、模擬與特性分析★ 高頻氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵高速電子遷移率電晶體佈局設計及特性分析
★ 氮化鎵電晶體 SPICE 模型建立 與反向導通特性分析★ 加強型氮化鎵電晶體之閘極電流與電容研究和長時間測量分析
★ 新型加強型氮化鎵高電子遷移率電晶體之電性探討★ 氮化鎵蕭特基二極體與高電子遷移率電晶體之設計與製作
★ 整合蕭特基p型氮化鎵閘極二極體與加強型p型氮化鎵閘極高電子遷移率電晶體之新型電晶體★ 垂直型氧化鎵蕭特基二極體於氧化鎵基板之製作與特性分析
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摘要(中) 在此論文中,主要研究以砷化鎵為基礎的異質接面雙載子電晶體的小訊號等效電路模型、 雜訊特性、溫度特性、功率特性與元件佈局效應對其特性的影響。第二章主要討論此電晶體的小訊號等效電路模型的建構及其等效電路模型參數的擷取方法。小訊號等效電路模型加入了兩項電容,其中一個電容用來描述介於基極接觸電極與基極磊晶層之間的介面層(interfacial layer)所產生的電容效應,另一個電容用來描述因為高頻交流訊號所產生的射極交流電流密集化效應(ac emitter current crowing effect)。由於加入了兩項電容,新的等效電路模型參數的擷取方法將於第二章討論。此新發展的小訊號等效電路模型所模擬出的S參數不但與量測結果吻合,更可說明在較高頻率時,元件的單向功率增益(unilateral power gain)並非依照 -20dB/decade的斜率下降的原因。
第三章主要研究元件的雜訊特性。雜訊特性的研究分成低頻雜訊、高頻雜訊及雜訊等效電路三方面。低頻雜訊被考慮成1/f 雜訊;高頻雜訊的討論則著眼於高頻雜訊參數對偏壓與元件佈局效應的影響。同時藉由已知的內在雜訊源及小訊號等效電路模型,雜訊等效電路模型可被建立。
元件尺寸不但影響雜訊特性,也影響射頻與功率特性。尤其是基極接觸電極面積大小直接影響基極電阻及基集極間的電容大小,因此對最大振盪頻率、輸出功率及線性度等有顯著影響。元件尺寸效應將於第四章中討論。此外,利用新的元件佈局及離子佈植方式來降低基集極間的電容大小的方法也被應用於射極在上(Emitter-up)及集極在上(Collector-up )之異質接面雙載子電晶體上,其特性亦於第四章中討論。
藉由變溫系統量測結果,異質接面雙載子電晶體的溫度特性將於第五章中討論,其中包括了直流與交流特性討論。利用不同迴火(annealing)條件,元件溫度特性會被改變的現象也於此章節討論。同時利用 Kirk-effect及分析電子遷移暫態時間(transit time),電子飽和速度及電子遷移暫態時間各項組成對溫度的變化亦於第五章中討論。
摘要(英) In this study, the characteristics of GaAs based HBTs are studied by using small-signal equivalent and DC measurement which includes the dc current gain, the electron saturation velocity, and the temperature dependence effect. The new small-signal equivalent circuit model and the new extraction techniques are proposed to include the base impedance effects which describe the base contact impedance and the ac emitter current crowding. Although these base impedance effects (capacitance elements) are usually neglected for typical HBTs, they must be considered in some situations such as higher base resistance and higher frequency. It will be described in the Chapter 2 that the high frequency performance of HBTs can not be predicted well without incorporating these capacitance into small-signal equivalent circuit.
The noise behavior of InGaP/GaAs HBTs is discussed in Chapter 3 by using a RF noise model and the general linear noisy two-port theory. Low frequencies are usually considered as 1/f noise; and high frequency (HF) noise parameters are in terms of four noise parameters. These HF noise parameters can be predicted by using the noisy two-port circuit if the small-signal equivalent circuits are known. The analytical procedure of HF noise by using the small-signal equivalent circuit as well as the intrinsic noise model is presented.
However, the design issues and tradeoffs associated with geometrical layout of a given HBT technology have not been investigated in detail. Therefore, we attempt to study this geometrical layout in a specific InGaP/GaAs HBT technology by addressing how the device geometry optimizes a given RF performance metric. In Chapter 4, we focus on the frequency response and power performance on the base contact width dependence.
In addition, the CBC has a direct impact on the RF performance and should be minimized. Reducing the CBC to improve the performance of emitter-up HBT by ion implantation process and novel layout will be presented. Compared with the emitter-up HBT, the performance of collector-up HBTs is also presented.
