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姓名 林茜茹(Cian-Ru Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 人力資源管理研究所
(Talent Management and Performance: A Moderated-Mediation Model of Career Competencies and Perceived Organizational Support)
★ 業務主管領導力對部屬招募行為之影響-以S壽險公司為例★ 人力精簡對企業績效的影響–以產業特性為調節變項
★ 經理人超額薪酬、經理人異動與公司績效之關係★ 人口老化對企業之影響與因應對策-以傳統產業為例
★ 運用羅吉斯迴歸探討企業績效、公司治理與經理人異動之關聯性★ 護理人員組織承諾與專業承諾對離職傾向與離業傾向的影響
★ 運用存活分析探討高科技產業招募者人格特質與離職風險之關聯性-以A公司為例★ 金融電子化對台灣銀行業組織績效及人力彈性影響之探討
★ 人力資源部門角色與功能轉變之個案研究★ 高階主管薪酬級距與公司績效之關聯性分析
★ 人力招募政策及主管領導風格對新進人員晉升與離職傾向之影響-以房仲業S公司為例★ 影響台灣勞工赴海外就業的決定性因素
★ 董事會特性對企業績效之影響-以人力資本為調節變項★ 董事會異質性之決定因素
★ 公司治理結構與就業調整★ 總經理雙元性、股權集中度、人力資本與組織績效
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摘要(中) 在今日變動快速又被動的商業環境中,有關人才永續的議題,於 ESG 浪潮之下逐 漸受到關注,擁有較高的策略價值和獨特性的人才可以作為企業的競爭價值來源,人才 管理更被認為具有重要的關鍵切入點。本研究以結構方程模型進行有關人才管理的相關 分析研究。探討人才管理措施是否透過中介項:職涯能耐的累積對員工任務性績效形成 影響,並加入感知組織支持作為調節因子。過程中,運用問卷調查法,以目前在台灣地 區的從業人員為主要調查對象,共計 220 份問卷作為統計分析資料。研究結果顯示: (1) 產生職場連結的人才管理措施對員工任務績效有正向影響效果 (2) 產生職場連結的人 才管理措施對職涯能耐有正向影響效果 (3) 職涯能耐對員工任務績效有正向影響效果 (4) 產生職場連結的人才管理措施會透過職涯能耐的累積對員工任務性績效形成正向影 響 (5) 感知組織支持在職涯能耐與任務績效之間的調節作用僅達低度統計顯著 (6) 最 終調節式中介模型因未達統計顯著,並未構成。然而,產生職場連結的人才管理措施、 職涯能耐與任務績效的中介效果模型仍成立。因此,透過企業對特定面向人才管理措施 的執行,讓員工的職涯能耐有所累積,進而期望提升員工任務性的績效表現。
摘要(英) My study uses structural equation modeling (SEM) to conduct an analysis of talent management. The study investigates whether talent management practices have an impact on employees’ task performance through the mediator, the accumulation of career competencies, with perceived organizational support (POS) as a moderator. A questionnaire survey is conducted with the current workforce in Taiwan as the main target group. A total of 220 questionnaires are used for statistical analysis. The results of the study reveal that: (1) Talent management practices relevant to task linkage have a positive effect on employees’ task performance (2) Talent management practices relevant to task linkage have a positive effect on career competencies (3) Career competencies have a positive effect on employees’ task performance (4) Talent management practices relevant to task linkage have a positive effect on employees’ task performance through the accumulation of career competencies (5) The moderating effect of perceived organizational support between career competencies and task performance is only weakly statistically significant (6) The final moderating mediator model is not valid as it isn’t statistically significant. However, the mediation model of talent management, career competencies and task performance that generate workplace linkages still holds. Therefore, the implementation of specific talent management practices is expected to build career competencies, which in turn will improve employees’ task performance.
關鍵字(中) ★ 人才管理
★ 職涯能耐
★ 感知組織支持
★ 任務性績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Talent Management
★ Task Performance
★ Career Competencies
★ Knowing-why
★ Knowing-whom
★ Knowing-how
★ Perceived organizational support
論文目次 Chinese Abstract ii
English Abstract iii
Table of Contents i
List of Figures iii
List of Tables iv
Chapter I. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation and Purpose 1
1.2 Research Outline 3
Chapter II. Literature Review and Hypotheses 5
2.1 Talent Management: Definition and Practices 5
2.2 Task Performance as an Outcome Variable 7
2.3 Career Competencies: Three Ways of Knowing 9
2.4 The Role of Career Competencies Between Talent Management and Task Performance 11
2.5 The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support 13
Chapter III. Research Method 16
3.1 Research Model 16
3.2 Research Sample and Data Collection 16
3.3 Variables Measurement 17
3.3.1 Talent Management 17
3.3.2 Career Competencies: Knowing-why, Knowing-whom, Knowing-how 17
3.3.3 Task Performance 18
3.3.4 Perceived Organizational Support 18
3.4 Analysis Method 19
3.4.1 Descriptive Statistics 20
3.4.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 20
3.4.3 Reliability and Validity Analysis 21
3.4.4 Correlation Analysis 22
3.4.5 Path Analysis 22
Chapter IV. Research Results 24
4.1 Descriptive Statistics 24
4.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis 25
4.3 Reliability and Validity Analysis 29
4.3.1 Cronbach’s α: Internal Consistency 30
4.3.2 Second-Order CFA: Composite Reliability, Construct Validity and Model Fit 31
4.4 Correlation Analysis 35
4.5 Path Analysis 36
4.5.1 Analysis of the Mediating Effect 37
4.5.2 Analysis of the MOME Model 39
Chapter V. Conclusion 42
5.1 Finding and Discussion 42
5.2 Management Implication 45
5.3 Limitations and Recommendations 46
References 49
Appendix 53
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指導教授 陳明園(Ming-Yuan Chen) 審核日期 2023-5-19
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