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姓名 林哲歆(Cha-Shin Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 非晶矽/晶質矽異質接面矽基金屬-半導體-金屬光檢測器與具非晶質無機電子/電洞注入層高分子發光二極體之研究
(Studies of Si-Based Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors with Amorphous/Crystalline Si Heterointerface and Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes with Inorganic Amorphous Electron/Hole Injection Layers)
★ 金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的特性★ 非晶質氮化矽氫基薄膜發光二極體與有機發光二極體的光電特性
★ 具非晶質n-i-p-n層之氧化多孔矽發光二極體的光電特性★ 低漏電流與高崩潰電壓大面積矽偵測器製程之研究
★ 具自行對準凹陷電極1x4矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器陣列的特性★ 非晶矽射極異質雙載子電晶體與有機發光二極體的特性
★ 吸光區累崩區分離的累崩光二極體★ 蕭特基源/汲極接觸的反堆疊型非晶質矽化鍺薄膜電晶體
★ 矽晶圓上具有隔離氧化層非晶質薄膜發光二極體之光電特性★ 具非晶異質接面及溝渠式電極之矽質金屬-半導體-金屬光偵測器的暗電流特性
★ 具非晶質矽合金類量子井極薄障層之高靈敏度平面矽基金屬–半導體–金屬光檢測器★ 具蕭特基源/汲極的上閘極型非晶矽鍺與 多晶矽薄膜電晶體
★ 大面積矽偵測器的製程改良與元件設計★ 具組成梯度能隙非晶質矽合金電子注入層與電洞緩衝層的高分子發光二極體
★ 非晶質吸光區與累增區分離之類超晶格累崩光二極體★ 具非晶質矽合金調變週期類超晶格薄膜複層之低暗電流高熱穩定度平面矽基金屬–半導體–金屬光檢測器
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摘要(中) 由於光纖通訊蓬勃發展,光纖通訊系統中光檢測器的重要性與日遽增,而矽基材料相對於Ⅲ-Ⅴ族化合物半導體的製程較為簡單且成熟,因此即使本身為非直接能隙材料,仍被廣泛應用於光檢測元件的製作。故本論文首先探討非晶矽/晶質矽異質接面金屬-半導體-金屬矽基光檢測器製程與特性的改善。在論文中,首先針對非晶質矽合金薄膜對金屬-半導體-金屬矽基光檢測器暫態響應的影響做一系統性研究。接著則針對光檢測器在高溫時的漏電流機制做一詳盡的探討。再者,利用自行對準技巧簡化光檢測器的製程,只需一道光罩即可完成元件製作。最後則採用類似量子井的非晶質薄膜結構有效提昇金屬-半導體-金屬矽基光檢測器的靈敏度,此種結構元件即使在相當弱的入射光照射下(0.5微瓦),仍可產生相當高的光電流對暗電流比值,可有效降低元件在操作時的位元錯誤率(bit error rate)。
摘要(英) Abstract
The Si-based metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors (MSM-PDs) had been extensively studied to improve their performances. Firstly, the effects of trap-states in a composition-graded intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon-germanium (i-a-Si1-xGex:H) film on MSM-PDs’ performances were studied. The experimental results indicated that the fall time of the device transient response could be reduced significantly by employing the i-a-Si1-xGex:H layer. Secondly, the higher dark-current temperature-dependence for trench-electrode Si-based MSM-PD having an i-a-Si:H dark-current suppressing layer had been studied and improved. The poor dark-current temperature-dependence could be improved significantly by reducing the trap-states in the depletion region of the reverse-biased crystalline/amorphous Si heterojunction. Thirdly, an one-mask self-aligned technique was successfully used to fabricate trench (U-grooved)-electrode Si-based MSM-PDs. Only one photolithography mask was needed during fabrication and could drastically facilitate this device to be integrated with other devices. At last, the a-Si:H/a-SiC:H (hydrogenated amorphous silicon carbide) multi-layers were employed to enhance the sensitivity of a MSM-PD. By employing the a-Si:H/a-SiC:H multi-layers, the device dark-current could be suppressed drastically and hence when the device was illuminated under a very weak incident light power (0.5μW), the device photo to dark current ratio ( under 4 V bias voltage) could be 103 times higher than that of conventional one.
Also, in order to investigate the feasibility of combining polymer and inorganic films for LED fabrication, the inorganic p-a-Si:H (or p-a-SiC:H) / n-a-SiCGe:H layers were employed as hole/electron injection layers (HILs/EILs) in the MEH-PPV polymer LEDs (PLEDs). By employing the amorphous HIL/EIL, the PLED’s threshold voltage could be reduced and brightness could be enhanced.
關鍵字(中) ★ 光檢測器 關鍵字(英) ★ MSM-PD
論文目次 Contents
Abstract I
Figure captions XII
Table captions ??? XVI
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
Chapter 2. Effect of trap-states on the performances of MSM-PDs 7
2-1 Device fabrication 7
2-2 Results and discussions 10
Chapter 3. Improving dark-current thermal stability in the trench- electrode MSM-PDs 22
3-1 Dark-current mechanisms 22
3-2 Device fabrication 32
3-3 Experimental results and discussions 32
Chapter 4. Improving fabrication-process of trench-electrode MSM-PDs using self-aligned technique 51
4-1 Device fabrication 51
4-2 Results and discussions 56
Chapter 5. Improving sensitivity of the MSM-PDs using very thin amorphous silicon-alloy quantum-well-like barrier layers 61
5-1 Device fabrication 61
5-2 Results and discussions 61
Chapter 6. Optoelectronic characteristics of polymer LEDs with MEH- PPV and hydrogenated amorphous silicon alloy hetero-interfaces 70
6-1 Device fabrication 70
6-2 Results and discussions 71
Chapter 7. Conclusion and future works 83
References 85
Biography 89
Publication list 90
Appendix : Electrical characteristics of a-SiGe:H thin-film transistors with Sb/Al binary alloy Schottky source/drain contact 92
A-1 Introduction 92
A-2 Device fabrication 93
A-2-1 a-SiGe Schottky diodes 93
A-2-2 a-SiGe TFTs 93
A-3 Results and discussions 94
A-3-1 a-SiGe Schottky diodes 94
A-3-2 a-SiGe TFTs 95
A-4 Conclusion 105
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指導教授 洪志旺(Jyh-Wong Hong) 審核日期 2003-6-2
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