Three issues about temperature dependence are studied: base-emitter turn on voltage, current gains stabilization and RF performances. With the study on temperature dependence effect of the parameters of HBTs, the effective saturation velocity can also be obtained which is discussed in Chapter 5. It is found that the trend of dc current gain versus temperature is different from the annealing conditions, and this is also described in Chapter 5.
Finally, a conclusion and future work are presented in Chapter 6.
關鍵字(中) ★ 小訊號等效電路模型
★ 雜訊
★ 溫度
★ 砷化鎵
★ 電晶體
關鍵字(英) ★ small signal equivalent circuit model
★ temperature
★ noise
★ GaAs
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1-1 Basic concept of HBT ------------------------------------------------- 1
1-2 Transmission line model of base contact impedance -------------- 3
1-3 Ac emitter current crowding ------------------------------------------ 4
1-4 Kirk effect -------------------------------------------------------------- 5
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
Chapter 2 Small-signal equivalent circuit model of HBTs------------------ 10
2-1 Small-signal equivalent circuit model ------------------------------- 13
2-2 Cutoff mode for the parasitic capacitance CpB, CpC and Cf extraction ----------------------------------------------------------------
2-3 Open-collector bias condition for LE, LC and RE, RC extraction- 20
2-4 Active mode for the circuit parameters extraction ---------------- 26
2-4-1 Base-collector capacitance Cbci and Cbcx determination ---- 26
2-4-2 Base resistance RB and Rbi extraction ------------------------- 28
2-4-3 Intrinsic base capacitance Cbi , base inductor LB , and
Base contact capacitance CB extraction ----------------------
2-4-4 Base-collector resistance RBCi extraction --------------------- 33
2-4-5 Base-emitter dynamic resistance Rbe and capacitance
extraction Cbe ----------------------------------------------------
2-4-6 Base transport factor ?(?) elements extraction -------------- 35
2-5 Fitting results and discussion ---------------------------------------- 38
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 47
Chapter 3 Noise characteristics of HBTs -------------------------------------- 49
3-1 Low frequency noise --------------------------------------------------- 50
3-1-1 Concept of low frequency noise ------------------------------- 50
3-1-2 Measured results of low frequency noise -------------------- 51
3-2 High frequency noise -------------------------------------------------- 54
3-2-1 Noisy circuit analysis procedure ------------------------------ 55
3-2-2 Measured and calculated results of high frequency noise - 58
Reference -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72
Chapter 4 Geometry study of HBTs -------------------------------------------- 75
4-1 DC and RF characteristic of HBTs with different base contact sizes ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4-1-1 DC results -------------------------------------------------------- 76
4-1-2 RF performances ------------------------------------------------ 84
4-1-3 Base contact width (WB) effects on fT and fmax --------------- 89
4-2 Power performance of HBTs with different base contact sizes -- 94
4-2-1 Gain and power added efficiency ----------------------------- 94
4-2-2 Linearity ---------------------------------------------------------- 99
4-3 Novel HBTs layout with ion implantation -------------------------- 102
4-3-1 Device structure and process ---------------------------------- 105
4-3-2 Ion implantation simulation ------------------------------------ 105
4-3-3 Experimental result --------------------------------------------- 106
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 115
Chapter 5 Temperature dependent study of HBTs -------------------------- 119
5-1 DC and RF characteristics of InGaP/GaAs HBTs ----------------- 120
5-1-1 Temperature dependence of current gain--------------------- 120
5-1-2 Temperature dependence and ft -------------------------------- 129
5-2 Current gain of InGaP/InGaAsN HBTs ----------------------------- 130
5-2-1 Devices fabrication and experiments ------------------------- 131
5-2-2 Theory analysis of temperature dependence of dc current gain ----------------------------------------------------------------
5-3 Electron saturation velocity of InGaP/GaAs HBTs --------------- 141
5-3-1 Electron saturation velocity extracted by Kirk effect ------- 144
5-3-2 Electron saturation velocity extracted by cutoff frequency 146
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 157
Chapter 6 Conclusion and future work --------------------------------------- 161
6-1 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------ 161
6-2 Future works ----------------------------------------------------------- 163
6-2-1 Improvement of small-signal equivalent circuit model extraction ---------------------------------------------------------
6-2-2 Noise characterization of high speed transistors ------------ 163
6-2-3 Nonlinear model of HBTs -------------------------------------- 164
6-2-4 RF circuit design ------------------------------------------------ 164
Reference ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 165
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指導教授 辛裕明(Yue-ming Hsin) 審核日期 2006-7-14
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